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Tuesday, May 2nd 2023
Martin Zugec Bitdefender, Apr. 26, 2023 “Quick weaponization of publicly disclosed PoCs is the “new” winning formula for both financially motivated and state-sponsored threat actors.” With recent reports that Charming Kitten group (aka Mint Sandstorm) is actively targeting critical infrastructure in the US and other countries, we would like to share the most recent insights […]
Adam Kredo Free Beacon, Aug. 26, 2022 “Propaganda from the Iranian regime has no place on American college campuses. Elitist university professors are already the radical left’s bullhorn, but these comments by University of Denver professor Nader Hashemi are especially dangerous, untrue, and promote blatant anti-Semitism to our college students.” The controversy surrounding a University of Denver […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, May 1st 2023
Does the Jordanian Smuggling Incident Reflect a Dangerous Development With Amman?: Ambassador Alan Baker and Lenny Ben-David, JNS, Apr. 27, 2023 Jordanian Gun Arrest Underscores Israel’s Smuggling Problem: Mathew Levitt and Lauren von Thaden, Washington Institute, Apr 25, 2023 Following Renewal of Saudi-Iranian Relations, Debate In Jordanian Press Over Whether Jordan Should Also Reconcile With Iran: Z. Harel, MEMRI, […]
Ambassador Alan Baker and Lenny Ben-David JNS, Apr. 27, 2023 “… despite this awareness and the open and collegial diplomatic relationship Amman enjoys with Israel, the Jordanian leadership allowed itself to join the fanatical Islamic bandwagon and be drawn into echoing the false propaganda and hostility towards Israel, in clear violation of its obligations under […]
Mathew Levitt and Lauren von Thaden, Washington Institute, Apr 25, 2023 “Along the Jordanian border, 94 percent of smuggling attempts involved weapons while the rest involved drugs; one cache also included 80,000 Jordanian dinars. In contrast, 93 percent of attempts along the Egyptian border involved drugs, only a few included weapons, and one included thirteen […]
Z. Harel MEMRI, Mar. 29, 2023 “The agreement, which came as a surprise to Jordan’s political and media elites, sparked calls to reassess the kingdom’s own relations with Iran.” Introduction The agreement signed on March 10, 2023 between Saudi Arabia and Iran to renew their relations after a seven-year hiatus]sparked a debate in Jordan […]
Seth J. Frantzman Jerusalem Post, Apr. 20, 2023 “The Jordan-Saudi meeting is important because it shows how Saudi Arabia is positioning itself in leadership in the Arab world again.” King Abdullah and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met on Thursday at the Royal Palace in Jeddah. They discussed bilateral ties and regional issues, […]
Friday, April 28th 2023
SHABBAT READING The Courage to Admit Mistakes: Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, 5776, 5783, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — Some years ago I was visited by the then American ambassador to the Court of St James, Philip Lader. He told me of a fascinating project he and his wife had initiated in 1981. They had […]
Shimon Sherman JNS, Apr. 4, 2023 “A lot of African and Middle Eastern states are identifying with Israel because we are not encroaching on them, unlike the other powers that have been approaching them like Russia or Iran or China.” The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) and the Ethiopian government’s Institute of Foreign Affairs think […]
Eliav Belotsercovsky News 24, Apr. 20, 2023 “Innovation Africa” is one of the leading Israeli NGO’s that have for the last 15 years connected water and electricity to more than four million people all over Africa, using Israeli technology.” Recent developments regarding the observer status of Israel in the African Union are an opportunity […]
Parag Das Indian Council of World Affairs, Feb 24, 2023 “Israel has become an appealing partner partly due to the general political change in West Asia and also due to its growth over the years as a leading state in agricultural and water management technologies.” Introduction: The contours of Israel-Africa relations has witnessed new […]
Ehud Yaari The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Apr. 21, 2023 “A handful of Sudanese civilian delegations have visited Israel, but these quiet, infrequent trips are dwarfed in number by the high-ranking military delegations that have arrived on semi-secret missions to seek assistance.” When fighting broke out between rival generals in Sudan earlier […]
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