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Monday, November 14th 2022 / Monday, November 14th 2022
Isaac Chotiner The New Yorker, May 11, 2022 “This right of self-determination, that many in the anti-Zionist camp want for Palestinians or would want for other peoples, they would deny to Jewish people. Unless you don’t believe in nationalism as a concept and unless you support denying the legitimacy of any national project from […]
Monday, November 14th 2022
Morton Klein and Liz Berney ZOA, Sept. 12, 2022 “… after ZOA published critiques of ADL’s policies, Jonathan Greenblatt physically assaulted female ZOA attorney Liz Berney in May 2016.” Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Research and Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following […]
Friday, November 11th 2022 / Friday, November 11th 2022
Avi Benlolo National Post, Nov. 3, 2022 “The more critical of Israel that leftish so-called human-rights organizations become, the more Israel will lurch rightward in defiance.” The more critical of Israel that leftish so-called human-rights organizations become, the more Israel will lurch rightward in defiance. Some media pundits expressed alarm on Tuesday as […]
Mordechai Nisan American Thinker, Nov. 7, 2022 “Netanyahu’s future Cabinet is not “a nightmare,” and Israel is not entering a “dark tunnel,” as Friedman put it. The Israelis voted to punish a failed government that was unable to assure personal security throughout the country. They did the normal thing that citizens do in a democracy: they […]
Daniel Gordis Israel from the Inside with Daniel Gordis, Nov. 7, 2022 “But much of the responsibility lies with the Left and even the Center, who have abdicated any meaningful form of Jewish discourse. What has that Jewish vacuousness gotten us? It’s gotten us a slice of the young generation of Israelis who […]
Eugene Kontorovich WSJ, Nov. 7, 2022 “The potential legal reforms don’t undermine the values Israel shares with the U.S. Instead, they would bring Israel closer to the American model.” The victory of Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition has many on the left bemoaning the end of democracy in Israel. Even before voting began, Sen. Robert […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, November 10th 2022 / Thursday, November 10th 2022
Citation de la semaine: “Si je devais recommencer ma vie, je ferais les mêmes erreurs… mais plus tôt.” Groucho Marx Table des Matières Éditorial : Israël a voté pour Netanyahu et Ben Gvir. Il faut maintenant les laisser gouverner. Infos-ISRAEL.NEWS, 6 novembre 2022 LES LEÇONS DES ÉLECTIONS Daniel HOROWITZ BENILLOUCHE.BLOGSPOT.COM, 6 NOVEMBRE Figure libre – Retour […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, November 10th 2022
The Midterms Nobody Saw Coming: A Postmortem: Honestly with Bari Weiss, Nov. 9, 2022 – With inflation soaring, the worst crime wave in decades, and Biden’s approval rating at a pitiful 41%, everyone predicted last night’s midterm elections would be a bloodbath. It wasn’t. WATCH: Victor Davis Hanson Reacts to 2022 Midterm Results: John Anderson, […]
Dan McLaughlin National Review, Nov. 9, 2022 “There will be no Republican agenda: A major question often posed during the campaign was what Republicans would do when they retook Congress. This was always a bit of an unfair question: Republicans were never going to get close to 60 votes in the Senate, and there […]
Michael Lind Tablet, Nov. 9, 2022 “For the time being, the U.S. remains a 50-50 nation, with the political branches of the federal government going back and forth between the two national parties. The kind of generational hegemony enjoyed by the McKinley Republicans after 1896 and the Roosevelt Democrats after 1932 is unlikely to […]
Peter Savodnik Common Sense with Bari Weiss, Nov. 9, 2022 “They were tired of watching the country fall apart. The fentanyl, the homelessness, the inflation, the rusting ports, the unreliable supply chains. The managed decline. And the elites presiding over that decline while insisting on everyone using the correct pronouns.” It was […]
Elle Purnell The Federalist, Nov. 8, 2022 “Instead of rolling over for corporate interests or worrying about criticism from The New York Times, Republican governors should be seeking out opportunities to tactically punch back.” Ron DeSantis won the Florida governor’s mansion by fewer than 33,000 votes. No, not today, when he trampled former Florida […]
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