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Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, July 1st 2020
WE Charity Co-founder said PMO ‘Called’ to Award $900M Student-grant Program, Contradicting Trudeau: Christopher Nardi, National Post, June 30, 2020— A co-founder of WE Charity claimed in a June 12 conference call that the Prime Minister’s Office contacted the organization directly in April to help implement a federal student volunteer grant program worth over $900 […]
Tuesday, June 30th 2020
Table Of Contents: Jordan Peterson: Why the Western Emphasis on Individuals is the Ultimate in Intersectionality: Jordan Peterson, National Post, Nov. 22, 2019 Why the Left Is So Afraid of Jordan Peterson: Caitlin Flanagan, The Atlantic, Aug. 9, 2018 ‘The Rise of Jordan Peterson’—A Review: Carol Horton, Quillette, Oct. 14, 2019 Why Jordan Peterson Is […]
Monday, June 29th 2020
Table of Contents: Smiley Face Liberalism: Daniel Henninger, WSJ, June 24, 2020 Jordan Peterson: The Activists Are Now Stalking the Hard Scientists: Jordan Peterson, National Post, June 24, 2020 A Twitter Mob Takes Down an Administrator at Michigan State: Jillian Kay Melchior, WSJ, June 25, 2020 Outrage Over Floyd’s Murder Doesn’t Justify Intersectional Myths: Jonathan […]
Friday, June 26th 2020
“I was sort of a half-breed of colonization, understanding everyone because I belonged completely to no one.” ― Albert Memmi TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Heresies of Albert Memmi: Jonathan Judaken, Tablet, June 24, 2020 Why Memmi Matters: Susie Linfield, Fathom Journal, June 2020 Telling the Whole Truth: Albert Memmi: Daniel Gordon, Jewish Review of Books, Spring 2018 Albert […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, June 26th 2020 / Monday, September 21st 2020
Citation de la Semaine Chaque grande et profonde difficulté porte en elle sa propre solution. Elle nous oblige à changer notre façon de penser afin de la trouver. Niels Bohr Articles Suggérés: Netanyahu menace d’un autre confinement après de « graves » craintes sur le virus TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF, 21 juin 2020, Israël/Coronavirus: “Nous […]
Thursday, June 25th 2020
Table of Contents: Russia Cannot Afford Another 15 Years at War with the West: Philip Stephens, Financial Times, June 25, 2020 The End of the Honeymoon Between Iran and Russia in Syria: Aref Bijan, Modern Diplomacy, June 23, 2020 Russia Looks to Washington for Help in Libya: Jamie Dettmer, VOA, June 17, 2020 Russia and […]
Why Is the G.O.P. Fighting to Preserve Monuments to Traitors in the Capitol?: Editorial Board, NYTimes, June 19, 2020 “Now, Congress is taking its own halting steps forward. On Thursday, the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, announced that portraits of four former House speakers who also served the Confederacy would be removed from display in […]
Tuesday, June 23rd 2020
Table of Contents: Libya’s Crisis is a Tough Puzzle to Solve For Egypt: Alessia Melcangi and Giuseppe Dentice, Atlantic Council, June 18, 2020 Libya Becomes Latest Proxy Battle for Regional Dominance: Middle East Policy Council, June 12, 2020 The Turkey-Libya Agreement Benefits Egypt, but the UAE is a Spoiler: Ali Bakeer, TRT World, June […]
Monday, June 22nd 2020
Amna Akbar teaches at the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University. Her “research and teaching focus is on social movements, critical theory, and policing, race, and inequality. Her scholarship explores the intersections of national security and criminal law, and the potential of social movements to transform our thinking about law, law enforcement, and […]
Friday, June 19th 2020
Passing of Prof. Jose Faur: H-Judaic, June 11, 2020 –– H-Judaic mourns the passing of Prof. Jose Faur, emeritus professor of Law at Netanya Academic College and part-time professor of Talmud at Bar Ilan He previously taught at the Jewish Theological Seminary and at Spertus College. Chacham Faur generously contributed a significant article titled “Jews, Conversos, […]
Friday, June 19th 2020 / Monday, September 21st 2020
Citation de la Semaine “L’antisémitisme n’est jamais un but, il n’est qu’un moyen, il est la mesure des contradictions sans issues. L’antisémitisme est le miroir des défauts d’un homme pris individuellement, des sociétés civiles, des systèmes étatiques. Dis-moi ce dont tu accuses les Juifs et je te dirai ce dont tu es, toi-même, […]
Thursday, June 18th 2020
Table of Contents: Sovereignty Bid Will Cause another Crisis in Israel-Turkey Relations,’ Expert Warns: Ran Puni, Israel Hayom, June 14, 2020 A Cold War is Brewing in Jerusalem Between Turkey and an Israel-Saudi Alliance: Dr. Ahmed Al-Burai, MEMO, June 10, 2020 America Must Act In Libya against Turkey, Russia: Eric Edelman and Charles Wald, Breaking Defense, June […]
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