Monday, May 13th 2019
By Barbara Kay It is estimated that about one-third of the globe’s population suffers from religious persecution. By the numbers, Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. An Italian study calculates that in 2016, a Christian was killed for his or her faith every six minutes. The trend is accelerating. A 2016 Pew Research […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Pompeo Says US Doesn’t Want War With Iran But Warns Of ‘Swift’ Response If Provoked: Nicole Gaouette, Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne, CNN, May 10, 2019 — The Trump administration doesn’t want war with Iran, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday, but he warned Tehran of a “swift and decisive” US response […]
Friday, May 10th 2019
By Asaf Romirowsky Students at Emory University awoke earlier this month to find flyers posted in their dorm rooms informing them they would be evicted in the coming days. Intended to intimidate Jewish students on college campuses, these mock eviction notices are a common tactic of Students for Justice in Palestine, an antisemitic group […]
From Philasteen to Philadelphia: Muslim Youth Indoctrination on Full-Display in America: Steven Emerson, IPT News, Apr. 30, 2019 — Young Muslim boys, dressed in traditional Palestinian garb, passionately lip-sync: “The blood of the martyrs is calling us. Paradise, men desire it. Revolutionaries, Revolutionaries … Sword and Text, oh free men.” Migration And Terrorism: The United States Can […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, May 10th 2019 / Monday, September 21st 2020
Ashkelon : Le père de quatre enfants est enterre sur fond d’explosions à Gaza Jacob Magid et Times Of Israel Staff 5 Mai 2019 Des dizaines d’Israéliens ont assisté aux funérailles de Moshe Agadi, père de quatre enfants, âgé de 58 ans, qui a été tué tôt dimanche matin lorsqu’une roquette de la […]
Thursday, May 9th 2019
The Canadian Institute for Jewish Research (CIJR) welcomes opposition leader Andrew Scheer’s announcement that the Conservative Party will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will move Canada’s embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. As the spiritual and political center of the Jewish people, Israel has officially proclaimed Jerusalem its capital since 1949. Canada […]
Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day, is a remarkable day of celebration. After two-thousand years of exile, the Jewish people returned to its ancient homeland, the Land of Israel, 71 years ago. Notwithstanding profound trials and tribulations, the modern Jewish state boasts a thriving economy, remarkable innovation, and a democratic, free society in the heart […]
Wednesday, May 8th 2019
Fallen Soldiers and Israelis Stand in Silence to Remember Victims of Terrorism: Algemeiner Staff, May 7, 2019 — Israelis stood in silence on Tuesday night as a one-minute siren sounded nationwide to mark the start of the annual Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism. Letting the Tears Flow – Yom Hazikaron – […]
Tuesday, May 7th 2019
General Khalifa Haftar (Source: Magharebia/Flickr) Generals Vs. Islamists in Libya: Jonathan Spyer, Jerusalem Post, Apr. 26, 2019 — The offensive by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army on Tripoli is currently stalled. Haftar’s troops have encountered strong resistance from Sunni Islamist militias based in the city, backed by similar formations from Misrata further east. While You […]
By Prof. Philip Carl Salzman Democracies, such as Israel’s, offer many political benefits: First, all adult citizens have the right to influence government policies—through voting, lobbying, and contributions—according to their preferences. Second, changes in governments are regularized, through time limits on every administration. Third, whether administrations are re-elected or replaced by a different one, […]
We are looking for two passionate, self-reliant young researchers. Skills: Good computer skills and experience in working with Excel and Word Excellent research and writing skills Knowledge of the Middle East and Jewish issues Creative personality and ability to cope with pressure Interested? Send your CV to cijr(at) until Friday, May 17.
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