Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, May 31st 2012
SYRIA IS WALKING ALL OVER THE UN Peter Goodspeed National Post, May 28, 2012 The massacre of the children of Houla and their families has deepened the sense of crisis in Syria, but the United Nations is unlikely to do anything about it. Former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan arrived in Damascus Monday for yet another […]
Wednesday, May 30th 2012 / Wednesday, May 30th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “We won’t agree to recognize something called the Jewish state.”—Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in an interview with Lebanon’s An-Nahhar, reiterating his refusal ever to recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people, and threatening that unless “new ideas” are presented to revive the peace process, the Palestinians again […]
Tuesday, May 29th 2012 / Tuesday, May 29th 2012
“Egypt’s first free presidential elections have flung up a shock as a military representative of the former regime will fight it out with a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. This direct clash between diametrically opposed authoritarian and religious visions of Egypt’s future firmly marginalizes the liberal and secular option. This kind of choice is absolutely […]
Video & Audio Recordings
Monday, May 28th 2012
Friday, May 25th 2012
Kress, Jeffrey S. Development, Learning, and Community: Educating for Identity in Pluralistic Jewish High Schools. (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2012). xi+202 pages. ISBN: 978-1-936235-30-8. All Jews are agreed that the Jewish future, whatever it will look like, will be keyed to the education Jews receive. What should that education be like? Nearly all committed […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, May 25th 2012 / Tuesday, June 26th 2012
NAQBA : LA CATASTROPHE « PALESTINIENNE » Guy Millière, 24 mai 2012 Le 15 mai dernier, les « Palestiniens » célébraient le jour de la naqba, la catastrophe qu’est censée avoir été la création de l’État d’Israël. Nombre d’Arabes israéliens l’ont eux-mêmes célébré, montrant ainsi qu’ils sont infectés par le même venin que les […]
BREAKING NEWS: According to preliminary results, Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Muhammad Mursi has won the first round of Egypt’s election and will face off against Ahmed Shafiq, the last prime minister to serve under Hosni Mubarak, in a run-off vote scheduled for June 16 and 17. With ballots counted from about 12,800 of the […]
Thursday, May 24th 2012
Banish the sleep from the eyes of all Jews; Come on you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas. Banish the sleep from the eyes of all Jews; Come on you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas. Forget about the whole world, forget about the conferences, Brandish your weapons, say your prayers. Forget about […]
Wednesday, May 23rd 2012 / Wednesday, May 23rd 2012
BREAKING NEWS: “There’s a new offer on the table which addresses our concerns, not least the 20% enriched uranium. We’re hoping the Iranians will respond in a positive way.”—Michael Mann, spokesman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, claiming world powers tabled a possible deal during nuclear talks in Baghdad on Wednesday, seeking concessions […]
Tuesday, May 22nd 2012
Tuesday, May 22nd 2012 / Tuesday, May 22nd 2012
On Monday, a deal reportedly was reached with Iran to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear watchdog, to restart a long-stalled investigation into Tehran’s secret work on developing nuclear weapons. The news came directly from IAEA chief Yukiya Amano, who returned from Tehran on Tuesday following a rare visit in […]
Friday, May 18th 2012 / Friday, May 18th 2012
On the 28th day of the Jewish month of Iyar (May 20, 2012), the day in 1967 that the Western Wall was liberated, the nation of Israel celebrates Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day. In doing so, we commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Six-Day War triumph, the miraculous victory over the combined armies of Syria, Jordan […]
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