Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, February 6th 2012 / Monday, February 6th 2012
“We will support and help any nations, any groups fighting against the Zionist regime [Israel] across the world, and we are not afraid of declaring this. The Zionist regime is a true cancer tumor on this region that should be cut off. And it definitely will be cut off.”—Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, during […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, February 3rd 2012
L’HISTORIEN ANDRÉ CHAMPAGNE COMMENTE SUR LE DANGER REPRÉSENTÉ PAR LES FRÈRES MUSULMANS Dépêche, 27 Janvier 2012 Dans un échange avec l’animatrice Catherine Perrin, l’historien André Champagne discuta récemment du danger que représentent les Frères Musulmans dans l’Égypte contemporaine. La diffusion par Radio-Canada d’un commentaire critique à l’égard des Frères Musulmans est un […]
Wednesday, February 1st 2012
Weekly Quotes “Canada does not stand behind Israel; Canada stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel.”—Canadian Foreign Minister, John Baird, at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem, emphasizing Canada’s staunch support of the Jewish state, and reiterating that “Israel has no greater friend in the world than Canada.” (JTA, January 31.) “The […]
Tuesday, January 31st 2012 / Tuesday, June 19th 2012
Barbara Kay discusses "Israel and Delegitimation." [VIDEO]
Wednesday, January 25th 2012
Media-ocrity of the Week “The martyr is the ultimate source of pride.… It is the symbol of our homeland.”—Israeli Knesset member Ahmed Tibi (UAL-Ta’al), at an official Palestinian Authority event, paying homage to Palestinian martyrs—as “there is nothing more praiseworthy than those who die for the homeland”—and referring to Israelis as “those who occupy […]
Wednesday, January 18th 2012 / Wednesday, January 18th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “As a traveler, I am not a particularly choosy person. I will go pretty much anywhere, anytime. Wander on horseback into the mountains of Kyrgyzstan? Why not? Spend the night in a sketchy Burmese border town? Sure!… In fact, of all the world’s roughly 200 nations, there was only one…that […]
Wednesday, January 18th 2012 / Sunday, January 20th 2013
Combattre la ‘palestinisation’ des universités israéliennes, un enjeu crucial Pierre Itshak Lurçat, 7 janvier 2013 « Des milliers d’étudiants israéliens sont dégoûtés par la ‘palestinisation’ des sciences sociales et refusent la réécriture de l’histoire du sionisme et la dissimulation des découvertes archéologiques considérables… » écrit Dror Eidar […]
Wednesday, January 11th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “To assume that the Islamists will not be impacted, or moderated, by the responsibilities of power…is to miss the dynamism of Egyptian politics today. Come with me to Cairo’s dirt-poor Shubra el-Khema neighborhood…where I watched the last round of voting at a women-only voting center.… Here is what was so […]
Wednesday, January 4th 2012
Media-ocrity of the Week “Should any application of these provisions conflict with my constitutional authorities, I will treat the provisions as non-binding.”—Excerpt from US President Barack Obama’s signing statement on the 2012 Defense Authorization Act, which includes an amendment placing economic sanctions on financial institutions that do business with the Iran Central Bank, claiming […]
Wednesday, December 28th 2011
Media-ocrity of the Week “Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens US interests.”—US Vice President Joe Biden, stating that the Taliban, an al-Qaeda-aligned […]
Wednesday, December 21st 2011
Media-ocrities of the Week “In retrospect, I probably should have used a more precise term like ‘engineered’ by the Israel lobby—a term that does not suggest grand conspiracy theories.…”—New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, responding to intense criticism over an inflammatory article he penned last week in which he invoked age-old ant-Semitic stereotypes by […]
Wednesday, December 21st 2011 / Wednesday, February 15th 2012
Israel, the Jewish people’s miraculously reborn state, faces many serious and concerning current issues. Nevertheless, it is good from time to time to stand back from the periodic crises in order to appreciate the modern democratic polity’s resilient, ongoing strength and truly remarkable achievements. That Israel confronts many cascading and reinforcing threats is self-evident. […]
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