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Thursday, April 20th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Nicholas Blanford Atlantic Council, Apr. 13, 2023 “It’s not Hezbollah shooting, but it’s hard to believe that Hezbollah didn’t know about it.” A tense calm has returned to the Lebanon-Israel border days after an unknown group launched a barrage of rocket fire at Israel from inside Lebanon. This marked the most serious bout of violence in […]
Dr. Ehud Eilam BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Apr. 3, 2023 “Hezbollah and Hamas prepare for war but are not actively seeking to start one, at least not right now. But war could break out anyway because of miscalculations or an incident that goes out of control.” Striking Iran’s Nuclear Sites The biggest military […]
Summer Said, Dov Lieber and Aaron Boxerman WSJ, Apr. 16, 2023 “According to Saudi officials familiar with the visit, the kingdom’s rapprochement efforts with Hamas are part of a larger drive to demonstrate the crown prince’s diplomatic clout as regional players re-establish ties with Syria and countries such as China and Russia challenge the U.S. […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, April 19th 2023 / Wednesday, April 19th 2023
Citation de la semaine: L’oubli signifierait danger et insulte. Oublier les morts serait les tuer une deuxième fois. Et si, les tueurs et leurs complices exceptés, nul n’est responsable de leur première mort, nous le sommes de la seconde. La nuit Elie Wiesel (préface de l’édition 2006) Table des Matières Yom HaShoah : Israël s’arrête […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
MEDIA-OCRITY The West Hoped Lula Would Be a Partner. He’s Got His Own Plans.: Moriah Balingit and Meaghan Tobin, Washington Post, Apr. 13, 2023 “In his first months in office, Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva has declined to join President Biden in […]
Tuesday, April 18th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
INCREASING TIES Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) Before There Was a State: Israel from the inside with Daniel Gordis, Substack, Apr. 17, 2023, Includes video — Tonight, in Israel and throughout the world, begins the observance of Yom HaShoah, technically called Yom Ha-Shoah ve-ha-Gevurah, which roughly translates as Memorial Day for Victims of the Holocaust and their Bravery. […]
Ben Cohen Algemeiner, Apr. 17, 2023 “I kept asking myself, what did the Jews do to warrant the slaughter of six million of them, including one-and-a-half million kids?” It was a dreary afternoon on July 30, 1897, when Ernst Bergmann, a German tourist on vacation in the spa town of Marienbad, mailed a postcard to a […]
Andrew Silow-Carroll JTA, Apr. 16, 2023 “David never takes his good luck for granted — the film is organized around his suspicion that there is a missing piece to his story of survival and that, as Avi says, “He could not have done it alone.”” Holocaust documentaries tend to sit along a scale from […]
Dara Horn Tablet, Feb. 3, 2023 “In recent years, American Holocaust educators panicking over the deaths of the last survivors have embraced increasingly desperate tactics to reimagine Holocaust education for the future—most famously, by transforming now-dead survivors into artificial-intelligence-enabled holograms.” Last week, an editorial in Kentucky’s Courier-Journal newspaper went viral for its sheer absurdity. In it, a group of […]
Machla Abramovitz Mishpacha Magazine, July 19, 2017 “As tragic as their lives in the ghetto were Rosenzweig’ relatives and the thousands of others who perished were given a gift — most of them were brought to kever Yisrael in individually marked graves their death records intact as opposed to the horrifying fate of being […]
Gil Troy WSJ, Apr. 14, 2023 “It was my good fortune to be born in this free and glorious country, where children may laugh and play and have real happiness.” Irwin envisioned “a world of liberty and justice” where “the homeless Jewish wanderers must be given the right to live the life of a free […]
Monday, April 17th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
“Behind this vision, as always with the radical Democrats, is power, manifested in the drive arbitrarily to control individuals [which, again, involves de facto abrogation of Constitutional guarantees—much safer than a politically-risky direct assault on the Constitution] by limiting individual liberty and due process).” – Prof. Frederick Krantz Biden EPA’s New Vehicle Emissions Standards Spark Backlash from Auto Industry, Republicans: Nathan […]
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