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Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, April 24th 2023
“The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was not designed to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon. It was, rather, intended to create a fifteen-year window within which the United States could “integrate” Iran into the Middle Eastern system—that is, shift Washington’s strategic emphasis from the Arabian Peninsula and Israel to Iran.” – Seth Cropsey Prepare […]
Mordechai Kedar JNS, Apr. 13, 2023 “The calculation of the Iranians is that the mobilization of Israel’s reserves will take several days and will at best be partial due to the chaos that will ensue from the initial attack.” I hesitated quite a bit about whether to publish this piece because of the panic it […]
Seth Cropsey American Purpose, Apr. 14, 2023 “As for Iran’s nuclear program, it is now too advanced to destroy.” The Iran problem has metastasized and can no longer be shunted off or ignored. Disengagement is not an option: The situation has progressed to the point that Iran, in concert with Russia and China, […]
Summer Said and Benoit Faucon WSJ, Apr. 14, 2023 “Yaakov Amidror, a retired Israeli national security adviser, said Iran was seeking to spur allies like Hezbollah and Hamas “to act more boldly” in the face of perceived Israeli weakness.” The long shadow war between Iran and Israel is moving into an unpredictable new […]
Iran International, Apr. 13, 2023 “It is impossible to separate the Iranian nuclear issue from the internal protest in the country.” Senior Israeli intelligence analysts have spoken about the in-depth research its dedicated units are doing in assessing the threat from Iran. In an article in Israeli newspaper Maariv, four officials revealed the country’s focus on Iran’s […]
Friday, April 21st 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
SHABBAT READING The Plague of Evil Speech: Tazria, Metzora, 5768, 5783: Jonathan Sacks, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — The Rabbis moralised the condition of tzara’at – often translated as leprosy – the subject that dominates both Tazria and Metzora. It was, they said, a punishment rather than a medical condition. Their interpretation was based on the internal evidence of the Mosaic books […]
Robert Fife and Stephen Chase Globe and Mail, Mar. 2, 2023 “Classified documents revealed the campaign’s goals were to ensure that a minority Liberal government was returned in 2021 and that certain Conservative candidates identified by China were defeated.” China appears to have targeted Justin Trudeau in a foreign influence operation after he became Liberal […]
Omid Horeishi The Epoch Times, Apr. 19, 2023 “Citing unnamed insiders at the foundation and an internal document, La Presse said the money couldn’t be returned because the name on the donation cheque wasn’t the same name as that of the real donor.” At the centre of the controversy surrounding the Pierre Elliott Trudeau […]
James Griffiths Globe and Mail, Apr. 16, 2023 “The donations did raise some eyebrows, as did Mr. Zhang’s attendance at a cash-for-access fundraiser with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in May, 2016.” Zhang Bin, a wealthy Chinese businessman, finds himself in the middle of a controversial 2016 donation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation that The Globe […]
Tristin Hopper National Post, Mar. 6, 2023 “Pierre Trudeau had an open affinity for Communist China that would be strange even by the standards of 2023.” Of the many CSIS leaks to hit headlines in recent days, one of the most explosive was an intelligence report claiming that Chinese agents have pursued an “influence” […]
Thursday, April 20th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
The Palestinian Resistance Axis Converges with the Iran-Hezbollah Axis: Udi Dekel, INSS Insight, No. 1709, April 19, 2023 Hezbollah and Its Allies Are More Emboldened Than They’ve Been in Nearly Two Decades: Nicholas Blanford, Atlantic Council, Apr. 13, 2023 Israel’s Main Military Challenges: Dr. Ehud Eilam, BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Apr. 3, 2023 Saudi […]
Udi Dekel INSS Insight, No. 1709, Apr. 19, 2023 “The underlying rationale is the convergence of the axes: the Palestinian resistance axis, led by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, with the Iran-Hezbollah axis.” The escalation in the Palestinian arena during Passover and the month of Ramadan in 2023 was sparked by the clashes on April […]
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