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Friday, February 10th 2023
Mordechai Nisan Newsmax, Feb. 6, 2023 “After dragging important Israelis through the public mire and their human rights quashed, nobody was accountable for this grave injustice.” Like most things about Jews, their politics in Israel are also unusual, different, and idiosyncratic. While much of the modern appurtenances of democracy apply to the political conduct of […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, February 9th 2023 / Thursday, February 16th 2023
Citation de la semaine: “Dans toutes mes années à titre de Premier ministre, je n’ai épargné aucun effort pour renforcer et élargir le cercle de la paix. Et avec l’aide de Dieu, nous y parvenons avec nos voisins, avec les Emirats, Bahreïn et le Soudan et j’espère que ce cercle continuera de croître” (2020) Table […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, February 9th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
HOODWINKING GLOBAL COMMUNITIES China Has an Intelligence Gathering Architecture Unlike Any Other: Harsh V. Pant and Anant Mann, The Print, Sept. 15, 2020 — Despite China’s global imprint and its dramatic rise over the last few decades, its intelligence services have managed to avoid global scrutiny. The paucity of information on Chinese covert operations […]
Byron York Washington Examiner, Feb. 6, 2023 “I don’t know of any balloon flights by any power over the United States during my tenure, and I’d never heard of any of that occurring before I joined in 2018. I haven’t heard of anything that occurred after I left, either. I can say with 100% certainty, […]
Andrew C. McCarthy National Review, Feb. 6, 2023 “Did the balloon have the capacity to transmit data it was collecting to the regime in Beijing in real time?” What we are learning about the U.S. response to China’s balloon surveillance is not encouraging. The Biden administration has struggled to explain why the balloon, which was finally […]
C. Zachary Hofer and Carter Palmer Defense & Security Monitor, Feb. 6, 2023 “The major benefit of a stratospheric surveillance balloon is as a signals intelligence platform.” From the end of January and into February, an uncommon object captured the attention of observers around the globe, but probably none more so than the Canadian […]
Thursday, February 9th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Bill Gertz Washington Times, Feb. 2, 2023 “Regarding Gen. Minihan’s comments about Xi and his ‘war council’ being likely to conduct an invasion by 2025 is not warmongering, but aligns with similar predictions of a PRC invasion that have been made by several senior U.S. military officers.” The four-star Air Force general who predicted a […]
Wednesday, February 8th 2023 / Wednesday, February 8th 2023
WEEKLY QUOTES “Stop the whole process for a moment, take a deep breath, allow dialogue to take place, because there is […]
Tuesday, February 7th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
GRADING CHATGPT WATCH: English Teacher Grades Homework By ChatGPT: Wired: YouTube, Feb. 6, 2023 — Andrew Marzoni, a high school English teacher, grades homework created by the artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT. Andrew provides a variety of assignments for ChatGPT, including writing a limerick, a Shakespearean sonnet about Taco Bell, and a five-paragraph essay. How well will the chatbot […]
Sean Welsh Quillette, Jan. 26, 2023 “ChatGPT is not sentient. Sentience refers to the ability to have subjective experiences, such as consciousness, emotions, and self-awareness. It does not have the ability to experience subjective sensations or emotions, and it does not possess self-awareness.” Published in 2015, The Future of the Professions presents two options. Either health, education, […]
Alex Mitchell NY Post, Jan. 25, 2023 “Certain jobs in sectors such as journalism, higher education, graphic and software design — these are at risk of being supplemented by AI.” Artificial intelligence is here, and it’s coming for your job. So promising are the tool’s capabilities that Microsoft — amid laying off 10,000 people — has announced a “multiyear, […]
Stephen Shankland CNET, Feb. 4, 2023 “You don’t have to look far to find accounts of the bot blowing people’s minds” There’s a new AI bot in town: ChatGPT, and you’d better pay attention, even if you aren’t into artificial intelligence. The tool, from a power player in artificial intelligence called OpenAI, lets you type natural-language […]
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