Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, September 6th 2011 / Thursday, September 8th 2011
Weekly Quotes “[Israel faces] a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza. The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.…”–Excerpts from the UN Palmer Commission report, confirming the legality of […]
Wednesday, August 31st 2011
Media-o-crity of the Week “I think a lot of people who realize that the occupation is wrong also realize that the Palestinians have the right to resist it–to use violence against Israelis, even to kill Israelis, especially when Israel is showing zero willingness to end the occupation, which has been the case since […]
Tuesday, August 23rd 2011 / Monday, October 3rd 2011
Weekly Quotes “Israel suffered one of its worst direct attacks in years [last] Thursday when terrorists from across its border with Egypt staged a series of co-ordinated assaults on commuter buses, killing seven people and wounding scores more. Hours later Israel responded with an air strike in the Gaza Strip that killed six Palestinians, […]
Tuesday, August 16th 2011 / Tuesday, October 4th 2011
Media-o-crity of the Week “Re[garding] the giant billboard being put up in Los Angeles demanding freedom for Gilad Shalit: Shalit was not kidnapped. He was in a tank crew firing on Gaza and was legitimately captured in a military action designed to protect Gazan civilians to the greatest extent possible under the circumstances. By […]
Tuesday, August 9th 2011 / Tuesday, October 4th 2011
Weekly Quotes “Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni’s unprecedented outburst against Prime Minister Netanyahu to an American audience…warrants Kadima calling for her immediate resignation as party leader. Livni’s eruption was unconscionable…[and] crossed all red lines.… In an extensive interview with James Bennett, editor of the influential US journal The Atlantic and Jeffrey Goldberg, a prominent American […]
Tuesday, August 2nd 2011 / Wednesday, October 5th 2011
Weekly Quotes “Egyptians were enthralled on Wednesday by the unprecedented sight of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, a leader of the Arab world for three decades and now the Arab Spring’s biggest scalp, being wheeled into a courtroom cage for his trial. Outside the courtroom they watched on a big screen as the frail octogenarian, […]
Tuesday, July 26th 2011 / Tuesday, October 11th 2011
Media-ocrity of the Week “Charges of anti-Semitism are not new to Richard Falk. A former Princeton University professor of international law, Falk has been publishing intermittently on Palestinian self-determination and what he considers Israeli military misdeeds for the past four decades.… To call Falk a ‘self-hating Jew,’ however, would imply that Falk harbors a […]
Tuesday, July 19th 2011 / Monday, October 17th 2011
Weekly Quotes “A recent Zogby poll asked Arabs their view of President Obama and the United States, and guess what? They’re not crazy about either one. America’s approval in the Arab world has plummeted in the past two years. Just 5 percent of Egyptians view the US favorably, down from 30 percent in 2009. […]
Tuesday, July 12th 2011 / Tuesday, October 18th 2011
Wednesday’s “News in Review” Round-Up Weekly Quotes “[U.S. president Barack Obama is] the most anti-Israel president in the history of the state, without any question. If you think that this is just a misunderstanding of where the green crayon went in 1949, then think again.…”—Former US envoy to the UN […]
Tuesday, July 5th 2011 / Tuesday, October 18th 2011
Weekly Quotes “The president wants to visit and he will do so.”—U.S. ambassador to Israel James B. Cunningham, in a meeting with Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin, conveying that U.S. President Barack Obama will visit Israel in the near future. Rivlin countered Cunningham’s assertion, saying that “Israelis sense that the atmosphere in the […]
Tuesday, June 28th 2011 / Wednesday, October 19th 2011
“This proposal was harsh; it was not simple for the State of Israel. However, we agreed to accept it in the belief that it was balanced between our desire to secure Gilad’s release and to prevent possible harm to the lives and security of the Israeli people.”—Israeli prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, confirming […]
Tuesday, June 21st 2011 / Wednesday, October 19th 2011
Weekly Quotes “A move like that will be a violation of all the agreements that were signed until today. Israel will no longer be committed to the agreements signed with the Palestinians in the past 18 years. In light of [PA President Mahmoud] Abbas’s current stance, the chances for negotiations are zero. […]
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