Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 9th 2012 / Friday, March 9th 2012
CRISE HUMANITAIRE DE GAZA: UN CHOIX POLITIQUE Jacques Benillouche Guysen International News, 5 mars 2012 Avec la saison du froid et les pluies inhabituelles dans la région, de nombreuses photos circulent pour dénoncer que Gaza est au bord de la crise humanitaire. Il est certes difficile de rester insensible à la misère humaine […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, March 8th 2012 / Thursday, March 8th 2012
PEERING BEHIND OBAMA’S PURIM COSTUME Michael Freund Jerusalem Post, March 7, 2012 Today is Purim, one of the most joyful festivals on the Jewish calendar, when we celebrate the deliverance of our ancestors from a Persian plot to annihilate them. It is a day rife with ritual, from the reading of the Book of Esther […]
Wednesday, March 7th 2012 / Wednesday, March 7th 2012
THE BOOK OF ESTHER THE JOYFUL FESTIVAL OF PURIM 2012 (5772) Baruch Cohen In beloved memory of Malca z’l “Should all Jewish festivals be abolished, Purim will remain.” “Tefilot Mikol Hashana” (D.W. Libshitz, p. 419, 1878) Purim will be celebrated forever. Purim will live on so long as prejudice, hatred, and enemies like Hamas, […]
Tuesday, March 6th 2012 / Tuesday, March 6th 2012
Today’s Briefing: THE MIDDLE EAST’S REAL APARTHEID Efraim Karsh, Jerusalem Post, March 5, 2012 PM NETANYAHU’S SPEECH AT THE 2012 AIPAC POLICY CONFERENCE Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, March 6, 2012 THE ‘JEWISH’ PRESIDENT Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal, March 6, 2012 OBAMA SETS OUT THE CASE FOR AN ISRAELI STRIKE Caroline […]
CIJR PURIM FUND APPEAL Today, as Israel and the Jewish People Face a New, Nuclear-Armed Haman, & The “Israeli Apartheid Week” Cult Spreads Its Hatred on Campuses PLEASE SUPPORT CIJR’S PRO-ISRAEL WORK & HELP US DEFEND STUDENTS ON AND OFF CAMPUS As an independent pro-Israel think tank, we must raise our own funds […]
CIJR PURIM FUND APPEAL Today, as Israel and the Jewish People Face a New, Nuclear-Armed Haman, & The “Israeli Apartheid Week” Cult Spreads Its Hatred on Campuses PLEASE SUPPORT CIJR’S PRO-ISRAEL WORK & HELP US DEFEND STUDENTS ON AND OFF CAMPUS As an independent pro-Israel think tank, we must raise our own […]
Monday, March 5th 2012 / Monday, March 5th 2012
The following is excerpted from US President Barack Obama’s speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference on March 4, 2012. “…Let’s begin with a basic truth that you all understand: No Israeli government can tolerate a nuclear weapon in the hands of a regime that denies the Holocaust, threatens to wipe Israel off the map, and […]
Friday, March 2nd 2012 / Friday, March 2nd 2012
APRÈS LES REQUINS DU MOSSAD, LES POULES ÉGYPTIENNES EMPOISONNÉES Laure Onno Guysen International News, 27 février 2012 On croyait en avoir fini avec les vieux stéréotypes antisémites, mais visiblement ils vont toujours bon train. En Égypte on soupçonne encore Israël de semer du poison. On se souvient des Accusations datant du Moyen-âge, selon lesquelles les […]
Friday, March 2nd 2012
Benjamin Brown, The Hazon Ish: Halakhist, Believer and Leader of the Haredi Revolution [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2011). xiv + 951 pages, + English summary. ISBN: 978-965 -493-528-9 Haredi Judaism, also known as “ultra-Orthodoxy”, is much in the news recently. It has come to be seen as a strong and controversial force on the […]
HARPER MUST STAND BY ISRAEL IN WARTIME Editorial National Post, March 2, 2012 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be in Ottawa today. No doubt, he and Prime Minister Stephen Harper will discuss a wide range of topics. But the most important, by far, will be Iran. Mr. Netanyahu is seeking to build support for […]
Thursday, March 1st 2012 / Thursday, March 1st 2012
HATRED: COMING SOON TO A CAMPUS NEAR YOU Dore Gold Jerusalem Post, February 22, 2012 Anti-Israel hatred on campus crests each year during an event called Israel Apartheid Week. With this ominous name and programs that thrive on ignorance and blind disregard for the facts, tens of thousands of college students are urged to rise […]
Wednesday, February 29th 2012
Media-ocrity of the Week The following is a letter written by CIJR’s Publications Chairman to the Jerusalem Post’s editor. Re: Of Hate and Hope (Jerusalem Post, February 23.) The publication of Daniel Eisenbud’s denigration of a “nefarious breed of Jewish immigrant [that] comes [to Israel] filled with rage” crosses the line. That […]
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