Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, November 9th 2012 / Friday, November 9th 2012
LA VICTOIRE D’OBAMA À LA VEILLE DES ÉLECTIONS ISRAÉLIENNES Freddy Eytan Le CAPE de Jérusalem, 8 novembre 2012 Après l’euphorie de la victoire et la réélection d’Obama de nombreuses questions se posent sur les capacités de l’homme qui va diriger les Etats-Unis et le monde libre durant les quatre […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, November 8th 2012 / Thursday, November 8th 2012
Download the Isranet Daily Briefing in .pdf format Contents: Obama’s Victory: Isi Leibler, Jerusalem Post, Nov. 8, 2012 —By now, Obama may also have independently reached the conclusion that by distancing the US and exerting harsh pressure on Israel, all he achieved was to embolden the radical Islamists and encourage the Palestinians to become […]
Wednesday, November 7th 2012
Contents:Weekly Quotes|Short Takes|On Topic CIJR’S Latest ISRAZINE is now available. Click Here: Israel’s Levy Report – Clarifying the Misconceptions Weekly Quotes “Hopefully, from [Barack] Obama’s vantage, he may have appreciated that bullying or demeaning Netanyahu was counter-productive…Should Obama revert to his earlier approach of continuously publicly reprimanding Israel […]
Wednesday, November 7th 2012 / Wednesday, November 7th 2012
November 6, when the U.S. chooses a new, or re-elects a sitting, President is a day of momentous, world-historical importance. For a host of reasons, which I will try to lay out, the better choice insofar as Israel and Jewish issues is concerned, seems to me personally to be far and away Mitt Romney. […]
Tuesday, November 6th 2012 / Tuesday, November 6th 2012
** NEW: ISRALERT ** Weekly Political Video Analysis With Professor F. krantz CIJR’S Latest ISRAZINE is now available on line ( Israel's Levy Report: Clarifying the Misconceptions Download the Isranet Daily Briefing in .pdf format Contents: Why Obama Should be Voted Out of Office Today: Barry Rubin, GLORIA Center, Nov. 6, 2012 There are many reasons why […]
When examining the Presidential election campaign, it is tempting to focus on the polls, the debates, the television commercials, and the candidates’ speeches. But from the perspective of most Israelis the dominant issue is much more profound. It concerns not only the Iranian nuclear threat, but thousands of years of Jewish history. […]
Monday, November 5th 2012 / Tuesday, November 6th 2012
** NEW ISRALERT ** Weekly Political Video Analysis With Professor F. krantz CIJR’S Latest ISRAZINE is now available on line ( Israel's Levy Report: Clarifying the Misconceptions Contents: How Far Obama Has Fallen: Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal, Nov. 2, 2012 No one knows what will happen. Maybe […]
Friday, November 2nd 2012
CIJR’S Latest ISRAZINE is now available on line ( Israel's Levy Report: Clarifying the Misconceptions Contents: Happy Balfour Day!: Michael Freund, Jerusalem Post, Oct. 31, 2012 The creation of the Zionist state was neither a rogue act nor an unlawful deed. It was fully grounded in international law and approved by the […]
LA MENACE DE L’ISLAM EN OCCIDENT Zvi Tenney, 27 octobre 2012 On apprend qu’une étude récente de l’Ifop pour Le Figaro montre que la montée du communautarisme des musulmans accentue leur rejet par l’opinion française. Voici quelques chiffres: 60 % pensent que cette religion a désormais « trop d’importance […]
Thursday, November 1st 2012 / Thursday, November 1st 2012
CIJR’S Latest ISRAZINE is now available on line ( Israel's Levy Report: Clarifying the Misconceptions Contents: Cool Factor Fades as Independents Flee Obama: Victor Davis Hanson, Real Clear Politics, Nov. 1, 2012 In 2008, Barack "No Drama" Obama was the coolest presidential candidate America had ever seen — young, hip, Ivy League, […]
China, Israel and the Jewish People March 28, 2012 Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld is Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where he founded and directs the Center's Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism program. Interview series: Dr. S. Wald of JPPPI, "They see the Jews as an old people with a […]
Wednesday, October 31st 2012 / Thursday, November 1st 2012
Contents:Weekly Quotes|Short Takes|On Topic CIJR’S Latest ISRAZINE is now available. Click Here: Israel’s Levy Report – Clarifying the Misconceptions Weekly Quotes “The challenge we have to face is the new shape of old anti-Semitism, a new system of legitimacy to express anti-Semitism that revolves around hatred of Israel and […]
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