Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, October 16th 2012
Articles: The Region: Empowering the Middle East’s Radicals : Barry Rubin, Jerusalem Post, Oct. 14, 2012 There are two problems with US policy toward the Middle East: both the analysis and response aren’t just wrong, they make things much worse. Fascism In Our New Constitution : Sherif Younis, Egypt Independent, Oct. 8, 2012 The […]
Monday, October 15th 2012 / Monday, October 15th 2012
Articles: Netanyahu Faces Wild Cards in Early Elections The Israeli government has called a general election for Jan. 22, and polls suggest Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightist-religious coalition is likely to win a renewed majority — but an array of wild cards make the outcome of this campaign unpredictable nonetheless…. Ha’aretz poll: Netanyahu Beats Election […]
Monday, October 15th 2012
Articles: Netanyahu Faces Wild Cards in Early Elections The Israeli government has called a general election for Jan. 22, and polls suggest Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightist-religious coalition is likely to win a renewed majority — but an array of wild cards make the outcome of this campaign unpredictable nonetheless…. Ha’aretz […]
Friday, October 12th 2012 / Friday, October 12th 2012
Articles: The Vilna Gaon and Jewish Destiny: Michael Freund, Jerusalem Post, October 3, 2012 This [past] Friday (Oct. 6) marks the anniversary of the passing of one of the greatest men to have walked this earth over the past few centuries, a figure that had a lasting impact on the Jewish people, as well […]
Friday, October 12th 2012
Articles: Iran Becomes a Nuclear Threshold State : A. Savyon and Y. Carmon, MEMRI, October 5, 2012 "We just cannot continue business as usual, that every country can build its own factories for separating plutonium or enriching uranium. Then we are really talking about 30, 40 countries sitting on the fence with […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
L’ETAT D’ISRAËL ET LES LENDEMAINS REMPLIS D’INCERTITUDES Freddy Eytan Le CAPE de Jérusalem, 10 octobre 2012 Les trois prochains mois sont imprévisibles mais décisifs pour l’Etat juif, le Moyen-Orient et la communauté internationale. Tout semble volatil et même sur le dernier sprint dans la course à la Maison Blanche, le pronostic […]
Wednesday, October 10th 2012 / Thursday, October 11th 2012
Contents: Weekly Quotes | Short Takes | On Topic Links Launch Celebration and Working Session October 12, 2012 Huntsman Hall, Philadelphia 9am – 12 noon The Israel section of Knowledge@Wharton is a working forum on Israel innovations that have contributed to global social impact in the areas of food, water, energy, security, health care and communications. Our […]
Tuesday, October 9th 2012 / Friday, October 26th 2012
Originally Published in the Jerusalem Post, October 10, 2012 21:31 …The Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs, formerly The Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy, is the by-product of a major revamping in mid-2011 of Canada’s Israel advocacy community, which saw a diverse spectrum of pro-Israel organizations consolidated into one body. […]
Friday, October 5th 2012 / Friday, October 5th 2012
L’IRAN CONFIRME QU’IL RAYERA ISRAËL DE LA CARTE Michel Garroté, 28 septembre 2012 C’est une histoire vraie et toute récente, en plusieurs étapes. Mais c’est aussi une histoire plus ancienne, qui a débuté en 1979 (des ayatollahs intégristes prennent le pouvoir par la force en Iran) ; une histoire […]
Friday, October 5th 2012
Articles: Sukkot – 5773 The festival of Sukkot symbolizes the booths in which the Israelites dwelled during their forty-years journey through the desert, after coming out of the land of Egypt. The Mount of Olives Declaration A thousand years ago the Tishrei holiday period, culminating with Sukkot, was the highlight of the year. In […]
Originally ublished in the Jewish Tribune, October 3, 2012 The United State of America is “not setting deadlines” on Iran and is still committed to negotiations, which are “by far the best approach” to prevent Tehran from becoming a nuclear power, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared recently. To ensure the […]
Thursday, October 4th 2012 / Thursday, October 4th 2012
Articles: World Order, Under Siege? The Bottom of Benghazi Mitt Romney Bested two Foes last Night On Topic Links Obama at the UN: A Speech That had Nothing to do with Real Middle East Go Large, Mitt! Can We Believe the Presidential Polls? ______________________________________________________________ Launch Celebration and Working Session October […]
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