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Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, December 20th 2021
Jeb Bush: Biden Must Act on ‘Grave Threat’ As Maduro’s Venezuela Aligns with Iran and Hezbollah | Opinion: Jeb Bush, Miami Herald, Dec. 4, 2021 Venezuela’s Fatal Embrace of Cuba: Moisés Naim, WSJ, Dec. 10, 2021 America’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ Policy on Venezuela Has Failed: Mathew Smith,, Dec. 8, 2021 Iran and Hezbollah in Colombia: […]
Monday, December 20th 2021 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Jeb Bush Miami Herald, Dec. 4, 2021 “Maduro and the Iranian regime have agreed to trade heavy crude oil and condensate with each other, and Iran then sells that oil to willing buyers in China who are also guilty of U.S. sanctions busting.” Under the illegitimate rule of Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela has grown closer than […]
Moisés Naim WSJ, Dec. 10, 2021 “The American response to Venezuela’s collapse has been, by turns, piecemeal and ham-handed.” In the first half of 2019, Venezuela began to suffer gasoline shortages. This, on its face, was preposterous. The nation had the world’s largest proven oil reserves—its refineries boasted the capacity to supply the country’s needs […]
Matthew Smith, Dec. 8, 2021 “U.S. sanctions have a long history of failing to initiate regime change unless they are accompanied by other forms of overt pressure including military action.” Two decades of malfeasance and corruption coupled with sharply weaker crude oil prices and ever stricter U.S. sanctions have precipitated the worst modern economic […]
Joseph M. Humire Gatestone Institute, Nov. 22, 2021 “This is part of a foreign assassination campaign led by the infamous Qods Force, the elite arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, who is attempting to avenge the death of Iran’s nuclear program chief Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was killed in December 2020, and just one of many […]
Saturday, December 18th 2021
My Meeting with George Soros: Edward M. Luttwak, Tablet, June 18, 2020 — While serving a stint as chief economist of the World Bank in 1991-1993, on his way to much bigger and better things as secretary of the treasury and president of Harvard University, Larry H. Summers invited George Soros and myself to have […]
Saturday, December 18th 2021 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Robby Starbuck NY Post, Dec. 1, 2021 “Soros can circumvent individual contribution limits by funneling money through the PACs he has set up for this purpose, which generally go by the ironic name of “Safety and Justice.”” THE crime wave sweeping across the country is the direct result of a years-long campaign by George Soros […]
Michael A. Nutter NY Post, Dec. 10, 2021 “I have to wonder what kind of messed up world of white wokeness Krasner is living in to have so little regard for human lives lost, many of them black and brown, while he advances his own national profile as a progressive district attorney.” DISTRICT Attorney Larry […]
John Aman United With Israel, Oct. 3, 2021 “For a decade, Soros has been giving six-figure grants to the Telos Group, which takes evangelical influencers on expense-paid tours to Israel and brings “Israeli and Palestinian leaders and activists” to speak in the U.S.” He’s Jewish, but George Soros is no friend to Israel. The radical […]
Saturday, December 18th 2021 / Friday, July 22nd 2022
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,786, Oct. 26, 2020 “He blamed the “resurgence of antisemitism in Europe” on Israel and insisted that “If we change that direction, then antisemitism will also diminish.”” George Soros is a complex figure about whom there is much debate. Many of his activities around the world have no […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, December 16th 2021 / Thursday, December 16th 2021
Washington prévient qu’il ne laissera pas Téhéran continuer à bloquer les négociations Pentagone – Iran: nous avons de très solides options militaires- 14 décembre 2021 La théocratie iranienne «est assise sur un baril de poudre» L’Actualite Washington prévient qu’il ne laissera pas Téhéran continuer à bloquer les négociations FRANCESCO FONTEMAGGI, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE,4 décembre 2021 […]
Analysis Communiqués
Thursday, December 16th 2021 / Friday, July 22nd 2022
L’Assemblée générale de l’ONU a adopté par 129 voix contre 11 et 31 abstentions une résolution renommant islamiquement « Haram el sharif »,le « Mont du Temple », et Al Kuds. « Jérusalem ». Elle entérine la manipulation des islamistes qui ont décrété que toute la montagne du Temple antique était incluse dans le périmètre de la mosquée El Aksa , […]
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