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Executive director of UN Watch
Monday, July 30th 2012 / Tuesday, July 31st 2012
Translation of the Levy Report legal arguments found in Elder of Ziyon Blog Having considered the approaches presented before us [from the Left and from the Right], we think a reasonable interpretation of the standard term of "occupation", with all the obligations arising from it, in the provisions of international law is intended to apply for short periods of […]
Having considered the approaches presented before us [from the Left and from the Right], we think a reasonable interpretation of the standard term of "occupation", with all the obligations arising from it, in the provisions of international law is intended to apply for short periods of occupation of a territory of a sovereign state until the end of the conflict […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, July 27th 2012
CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH RESEARCH TISHA B’AV: THE NINTH OF AV Baruch Cohen Tisha B’av (The Ninth of Av) is the traditional day of mourning for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Today, our enemies are calling again for the destruction of our Temple, Israel’s Capital, the Capital of the Jewish People: […]
Thursday, July 26th 2012 / Tuesday, July 31st 2012
Tisha B'Av, the mournful commemoration of Jewish national destruction and self-destruction which falls this weekend, hasn’t quite reached the status of Yom Kippur as a day of reflection and repentance. But it should. Especially here in modern Israel. We are repeating so many of the mistakes made by our ancestors in the First and Second […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, July 26th 2012
LES MASSACRES EN SYRIE NE FONT QUE COMMENCER Guy Millière, 25 juillet 2012 Il se peut que le régime de Bachar Al Assad en Syrie s’effondre bientôt. Pour ce qui me concerne, j’ai des doutes quant à ce point. Je pense que le régime va tomber, mais que sa chute ne […]
Thursday, July 26th 2012 / Thursday, July 26th 2012
IRAQI DISTRESS SIGNALS Editorial Wall Street Journal, July 25, 2012 Meanwhile, back in Iraq. As Syria’s civil war worsens and the U.S. watches mostly from the sidelines, violence is escalating again in another Middle East country from which President Obama has disengaged. At least 115 Iraqis died on Monday in terrorist strikes on military and […]
Wednesday, July 25th 2012
Media-ocrities of the Week “[There is] no consensus among the EU member states for putting Hezbollah on the terrorist list.… Should there be tangible evidence of Hezbollah engaging in acts of terrorism, the EU would consider listing the organization.”—Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, the foreign minister of Cyprus, which currently holds the EU’s rotating presidency, in a […]
Tuesday, July 24th 2012 / Tuesday, July 24th 2012
HOLDING IRAN ACCOUNTABLE FOR TERRORIST ATTACKS Editorial Washington Post, July 20, 2012 The bombing of a bus in Bulgaria filled with Israeli tourists [last] Wednesday underlines the grim fact that Iran is waging a war of terrorism. Using the territory of countries across the world, working sometimes through proxies like Lebanon’s Hezbollah and sometimes with […]
Monday, July 23rd 2012 / Monday, July 23rd 2012
Following last week’s bombing in Damascus, in which multiple leading Syrian regime figures were killed by opposition forces, the NY Times reported that Israel and the U.S. are engaged in talks over whether to launch a pre-emptive mission to secure Syria’s chemical and biological weapons. As the security situation throughout Syria continues to deteriorate, […]
Friday, July 20th 2012 / Friday, July 20th 2012
NEVER DID I ASK… Baruch Cohen To Mother: Never did I ask why dawns are red Never did I ask why flags are like hawthorns Never did I ask why flowers look tearful in those mornings Never did I ask why dusks don’t lose their splendour I always saw Mother’s tears How she wiped them […]
Thursday, July 19th 2012 / Thursday, July 19th 2012
LE VÉRITABLE MAÎTRE DE L'EGYPTE: MOHAMED TANTAWI Daniel Pipes et Cynthia Farahat The Washington Times, 11 juillet 2012 Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert Que signifie le fait que Mohamed Morsi soit président de l'Egypte? Parlant au nom de l'opinion américaine largement répandue, Bret Stephens a récemment argumenté dans le Wall Street […]
Thursday, July 19th 2012
Yesterday, at least six civilians, including 5 Israelis, were killed by a terrorist at the airport of the Bulgarian city of Burgas. The attack targeted one of four Israeli tour buses carrying passengers who arrived on a charter plane from Ben-Gurion Airport. An investigation carried out by Bulgarian and Israeli authorities, in conjunction with the […]
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