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Tuesday, March 28th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Melanie Phillips The JC, Mar. 23, 2023 “This mindset now unites most of the progressive classes in Israel, Britain and America. For them, ordinary people who don’t share their views are the “deplorables”. By contrast the judges — educated, liberal, cosmopolitan — are people like themselves.” Many appear to believe that the Israelis demonstrating […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, March 27th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
IN THE BEGINNING … The Long March Back: Nate Hochman, National Review, Feb. 16, 2023 — To understand today’s culture wars, we have to go back to the beginning: a jail cell in Fascist Italy. For the last decade of his life, Antonio Gramsci was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini’s regime for his role in founding the Italian Communist […]
Tal Fortgang National Review, Mar. 22, 2023 “When did the Jewish tradition begin to embrace today’s notion of the “nonbinary,” and why is it news to the most devout Jews?” Not content to enlist their twisted understandings of to fight state laws protecting unborn children, progressive activists now have taken to claiming that Judaism’s “most sacred […]
Barbara Kay The Epoch Times, Feb. 20, 2023 “The portrait Reed paints reveals systemic willingness to sacrifice children’s health on the altar of gender mysticism.” Three utopian projects obsess the left: environmentalism, racism, and androgyny. Climate affects us all, racism affects millions of us, but genuine gender dysphoria is extremely rare. And yet the obsession […]
Stuart Kyle Duncan WSJ, Mar. 17, 2023 “Whereupon Ms. Steinbach opened a folio, took out a printed sheaf of papers, and delivered a six-minute speech addressing the question: “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”” Stanford Law School’s website touts its “collegial culture” in which “collaboration and the open exchange of ideas are essential to life and learning.” […]
Daniel McCarthy NY Post, Mar. 12, 2023 “The capture of American higher education by students and administrators with a Maoist mentality has caused a great deal of soul-searching among moderates and conservatives.” A university president never enjoys being forced to apologize, especially to a conservative. But on Saturday that’s what Stanford’s president, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, had to […]
Saturday, March 25th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
March 20, 2023 Doris Strub Epstein “The Palestinian culture of violence is fed and nourished by UNRWA.” The latest Palestinian shooting in Huwara concerned an ex-Marine, David Stern while driving his car with his wife and three children in the backseat. Despite being shot in the head, he managed to kill the terrorist. Miraculously, […]
Friday, March 24th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
SHABBAT READING Meeting the Challenge of Critical Scholarship with Leviticus: Dr. Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg, The, May 17, 2016 — We are now in the opening stage of the debate in the modern Orthodox community on how to deal with critical biblical studies. Integrators One group – currently a minority, pioneering one – argues that we […]
Ashley Rindsberg Tablet, Mar. 22, 2023 “SVB’s collapse, far from being an unforeseeable “black swan,” represented “a very classic event in the very classic bubble-bursting part of the short-term debt cycle.” It should go without saying that we are now in a financial crisis. We have just witnessed the collapse or near-collapse of […]
Dave Boyer The Washington Times, Mar. 19, 2023 “The banks’ troubles have been blamed in part on the Fed’s rapid series of rate hikes, which reduced the value of their long-term debt.” Fears that another interest rate hike will hasten more bank failures will loom over the Federal Reserve’s meeting this week after a study found […]
Paul Sperry NY Post, Mar. 17, 2023 “SVB’s board is packed with Trump-hating Hillary, Biden and Obama donors obsessed with “equity and diversity.” Wokeness has replaced competence and merit across the banking sector, and San Francisco Fed Chief Mary Daly is the poster child of this pernicious trend. A protege of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and short-list […]
Jason Zweig WSJ, Mar. 17, 2023 “Even as rules have proliferated and bailouts multiplied, the U.S. stock market has suffered four crashes of least 20% since the year 2000.” Don’t panic. That’s the message financial regulators are sending—and it is barely working. In the past week, U.S. authorities promised to back uninsured deposits at the failed Silicon Valley […]
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