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Thursday, March 9th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
David Isaac JNS, Mar. 7, 2023 “Contrary to the claims of its opponents, who say that it will strip Israel of its checks and balances, judicial reform will restore the checks and balances that have been stripped away by a court system that has arrogated powers beyond its purview.” Justice Minister Yariv Levin, in […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, March 8th 2023 / Tuesday, March 7th 2023
WEEKLY QUOTES “International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi just said in Tehran that an Israeli attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities is against the law. Rafael Grossi is a worthy gentleman who said something unworthy. […]
Tuesday, March 7th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
SHORT TAKES FOR CONTEXTUAL REFERENCE: Jerusalem Post, Mar.5, J.P. staff, “El Al finds alternative crew after pilots refuse to fly Netanyahu to Italy“— Israel’s national airline, El Al pilots left Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, high and dry after no one volunteered to fly Israel’s couple out to Rome for a state visit to Italy scheduled […]
Monday, March 6th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
DIGGING DEEPER INTO MEGILLAT ESTHER Purim: Mocking Persia’s Dat and Reaccepting the Torah: Rachel Friedman, The, Mar. 3, 2023 — The book of Esther centers on the action and intrigue at the royal court of King Ahasuerus in the Persian capital of Shushan (Susa), repeatedly calling attention to its silliness and eccentricities.[1] Nowhere does the […]
Monday, March 6th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Meir Y. Soloveitchik Commentary Magazine, March 2020 “What is Mordecai’s true identity? What is Esther’s?” The biblical Book of Esther and Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice are opposites. One describes the Jewish triumph over anti-Semitism, the other the anti-Semite’s triumph over the Jew. Yet there are similarities between the two tales. Both emphasize inversions, a turning […]
Rokhl Kafrissen Tablet, Feb. 28, 2023 “It’s hard to imagine what it would have been like, not only to have been a child watching the Holocaust unfold from afar, but immediately thereafter, watching the perilous fight for a Jewish state, surrounded, as this text makes clear, by yet more enemies, more Hamans, intent […]
Meir Soloveitchik NY Times, Mar. 8, 2020 “Precisely because of the constancy of Jewish vulnerability, we glorify Esther’s initiative, courage, and wisdom to inculcate these same virtues in our posterity.” A perplexing paradox lies at the heart of Purim, the holiday celebrated this week by Jews around the world. No day is more […]
Rabbi Ari Kahn Orthodox Union, Mar. 20, 2019 “The profile of Achashverosh that emerges is of a weak personality tormented by the objects of his own desire.” Working in the barn from the break of dawn was exhausting. Cleaning the barn, sweeping the refuse, and caring for the horses had become his […]
Friday, March 3rd 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Shabbat reading: The Torah Is Sanctioned by God: In the Footsteps of the Abravanel: Rabbi Avi Weiss, The, Feb. 9, 2023 — The Book of Deuteronomy poses a unique challenge for those who believe that God authored the Torah: It is presented as an address by Moses! This includes the book’s many laws, which […]
Annette Poizner, Stacey Love, Andria Spindel et al Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism, Feb. 3, 2023 “When the far left think they are “punching up” and “sticking it to the rich,” they are now mimicking the type of trope that motored barbaric antisemitism in the past and feeds into today’s target: people of white privilege.” Owing […]
Annette Poisoner Times of Israel, July 27, 2022 “We are learning about … students, forced to write papers that parrot the ideologies taught in school, finding themselves betraying their Jewish values or risk being mocked for expressing perspectives which differ from the school party line.” A recent study analyzes the Twitter feeds of 741 Diversity, Equity & […]
Dion J. Pierre Algemeiner, Feb. 27, 2023 “Further research is required to better understand the lived experience of these students, the stressors they face, and the extent of the problems such as those identified herein. This study continues. Students are invited to share their experiences while maintaining anonymity.” Antisemitism in Canadian social work […]
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