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Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, April 8th 2013
Download an abbreviated version of today's Isranet Daily Briefing.pdf Contents: President Shimon Peres: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Apr. 7, 2013—“Today, Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day is also the memorial day for 70 years since the beginning of the […]
Muslim anti-Semitism in Western Europe Manfred Gerstenfeld Tundra Tabloids, Feb. 20, 2013 European governments often avoid exposing Muslim anti-Semitism. In colonial times, Western racism far exceeded any other discrimination. With these guilt feelings, to accuse an immigrant minority group of having a high percentage of people who hate another minority – i.e., […]
Friday, April 5th 2013 / Thursday, April 25th 2013
Dr.Manfred Gerstenfeld: Has The Netherlands Gone Mad On Jewish Issues? Manfred Gerstenfeld Tundra Tabloids, Apr. 5, 2013 One has to wonder……. HAS THE NETHERLANDS GONE MAD ON JEWISH ISSUES? In February the Dutch national media “forgot” to report on a mainstream TV broadcast in which a number of Dutch Turkish youngsters […]
Friday, April 5th 2013
Download an abbreviated version of today's Isranet Daily Briefing.pdf Contents: Am Yisrael, Strong As Ever, Yom Hashoah v’Hagvurah: Baruch Cohen, CIJR, Apr. 5, 2013—Many ask, “Why did the Jews go like sheep to the slaughter?” This superficial question, in and […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, April 4th 2013 / Saturday, April 6th 2013
Obama aux Palestiniens: Accepter l'Etat juif Daniel Pipes The Washington Times, 26 mars 2013 Adaptation française: Anne-Marie Delcambre de Champvert Un changement majeur dans la politique américaine a été négligé dans le flot de nouvelles au sujet de la visite mouvementée de cinquante heures de Barack Obama en […]
Thursday, April 4th 2013 / Friday, April 5th 2013
Download an abbreviated version of today's Isranet Daily Briefing.pdf Contents: The Putinization of Turkey: Benny Avni, New York Post, March 28, 2013—Following Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan these days is like watching a chameleon. You never know which color he’ll […]
Wednesday, April 3rd 2013
Contents: Weekly Quotes | Short Takes Download Today's Isranet Briefing.pdf On Topic Links Tamar’s Blessing: Editorial, Jerusalem Post, Apr. 2. 2013 Syria: Divided We Stand: Lawrence Soloman, Times of Israel, Mar. 28, 2013 Why are Israelis So Damn Happy?: Allison Kaplan Sommer, Ha’aretz, Apr.03, 2013 Weekly Quotes […]
Originally published in Israel Hayom, March 31, 2013 Oh, how we have compromised and conceded so much for the sake of peace with the Palestinians! Two decades ago, they told us that talking directly to the Palestine Liberation Organization was necessary for peace, despite that organization's monstrous terrorist record. Creating the first self-governing […]
Friday, March 29th 2013 / Friday, March 29th 2013
La fête de la liberté – Pessah 5773 Baruch Cohen ICRJ A la mémoire de Malca z”l Pessah est une histoire d’espoir (Élie Wiesel) Pessah, Pâque, est la fête de la liberté. Se réunir autour de la table du Seder fournit un sentiment de chaleur et de joie. […]
Friday, March 29th 2013
Download an abbreviated version of today's Isranet Daily Briefing.pdf Contents: Battleground York University: Joanne Hill, Jewish Tribune, March 28, 2013 —Pro-Israel students were visibly upset and some were crying after the York Federation of Students (YFS) passed a motion to endorse […]
Thursday, March 28th 2013 / Thursday, March 28th 2013
Download an abbreviated version of today's Isranet Daily Briefing.pdf Contents: The New Strategic Environment: Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Jewish Press, March 19th, 2013—The way it looks now, it seems that the regime of al-Assad will not last more than a number of days […]
Monday, March 25th 2013
Download an abbreviated version of today's Isranet Daily Briefing.pdf Contents: Passover's Enduring Message of Freedom: Ruth R. Wisse, Wall Street Journal, March 21, 2013—On Monday, millions of children will ask their parents: Why is tonight different from all other nights […]
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