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featured Outside Source
Tuesday, February 16th 2021 / Tuesday, February 16th 2021
Jacques Chitayat As Israel struggles with a paralyzing pandemic and a massive vaccination campaign, one can easily forget yet another issue, just as crucial, that the country faces: its upcoming election this March, their fourth in only two years, a tiring situation for most Israelis. Why does Israel have so many elections? What possible reforms […]
Outside Source
Monday, February 15th 2021 / Monday, February 15th 2021
The chronic instability of the proportional system must convince those who care about the country that our failed electoral method doesn’t need fixing, rather changing – to a more regional-majoritorian system, which will stabilize the center of Israel’s political map. Avi Bareli Israel Hayom ,12-27-2020 The early election thrust upon us at the height of […]
Video & Audio Recordings
Monday, February 15th 2021
Especially after this year’s political shenanigans, the chaotic, tribal electoral system gets a bad rap; it is also the source of Israel’s strength, solidarity and democracy HAVIV RETTIG GUR27 June 2019 Last month, the stubbornness of one man dragged Israel to an unprecedented second election in a single year. But which man? Some blamed Avigdor […]
Micha Gefen February 15, 2021 2809 views The Biden administration claimed during the campaign that it would reset relations with the world once Trump was gone. However, former President Trump left a nearly impossible set of knots for the Biden team to untie. From China to North Korea, Venezuela to Iran, Trump imposed new sanctions on these and […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Table of Contents: Israel’s Vaccination Results Point a Way Out of Virus Pandemic: Isabel Kershner and Carl Zimmer, New York Times, Feb. 5, 2021 In the most extensive real-world test so far, Israel has demonstrated that a robust coronavirus vaccination program can have a quick and powerful impact, showing the world a plausible way out of […]
Friday, February 12th 2021 / Friday, February 12th 2021
Friday, February 12th 2021 / Saturday, February 13th 2021
Table of Contents: Misreading Kafka: Paul Reitter, Jewish Review of Books, Fall 2010 “Germany declares war on Russia—in the afternoon, swimming lessons,” Franz Kafka wrote in his diary on August 2, 1914. The line has often been cited as an expression of Kafka’s estrangement from life, of his Weltfremdheit. And why not? After all, the […]
Jacques Chitayat In his famous novel published in 1925, The Trial, Kafka tells of Joseph K., a perfectly average bank employee. One morning, he receives an unexpected visit from two inspectors who inform him of his arrest. No one knows why, since their superiors had only given the order to inform K. of this. But […]
Communiqués featured Isranet Daily Briefing
Articles Suggérés Enquête de la CPI contre Israël: “De l’antisémitisme à l’état pur” (B. Netanyahou) i24NEWS, 06 février 2021 La connivence des ONG palestiniennes avec la Cour pénale internationale-CPI Yossi Kuperwasser and Dan Dyker CAPE de Jérusalem, 5/14/20 CPI : Bensouda prépare le terrain pour son successeur Fergal Gaynor brzustowski lessakel, 7 février 2021 Aperçu de l’actualité ________________________________________________________________________ […]
featured Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, February 11th 2021 / Thursday, February 11th 2021
In U.S. backyard: How China embedded itself in Canada: Cleo Paskal, Sunday Guardian, Jan. 2, 2021 — Canada has been making headlines in India recently, and not in a good way. There were Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statements about the farmer issue, seen in New Delhi as interference in internal affairs. __________________________________________________ Table Of Contents: […]
Back in 2009, I authored an article on this platform titled “The Narcissism and Grandiosity of Celebrities.” Continuing this tradition, this past week on my social media platforms, I critiqued the virtue signalling that members of the privileged classes engage in. Here is what I wrote: “Let me explain yet again the source for all […]
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