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Tuesday, December 13th 2022 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Gerard Laval Washington Times, Nov. 29, 2022 “If Mr. Putin’s ambition is to dominate Europe in emulation of Hitler, then he must be stopped and he must be stopped now before he is in a position to act upon his ambitions. But if he is merely trying to reconstitute Russian hegemony over an area that […]
James Malsin WSJ, Dec. 5, 2022 “Since October, Russia has repeatedly launched large-scale aerial attacks on Ukrainian cities using long-range missiles and drones, with many of the attacks targeting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.” Ukrainian drones hit two Russian air bases on Monday, Russia’s defense ministry said, while Ukrainian officials hinted at a capability to strike deeper within […]
Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Michael Kofman Foreign Affairs, November/December 2022 “Russian power and influence may be diminished, but that does not mean Russia will become dramatically less threatening. Instead, some aspects of the threat are likely to worsen.” At a White House ceremony on August 9, days after the U.S. Senate agreed in a near-unanimous […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
LEADER FOR LIFE The World According to Xi Jinping: Kevin Rudd, Foreign Affairs, Nov.-Dec. 2022 — In the post–Cold War era, the Western world has suffered no shortage of grand theories of history and international relations. The settings and actors may change, but the global geopolitical drama goes on: variants of realism and liberalism compete to explain and […]
Monday, December 12th 2022 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Paul A. Gigot WSJ, Nov. 29, 2022 “Jimmy is an entrepreneur who believes in capitalism and freedom.” My main duty tonight is to talk about Jimmy Lai, and I am glad you were able to see him in that Acton Institute video, which captures some of his personality. Let’s just say Jimmy lets you […]
Joseph C. Steinberg WSJ, Dec. 1, 2022 “The human suffering would be dire and the political ramifications hard to fathom once Chinese citizens notice that three years of their lockdown misery didn’t, in fact, save their loved ones. The same authoritarian system that allowed Mr. Xi to institute zero-Covid makes it essentially impossible for him to […]
Nathaniel Taplin WSJ, Dec. 6, 2022 “China is finally edging away from testing and quarantining as its primary methods for dealing with Covid-19. The rest of its healthcare infrastructure will have to gear up quickly.” China is finally edging away from the suite of zero-Covid policies that suppressed the virus for much of the past three […]
Andrew J. Nathan WSJ, Dec. 2, 2022 “… authoritarian hubris has trapped him between an exhausted populace and a relentless pathogen. China lacks an effective vaccine of its own, but importing foreign mRNA vaccines would impose a damaging loss of face.” In April 1989, a peaceful protest by several hundred university students in front of the […]
Friday, December 9th 2022 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Shabbat reading: A 12th Century Derasha on Parashat Vayishlach: Reconstructing the Speaker’s Notes: Dr. Moshe Lavvee, Dr. Oded Rosenblum and Dr. Shana Strauch-Schick, The, Dec. 14, 2016 — Almost a century ago, a most unusual fragment was discovered at the Cairo Geniza. Rather cryptically, it only consists of a list of 4-8 biblical verses […]
Ariel Sophia Bardi New Lines Magazine, Nov. 11, 2022 “Altneuland” was one of a spate of turn-of-the-century texts that sought to answer what Jewish autonomy would look and feel like.” Exactly a century ago, a cantankerous German aristocrat and a lovelorn Jewish lawyer from Vienna stepped off a private yacht onto the […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, December 9th 2022 / Friday, December 9th 2022
Citation de la semaine: “Un fourbe me tend un piège dont je sais me garantir : je ris de sa mauvaise volonté. Je n’en tirerai pas d’autre vengeance, ni de honteuses pensées, je m’en moque.” Citation chinoise – Les sentences et pensées morales chinoises (1832) Le Double Jeu du Qatar : Financer des Islamistes […]
Gil Troy Jewish Journal, Aug. 18, 2022 “Sometimes, he is more playwright than architect, as when he plots out the Jews’ redemption in three acts from “Introduction” to “Elevation” to “Emigration.”” Editor’s note: Excerpted from the new three-volume set, “Theodor Herzl: Zionist Writings,” the inaugural publication of The Library of the Jewish […]
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