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Monday, October 31st 2022 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Jed Babbin Washington Times, Oct. 21, 2022 “The problem with all of these exercises is that both we and our principal adversaries know that our forces are not prepared to fight a major war.” Military exercises between the United States and its allies’ forces have always had two purposes: first, to train with our […]
Mike Gallagher WSJ, Oct. 25. 2022 “… the PLA Rocket Force (China’s anti-navy) has fielded low-cost weapons to keep American ships out of the fight and target American forces concentrated in a few, fixed locations.” As Xi Jinping secured a third term as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, U.S. foreign policy entered a window of maximum […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, October 28th 2022 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
RISE UP OTTAWA!: COME TOGETHER TO LEARN, ENGAGE, AND CELEBRATE OUR JEWISH IDENTITY: Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022, Infinity Convention Centre, 1:30 pm sharp. — Over the past year, we’ve witnessed and experienced an unprecedented and terrifying rise in antisemitism. The fact that it’s happening in our schools cannot be ignored. Jewish children as young as 3 […]
Cara Zwibel Toronto Sun, Oct. 20, 2022 “… an intolerable situation requiring decisive action is not the same thing as a national emergency, nor does it demonstrate a threat to national security.” Act first, ask questions later. That’s what the Emergencies Act allows the government to do. No parliamentary debate, no sober second […]
Brian Lilley Toronto Sun, Oct. 18, 2022 “The law defines a public order emergency as “an emergency that arises from threats to the security of Canada and that is so serious as to be a national emergency.” We haven’t heard evidence that this actually happened in Ottawa yet, mostly we’ve heard about municipal incompetence, […]
Ryan Alford National Post, Apr. 25, 2022 “… it appears to keen observers that an official finding against the government is approaching. This is what likely explains Jagmeet Singh’s public musings about whether in that event his party would withdraw its confidence and support to bring down Justin Trudeau’s Government. On CTV’s Question Period, Singh said […]
Rex Murphy National Post, Oct. 27, 2022 “If the imposition of emergency powers, the raiding of bank accounts, the jailing of protesters, the invasions of privacy rights, if all of this is determined to be nothing more than an overwrought prime minister exercising his distaste for opposition and legitimate protest, should that be the […]
Thursday, October 27th 2022 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
NOTORIOUS ANTISEMITE LOUIS FARRAKHAN’S NOXIOUS INFLUENCE WATCH: The Life and Influence of Louis Farrakhan on Jay Z and the Music Industry: Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, YouTube, Aug. 16, 2020 — The Nation of Islam, under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan, has heavily influenced the modern Hip-Hop community. Watch our video to better understand […]
Eunice G. Pollack INSS, June 1, 2022 “Although American Jews had been the ethnoreligious group most engaged in the struggle to end racial discrimination, the new antisemites relentlessly portrayed Jews as Blacks’ foremost foe.” Beginning in the early 20th century, American Jews had been Blacks’ foremost ally in the struggle for integration […]
Eric Levitz The Intelligencer, Oct. 12, 2022 “… human beings in general do not need to be mentally ill to be antisemitic. But would the specific human being Kanye West have developed antisemitic beliefs if he had never suffered from bipolar disorder?” Kanye West has been having mental-health issues — and he’s also […]
Andrew Esensten JTA, Oct. 12, 2022 “The idea that African slavery in the Americas was not a mark of shame but instead a mark of distinction as God’s chosen people appealed to some African Americans, who appreciated the way the doctrine gave them pride and dignity in the context of Jim Crow segregation […]
Andre Gee Rolling Stone, Oct. 25, 2022 “Kanye theorized that the people who came out against him weren’t simply upset at his anti-Blackness, but that they were agents “sent” by Jewish people.” I CAN SAY antisemitic things and Adidas can’t drop me,” the artist formerly known as Kanye West proclaimed on Drink Champs just over a […]
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