Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, September 23rd 2022 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Eyes Open, Eyes Shut: Thoughts for Rosh Hashana: Rabbi Marc D. Angel, The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, September 2022 — Paul Gaugin, the famous 19th century French artist, commented: “When I want to see clearly, I shut my eyes.” He was referring to two different ways of perceiving reality. With our eyes open, […]
Rabbi Shawn Ruby The, Sept. 2022 “The term zichron teruah in Leviticus emphasizes how, on this day, Israel wants to make enough noise to get God’s attention, and remind God of the covenant with Israel.” In the Torah, the festival we call Rosh Hashanah (New Year) falls out on the first day of the seventh […]
Ernst Simon Commentary, September 1955 “And so, Judaism begins every new year with this victory of the mother over the institution and its soul-deaf representatives. Hagar the Egyptian, the mother of Ishmael, the ancestor of the Arabs, and Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel, join hands as sisters in maternal suffering and maternal […]
Friday, September 23rd 2022 / Friday, September 23rd 2022
Judy Lash Belint JNS, Sept. 21, 2022 “On any given night between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, many of Israel’s most popular singers may be found in sold-out venues all over the country, reviving the ancient melodies from all corners of the Jewish world.” Anyone venturing into the shuk or even a local supermarket […]
Dov Lerner Mosaic Magazine, Sept. 27, 2019 “Recognition of human ineloquence in the presence of divine omnipotence is no moral failing and no source of shame.” Jewish civilization, in broad terms, is what anthropologists refer to as a text culture. Its religious rituals center on sacred writings, on the recital and interpretation of those […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, September 22nd 2022 / Thursday, September 22nd 2022
Citation de la semaine: « Je pense qu’il y a encore beaucoup de choses à construire. Mais j’espère vraiment que l’administration actuelle se concentrera sur cela [les Accords d’Abraham] et travaillera dans ce sens, car une fois que tout le conflit israélo-arabe sera terminé, je pense que vous aurez une ère de prospérité et de paix dans cette […]
Thursday, September 22nd 2022
Danchenko Admits He Was FBI Source Amid Charges He Lied to the Bureau: Just the News, Sept. 19, 2022 — Embattled businessman Igor Danchenko has admitted he was a confidential source for the FBI in court filings seeking to block the presentation of certain evidence in special counsel John Durham’s prosecution against him for lying […]
Margot Cleveland The Federalist, Sept. 15, 2022 “While a jury acquitted Sussmann of the charged offense, the prosecution of the former Clinton campaign lawyer revealed several previously unknown details related to the Russia collusion hoax, including Sussmann’s peddling of a second Trump-Russia connection to the CIA.” A whitepaper obtained first by The Federalist suggests Special Counsel […]
J.E. Dyer The Optimistic Conservative, Sept. 13, 2022 “I don’t find it credible that Dolan had a paper trail a mile long in the Steele dossier aspect of Russiagate, and yet somehow the FBI neglected to discover the paper trail and bring Dolan in for a fuller accounting.” On 2 September 2022, Special Counsel […]
Techno Fog The Dispatcher, Sept. 13, 2022 “What is Durham’s theory on Danchenko’s motive for lying about the Ritz-Carlton allegations? Because it reflects “a deliberate effort to conceal from the FBI Charles Dolan’s role as a source for the Steele Reports and to deceive the FBI regarding Millian’s role (or lack thereof).” Today, Special Counsel John […]
Andrew C. McCarthy NY Post, Sept. 18, 2022 “While the bureau used inane, unverified information from Steele and Danchenko to suggest to a court that the president of the United States might be a Russian asset, the FBI had intelligence indicating that Danchenko himself might actually have been a Russian asset.” Russiagate special […]
Wednesday, September 21st 2022 / Wednesday, September 21st 2022
WEEKLY QUOTES You do not need to be a historian or a researcher in order to understand the atrocities of the Holocaust. You need to be a human being. The pits full of skeletons and corpses and the crematoria […]
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