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Monday, March 13th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Roi Weinberger Globes, Mar. 12, 2023 “Harel’s investments are not affected by the state of the bank but by the state of the companies to which the loans were given.” The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has raised immediate concerns about the impact on Israeli institutional investors. In recent years they […]
Andrew Stuttaford National Review, Mar. 11, 2023 “The fear in the financial markets this weekend stems from the fact that investors are scrutinizing other financial institutions for similar vulnerabilities.” Via the Rational Walk, a handy (technical, but easy to read) account of some of what went wrong with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). It’s […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 10th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
SHABBAT READING: The Closeness of God: Ki Tissa: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Covenant & Conservation, 5776, 5783 — The more I study the Torah, the more conscious I become of the immense mystery of Exodus 33. This is the chapter set in the middle of the Golden Calf narrative (between Exodus chapter 32 describing the sin and its […]
Alexander Raskin Jersey Dying Well Group, Feb. 2, 2023 “Since Trudeau was elected in 2015, his government has single-handedly created the largest, most permissive euthanasia program in the world.” It was supposed to be easy. If journalists asked the Honourable David Lametti, Canada’s minister of justice, a difficult question about euthanasia, he simply […]
Jane Stannus Spectator Australia, Feb. 14, 2023 “… with the support for euthanasia comes the insidious pseudo-religious pressure to take one’s own life as a noble act of self-immolation on the altar of society.” Two cheers for a brief hiatus in the Canadian stampede towards suicide for all. Earlier this month, David […]
Chris Selley WSJ, Dec. 30, 2023 “Canada, however, is bizarrely obsessed with “equal rights”—and far more deferential than it should be to hopelessly out-of-touch judges who have driven both the legalization and expansion of euthanasia.” Canada’s Supreme Court held in 2015 that people with “a grievous and irremediable medical condition” had a […]
Maria Cheng AP, Aug. 11, 2022 “Canada prides itself on being liberal and accepting, “but what’s happening with euthanasia suggests there may be a darker side.” Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, March 9th 2023 / Thursday, March 9th 2023
Citation de la semaine: “(…) à Pourim, nous nous souvenons de la fois où les Perses ont essayé de nous tuer ; à Pessah, nous nous souvenons de la fois où les Egyptiens ont essayé de nous tuer ; à Hanoukka, nous nous souvenons de la fois où les Grecs ont essayé de nous tuer. […]
Thursday, March 9th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
What the Battle Over Judicial Reform in Israel Is Really About | Opinion: Caroline Glick, Newsweek, Mar. 2, 2023 Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Doesn’t Go Far Enough: Michael B. Mukasey, WSJ, Feb. 26, 2023 ‘Why Do We Need Judicial Reform?’ An Architect Behind the Proposal Explains: David Isaac, JNS, Mar. 7, 2023 Actions Speak Louder than Chants: Douglas Altabef, Israel National […]
Douglas Altabef Israel National News, Feb 26, 2023 “It is this take no prisoners attitude that makes the protesters’ professed obsession with the preservation of a liberal democracy seem like an Orwellian projection.” One need not be a film director nor a dance choreographer to notice that the wave of protests against proposed judicial […]
Thursday, March 9th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Michael B. Mukasey WSJ, Feb. 26, 2023 “in view of the court’s sweeping self-imposed authority, it is difficult at times to describe the current condition as the rule of law.” Judges and attorneys general throughout the world—I’ve served in both capacities in the U.S.—wield substantial authority. In any sound legal system, such authority is subject […]
Caroline Glick Newsweek, Mar. 2, 2023 “The Netanyahu government’s program for judicial reform is astounding for its modesty. If passed in full, it will simply realign Israel’s currently unchecked judiciary with the checked judiciaries of the vast majority of Western democracies.” In Israel as in states throughout the Western world, the political Left is an ecosystem […]
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