Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, April 20th 2012
TARIQ RAMADAN ET SALAH BASALAMAH SUR LA CHARIA, LES ACCOMMODEMENTS RAISONNABLES ET LES AGORAS CITOYENNES Dépêche, 20 avril 2012 En 2004, dans une interview accordée à un périodique égyptien, Tariq Ramadan critiqua les leaders musulmans opérant au Canada parce qu’ils avaient ouvertement promu la charia et les tribunaux islamiques. Ramadan leur reprocha […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, April 20th 2012 / Friday, April 20th 2012
PETER BEINART’S PEACE-MAKING Daniel Gordis Jerusalem Post, March 22, 2012 ‘To save Israel, boycott the settlements,’ Peter Beinart pleaded [in March] in [the] New York Times. Israel, he says, is dangerously creating one political entity between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, in which “millions of West Bank Palestinians are barred from citizenship and […]
Thursday, April 19th 2012 / Thursday, April 19th 2012
Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, was ushered in at 8 PM Wednesday night at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. The central theme of this year’s (April 19) commemoration is “My Brother’s Keeper—Jewish Solidarity During the Holocaust.” At the ceremony, attended by Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, six survivors lit […]
Wednesday, April 18th 2012 / Wednesday, April 18th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “Settlements are a cancer spreading all over Palestinian land, and cancer should be treated and eradicated. I am talking about…not buying…products from these settlements.”—Israeli MK Ahmed Tibi (UAL-Ta’al), during a visit to Ottawa, calling on Canadians to boycott products manufactured in Israeli “settlements.” According to Postmedia, Tibi was aware that […]
Tuesday, April 17th 2012 / Wednesday, April 18th 2012
STATE OF CHAOS PREVAILS OVER EGYPT’S DIVISIVE CANDIDATES Issandr El Amrani Nation, April 17, 2012 No one can tell you where Egypt is headed. Not the revolutionary groups that have become a sideshow as politics has moved from the streets to parliament and the courts. Not the politicians who, even if they were not spending […]
Monday, April 16th 2012
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Monday, April 16th 2012 / Tuesday, April 17th 2012
Monday, April 16th 2012 / Monday, April 16th 2012
WORLD POWERS TO IRAN: KEEP BUILDING NUKES P. David Hornik FrontPage, April 16, 2012 On Saturday the P5+1 countries (the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, and China plus Germany) met with Iran in Istanbul for what is being called a “first round” of nuclear talks. By all accounts, it was a “round” with little or no […]
Israel's Jewish identity and the relationship between Israeli and American Jewry is discussed by Jerusalem Post Columnist Isi Leibler and the Jewish Agency's Barry Spielman on a Shalom TV presentation of "L'Chayim."
Thursday, April 12th 2012 / Monday, April 16th 2012
LET POLLARD GO! Editorial Jerusalem Post, April 11, 2012 On June 13, US President Barack Obama, campaigning for reelection, plans to honor President Shimon Peres by bestowing upon him the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom. Whatever Obama’s motives, this could constitute a source of pride for much-maligned Israel. But it could turn into a hollow […]
Thursday, April 12th 2012 / Thursday, April 12th 2012
Les élections américaines et Israël Jacques Benillouche, 11 avril 2012 L’américain modéré Mitt Romney, favori dans la course à l'investiture du Parti républicain, vient d’être désigné pour s’opposer à la réélection de Barack Obama. Il aura la lourde tâche de convaincre la majorité des juifs à voter pour lui alors que, pour […]
IRAN’S LATEST ‘LAST CHANCE’ Jacob Laksin FrontPage, April 10, 2012 After years of failed talks, the international community has come up with a familiar strategy to halt Iran’s rapidly growing nuclear program: more talks. On April 13-14, UN Security Council members Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States, along with Germany, will hold the […]
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