Thursday, August 23rd 2012
Letter from Tammi Rossman-Benjamin to Daniel Dooley, VP University of California September 8, 2011 Daniel M. Dooley Senior Vice President- External Relations Vice President – Agriculture & Natural Resources Office of the President University of California Dear Mr. Dooley, We are faculty at the University of California and co-founders of the […]
Letter regarding Jewish Student Campus Climate Report Tammi Rossman-Benjamin & Leila Beckwith University of California, August 20, 2012 Dear UC Advisory Committee on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion: We are faculty at the University of California who, for the last several years, have been involved with efforts to document and address campus […]
Thursday, August 23rd 2012 / Thursday, August 23rd 2012
Click to view the University of California Jewish Student Campus Climate Report
Letter from the Jewish Community to UC Regents and President AMCHA Initiative, August 14, 2012 Dear UC Regents and President Yudof: Please find attached a petition signed by over 1,000 members and supporters of the California Jewish community — including hundreds of UC students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff and donors — who are […]
For a pdf copy of Avigdor Lieberman's Letter to the Quartet please click on the link below: Lieberman Letter to Quartet, August 2012
Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, August 22nd 2012 / Thursday, August 23rd 2012
Contents: Weekly Quotes | Short Takes | On Topic Links ________________________________________________________ Media-ocrity of the Week $10.5 million, including an annual salary of $1 million is the pay package Mark Thompson, formerly director general of the BBC, will receive as the newly hired New York Times CEO. Thompson stands to make as […]
Tuesday, August 21st 2012 / Thursday, August 23rd 2012
Contents: No Future in France: Dire Times for French Jews Al-Quds Day is Just a Soapbox for a Hatefest In Egypt, Anti-Semitism Is Back in Fashion The Sinister Alliance of the Islamist-Marxist Axis On Topic Links ________________________________________________________________________ NO FUTURE IN FRANCE: DIRE TIMES FOR FRENCH JEWS Michel Gurfinkiel PJ Media, August 12, 2012 […]
Monday, August 20th 2012 / Tuesday, August 21st 2012
[Manfred Gerstenfeld is a member of the Board of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, of which he has been Chairman for twelve years.] Originally published in Yneet News. The short Norwegian summer was this year not as quiet as usual. Some aspects of this are also relevant for Israel and the local […]
Monday, August 20th 2012 / Monday, August 20th 2012
Contents: Lest We Forget: Dieppe, August 19, 1942 Sunday, August 19 marks the 70th anniversary of the tragic World War II Dieppe raid, codenamed Operation Jubilee, which was aimed against the heavily-fortified German-occupied port town on the northeastern French coast. EU politicians ignore Muslim world’s crimes Western countries are signatories of the 1948 […]
Friday, August 17th 2012 / Friday, August 17th 2012
Contents: Irwin Cotler M.P. Pens Letter to IOC Head Jacques Rogge I am writing you as a Member of the Canadian Parliament and mover of a parliamentary motion which was unanimously passed by the Canadian House of Commons on June 13, 2012. What Do the Jews Have to Do? Arab/Muslim hatred of the […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, August 17th 2012
LES SYMPATHIES ISLAMIQUES D’OBAMA Guy Millière, 14 août 2012 Ceux qui douteraient des sympathies islamiques de Barack Obama devraient prêter attention au repas de rupture du jeune de ramadan qu’il a organisé à la Maison Blanche vendredi soir dernier. Etaient invités tous les ambassadeurs des pays membres de l’Organisation de la Conférence […]
Thursday, August 16th 2012 / Thursday, August 16th 2012
Contents: Boycott of Israeli Settlements Would Shatter United Church’s Credibility On Friday, the United Church of Canada will vote on the Report of the Working Group on Israel/Palestine Policy, which includes a church-wide boycott of goods from Israeli settlements. Radical Elements in United Church Infected With Antisemitism, Minister Says Antisemitism and racism are fuelling […]
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