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Monday, August 15th 2022 / Monday, August 15th 2022
Graeme Wood MSN, Aug. 14, 2022 “V. S. Naipaul called Khomeini’s fatwa “a most extreme form of literary criticism”—a macabre joke that seemed at the time to come at Rushdie’s expense.” Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini died in June 1989, just months after issuing a fatwa ordering the murder of Salman Rushdie and all others involved in […]
Catherine Perez-Shakdam Jerusalem Post, Aug. 13, 2022 “Amid a storm of adulation, the supreme leader sentenced World Jewry to death, proclaiming from his pulpit that the cancer that is Israel and its people: the Jews, would be excised to the point of extinction so that the righteous ones could claim victory over the appointed enemy.” […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, August 12th 2022
The Shema and the Commandment to Love God in Its Ancient Contexts: Prof. Jon D. Levenson, The, Aug. 14, 2016 — Deuteronomy 6 contains the first paragraph of the Shema (Deut 6:4–9), a text whose three paragraphs the rabbis would later require to be recited every morning and every evening.[2] Immediately following the acclamation of the oneness […]
Friday, August 12th 2022 / Friday, August 12th 2022
Sean Mathews Middle East Eye, July 8, 2022 “In contrast to other Gulf states, Qatar is seen as more supportive of a return to the deal. Qatar shares the world’s largest natural gas field with Iran. But Qatar’s geographic position also means that it would be vulnerable to any escalation in the region, analysts […]
Barak Ravid Axios, July 20, 2022 “CENTCOM’s commitment to the region is ironclad. … This region is at the center of America’s strategic competition with Russia and China.” Integrated air and missile defense in the Middle East with Israeli participation is “a priority” for the U.S., Gen. Michael Kurilla, the head of the U.S. […]
Con Coughlin Gatestone Institute, July 29, 2022 “The concern now is that the commercial ties between the two countries will lead to closer military cooperation.” Iran’s deepening involvement in supporting the Russian war effort against Ukraine should serve as a wake up call to Western leaders that Iran’s military threat is no longer solely […]
Seth J. Frantzman Jerusalem Post, Aug. 3, 2022 “Add all this up, and one gets an emerging picture of how air defenses are reshaping US-Israel ties and the region.” The US State Department has approved the potential sale of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system missiles, THAAD fire control and communication stations, and related […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, August 11th 2022 / Thursday, August 11th 2022
Citation de la semaine: « Le tonnerre est impressionnant, mais c’est l’éclair qui est important. – Mark Twain. » Analyse/Politique intérieure : qui sort vainqueur et qui sort vaincu de l’opération Aurore? Daniel Haïk – i24NEWS Gaza : opération préventive réussie pour renforcer la dissuasion et mettre en garde l’Iran Freddy EytanJCPA LE, 8/08/22 Le […]
Iran Is Close to Crossing Israel’s Nuclear ‘Red Line’: Eric R. Mandel, The Hill, July 22, 2022 Jerusalem Declaration Signals Demise of the JCPOA: Geoffrey Aronson, National Interest, Aug. 10, 2022 Biden Wants a Middle East Air Defense ‘Alliance.’ But It’s a Long Way Off.: Lara Seligman and Alexander Ward, Politico July 12, 2022 The […]
Eric R. Mandel The Hill, July 22, 2022 “… based on my meetings with policymakers, the deterrence that timeframe would afford is worth the risk to Israel. Furthermore, the assumption that the Iranian nuclear program will restart immediately may be unfounded.” What are Israel’s political and security aims regarding Iran, and are they now matched […]
Geoffrey Aronson National Interest, Aug. 10, 2022 “Diplomacy will not stop [Iran]. The only thing that will stop Iran is knowing that if they continue to develop their nuclear program, the free world [aka the United States] will use force. The only way to stop them is to put a credible military threat on […]
Lara Seligman and Alexander Ward Politico, July 12, 2022 “Over the past year I have been leading an extensive program, together with my partners at the Pentagon and in the U.S. administration, that will strengthen the cooperation between Israel and countries in the region. This program is already operative and has already enabled the […]
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