Monday, March 28th 2022 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Jerold S. Auerbach JNS, Mar. 24, 2022 “Friedman wondered “what kind of society is Israel to become?” Would it be “a Jewish South Africa, permanently ruling Palestinians in West Bank homelands” or will it be “a Jewish Prussia, trying to bully all its neighbours.” As it turned out, neither. It was then, and has remained, […]
Ira Stoll Algemeiner, Mar. 3, 2022 ““I’d be a lot more open minded to Tlaib’s work if I saw her criticize not just Israel, but the Palestinian Authority and Hamas for their complete absence of leadership. They are not democracies, but, rather, dictatorships/oligarchies, which are far more comfortable enriching themselves at the expense of their […]
Scott Johnson Powerline, Mar. 24, 2022 “The Times wants to reserve to itself the authority to determine which highly classified information is to be exposed to the enemies of the United States. I don’t.” The New York Times supports the efforts of the government to get James O’Keefe and Project Veritas in the case of […]
Margot Cleveland The Federalist, Mar. 25, 2022 “The Times’s tactic of preemptively providing defenses to hypothetical criminal charges should also alert readers to the inevitability of an indictment against Hunter.” Last Wednesday, The New York Times reported on the continuing criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, and in doing so finally acknowledged the emails recovered from the laptop […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 25th 2022 / Friday, March 25th 2022
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, Venerated Talmudic Scholar, Dies at 94: Joseph Berger, NY Times, Mar. 18, 2022 — Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the greatest Talmudic interpreters of his generation and one of the most revered figures among the world’s ultra-Orthodox Jews, who considered him the leading authority on fine points of Jewish law, died on […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 25th 2022 / Monday, March 28th 2022
Citation de la semaine: Le vin bu avec mesure fortifie les faibles ; bu avec excès, il affaiblit les forts. Proverbe basque ; Les anciens proverbes basques et gascons (1845) Zelensky sermonne Israël LPH INFO, March 20, 2022 Zelensky change de ton LPH INFO, March 21, 2022 Bennett à Zelensky, une réponse sans ambages March 21, […]
Friday, March 25th 2022 / Saturday, July 23rd 2022
Matthias Küntzel European Journal of Current Legal Issues, Vol 25, No 1 (2019) “Arab opposition to Zionism was the product of both Nazi propaganda in the Arab East and Britain’s confusing politics. …This essay will focus on the other aspect, Nazi Germany’s propaganda in the Arab East.” INTRODUCTION On 29 November 1947 over two-thirds of […]
Soha ElSaman Egypt Today, Jan. 31, 2019 “In their view, from the time that the Jews rejected Prophet Mohammed’s demands that they convert to Islam, the Jews became an “enemy” of Islam. In so doing, Nazism’s Arabic-language propaganda placed the events of the mid-20th century into the far longer context of a supposed, but […]
Bernard Lewis Commentary Magazine, May 1986 “Since 1945, certain Arab countries have been the only places in the world where hard-core, Nazi-style anti-Semitism is publicly and officially endorsed and propagated.” Since 1945, certain Arab countries have been the only places in the world where hard-core, Nazi-style anti-Semitism is publicly and officially endorsed and propagated. In […]
Analysis Communiqués
21 mars 2022 Bennett comprend, mais répond fermement Les commentaires de Bennett interviennent moins d’un jour après que Zelensky ait déclaré, lors d’un discours vidéo diffusé en direct aux législateurs israéliens, que Moscou utilisait le « langage de la solution finale ». Bennett lors d’une récente conférence de presse sur le discours de Zelensky : « Son pays est confronté […]
Albert Memmi JIMENA, 1975 “… the much vaunted idyllic life of the Jews in Arab lands is a myth! The truth is that from the outset we were a minority in a hostile environment; as such, we underwent all the fears, the agonies, and the constant sense of frailty of the underdog.” The term “Arab […]
Thursday, March 24th 2022
The Next 2 Weeks Could Determine the Fate of Ukraine; Michael Kofman, Politico, Mar. 21, 2022 — After the initial shock of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the biggest surprise of the war may be how badly the Russian army has performed. Inside the Secret Transfer of Military Equipment to Ukrainian Soldiers: Steve Hendrix, Stars […]
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