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Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, February 7th 2022
Withdraw Amnesty’s Charitable Status — Charity Commission Guidance Note CC9 says ‘a charity can campaign using emotive or controversial material, where this is lawful and justifiable in the context of the campaign. Such material must be factually accurate and have a legitimate evidence base.’Amnesty International’s appalling vilification of Israel – published today – is entitled […]
Monday, February 7th 2022 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Hillel C. Neuer Newsweek, July 17, 2020 China’s appointment in April to a U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) panel that selects world human rights monitors sparked global outrage. Even worse, it now turns out that among the 17 different appointments to be made this year by this five-nation consultative group, the vetting of the expert on freedom of […]
Dan Diker JNS, Feb. 1, 2022 A new Amnesty International report, called “Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and crime against humanity,” is the latest in a series of political assaults on Israel by various “human rights” organizations, among them B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch. The 211-page indictment is a voyage into an alternate reality. […]
Daniel Hurst The Guardian, Feb. 2, 2022 Amnesty International has called on the Australian government to unequivocally condemn “crimes against humanity” after the prime minister dismissed the group’s assessment that Israel is perpetrating apartheid against Palestinians. Scott Morrison told reporters “no country is perfect”, in response to Amnesty’s 280-page report on Israel. A spokesperson for the foreign affairs […]
Richard Kemp Gatestone Institute, Feb. 2, 2022 The latest grotesque exhibition of anti-Israel vitriol among NGOs is this week’s publication of a report by Amnesty International that recycles tired, repeatedly disproven yet deliberately provocative antisemitic tropes and accusations of racism. This from an organization that was itself last year branded as “systemically racist”. The title of the […]
Friday, February 4th 2022
WATCH: The REAL History of Israel: Isranet, YouTube, May 26, 2021: Produced by Montreal’s Sochaczevsky family. Sholem Aleichem: Spokesman for a People: Isaac Bashevis Singer, NY Times, Sept. 20, 1964 The Jewish Mark Twain: William Deresiewicz, Atlantic, January/February 2014 New Documentary Follows Leading Yiddish Writer’s Life in New York City: Joseph Berger, NY Times, July 24, 2011 […]
Friday, February 4th 2022 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Joshua Cohen Harper’s, Oct. 17, 2013 Jeremy Dauber on the remarkable life and afterlife of the man who created Tevye the Dairyman by Joshua Cohen on October 17, 2013 Jeremy Dauber is the Atran Professor of Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture and Director of the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies at Columbia University. He is also a friend. […]
Joseph Berger NY Times, July 24, 2011 Sholem Aleichem arrived in New York in 1906 as the world’s most famous Yiddish writer — a distinction his comic but often disturbing stories of Eastern European life might have mocked as grandiose. Seeking refuge from Russian pogroms, he hoped to explore “the Golden Land” his readers […]
William Deresiewicz Atlantic, January/February 2014 Dracula, Don Quixote, Robinson Crusoe: it takes a special kind of greatness for a literary character to achieve autonomy from his creator. Like those “folk songs” that are actually the products of a single pen (“This Land Is Your Land,” say), such figures come to seem as if they’d sprung directly […]
Isaac Bashevis Singer NY Times, Sept. 20, 1964 CAN a folk writer be a genius, and can a genius think and feel just like an average man? If such a phenomenon is possible, Sholem Aleiohem is its closest approximation. He had the creative instincts and the inborn mastery of a genius while, at the same […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, February 3rd 2022
Citation de la semaine: Les fourbes paient bien souvent leur tromperie avant même d’en recueillir le fruit. Citation de Charles Des Guerrois ; Les pensées de l’art et de la vie (1855) ________________________________________________________________________ La face cachée d’Agnès Callamard, la nouvelle secrétaire générale d’Amnesty International Issawi Frej : « Israël n’est pas un État d’apartheid » TIMES OF […]
Analysis Communiqués
Thursday, February 3rd 2022 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
J. Bauer Décidément, il y a des choses qui ne changent pas en Israël , en particulier l’art des média de minimiser les bonnes nouvelles. Déjà en 2004, la visite officielle à Paris du Président d’Israël, Chaim Herzog, le père de l’actuel Président, était quasiment passée inaperçue par la télévision israélienne comme je le signale […]
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