Sunday, September 9th 2012 / Monday, September 10th 2012
President Shimon Peres was right to laud Canada as a “moral role model” for the nations of the world. Commenting on Ottawa’s Friday decision to cut diplomatic relations with Iran, Peres said, “Canada has proven once again that morals come before pragmatism, (and that) policy must reflect principles and values … I thank Canada for […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, September 7th 2012 / Tuesday, April 30th 2013
The resurgence of Hebrew literature in America and the Jewish refugees from Arab lands. Contents: Articles: Nobility Eclipsed Justice Delayed is Justice Denied On Topic Links Nobility Eclipsed Justice for Jews from Arab Countries Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries: Report.pdf Massive reservoir discovered beneath Western Wall Sobibor: archaeologists unearth hidden horrors of the Nazi era […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, September 7th 2012 / Friday, September 7th 2012
A LA VEILLE D’UN IRAN NUCLÉARISÉ : LES DANGERS ET LES ENJEUX Dore Gold le CAPE de Jérusalem, 6 septembre 2012 Le report d’une action militaire américaine contre l’Iran causera des implications dramatiques pour l’Etat juif car une attaque de la » dernière minute » pourrait porter un lourd coup […]
Friday, September 7th 2012 / Wednesday, September 12th 2012
ARE YOU A CONCERNED STUDENT? Frustrated with blatant anti-Israel sentiment on campus? Feel at a loss when negative comments are made in class? Want balanced discussion, but are shaky on your m.e. facts? Then, CIJR’S Student Israel Advocacy Program is designed for you! LEARN ABOUT: Judaism and the History of the jewish […]
Thursday, September 6th 2012 / Friday, September 7th 2012
Contents: Articles Kurds in the New Middle East Israeli Military Intel Warns Of Impending Crises An Economic Powerhouse That Could Go Islamist On Topic Links Turkey: A Baffling 24 Hours Turkey’s New ‘Strategic Depth’ Justice for the Kurds Ancient Origins of the Kurds Kurdistan: The Next Flashpoint Between Turkey, Iraq, and the […]
Wednesday, September 5th 2012 / Tuesday, September 11th 2012
Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to extend well-wishes on the occasion of Id al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan. He did so despite the fact that Abbas continues to shun negotiations with the Jewish state and again has threatened to pursue a unilateral declaration […]
Wednesday, September 5th 2012 / Wednesday, September 5th 2012
Contents : Weekly Quotes | Short Takes | On Topic Links ______________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY QUOTES "I strongly reject threats by any member state to destroy another or outrageous attempts to deny historical facts such as the Holocaust" – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon in his speech at the Non-Aligned Movement conference in Tehran. (Associated Press, […]
Tuesday, September 4th 2012 / Tuesday, September 4th 2012
Contents: Articles: From Sinai To Cairo: Morsy Makes His Move Sinai, the New Egypt, and the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty The Region: Egypt Kicks Sand in Obama’s Face Intelligence Document Reveals Muslim Brotherhood Role in Egyptian Revolution On Topic Links Sinai, The New Egypt, And The Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty Hamas' Role in […]
Monday, September 3rd 2012 / Tuesday, September 4th 2012
Book Review by Prof. Ira Robinson, Academic Fellow, CIJR Department of Religion, Concordia University Liebman, Laura Arnold. Messianism, Secrecy and Mysticism: A New Interpretation of Early American Jewish Life. (London and Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 2012). xxviii + 388 pages. ISBN: 978 0 85303 833 7. This book reacts strongly to the way […]
Friday, August 31st 2012 / Monday, September 3rd 2012
Contents: Articles: Waging a moral war Jewish Struggle for Rights The Human Spirit: Prisoners of Zion Profiles in Courage On Topic Links Talmudic Sage for the Masses Burying Our Own History and Heritage Wistrich on ‘the Left, the Jews and Israel' Israeli Scholar Completes Mission To 'Fix' Bible ________________________________________________________________ WAGING A MORAL WAR Shlomo Riskin […]
Thursday, August 30th 2012 / Tuesday, September 4th 2012
LE DÉSASTRE OBAMA VA-T-IL PRENDRE FIN LE 6 NOVEMBRE PROCHAIN ? Guy Millière, 26 août 2012 J’entends m’adresser, bien au-delà des media tricolores, à tous ceux qui souhaitent faire preuve de lucidité, et j’ose espérer qu’ils sont nombreux. Je m’adresse aussi à ceux qui, en Israël ou en France, […]
Thursday, August 30th 2012 / Thursday, August 30th 2012
Contents: Articles: Avigdor Liberman Letter to Baroness Ashton Palestine Is Not the Problem Boeotia in Palestine: The War for Area C The Case Against Disengagement; Why Repeat What Didn’t Work? On Topic Links The War Against the Jews Prosor: Roar of Gaza Rockets Fall on Deaf Ears to UN Israeli 'Occupation' a […]
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