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Thursday, May 11th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Seth J. Frantzman Jerusalem Post, May 9, 2023 “Tehran must tread carefully as it considers its next steps and how it wants to make moves relating to Israel’s operation.” Operation Shield and Arrow may be the first test for Iran’s ‘unity of fronts’ project, which is designed to ring Israel with threats and cause […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, May 10th 2023
À la mémoire des victimes de la synagogue de Djerba. Djerba : Les deux victimes juives de la fusillade identifiées Times of Israel, Mai 2023 Une attaque lors du pèlerinage juif à la synagogue de la Ghriba à Djerba en Tunisie a fait quatre morts dont deux fidèles juifs la nuit dernière. Les deux autres décès sont […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
WEEKLY QUOTES “We must be ready for any scenario, including a prolonged campaign and expanding the firing ranges. It is very important that the citizens, under your leadership, be disciplined, attentive and listen to life-saving […]
Tuesday, May 9th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
BONFIRES AND SONG Understanding Lag B’Omer: The Mystical Holiday of Holy Fire: Rabbi Ari Enkin, United With Israel, May 8, 2023 — Lag B’omer marks the cessation of the plague that killed 24,000 students of beloved scholar Rabbi Akiva (50-135 AD). It might just be that this plague was the failed Bar Kochba revolt in which Rabbi Akiva’s […]
Tuesday, May 9th 2023
Jerry A. Coyne and Anna I. Krylov WSJ, Apr. 27, 2023 “… scientific research can’t and shouldn’t be conducted via a process that gives a low priority to science itself.” Until a few months ago, we’d never heard of the Journal of Controversial Ideas, a peer-reviewed publication whose aim is to promote “free inquiry on controversial topics.” […]
Bruce Thornton, FPM Israpundit, May 2, 2023 “… he was an extreme Afrocentrist, author of many books describing how Greek civilization was stolen from Africa, how Aristotle robbed the library of Alexandria, and how the true Jews are Africans like himself.” A culture-war squall occurred recently over a Netflix series about Cleopatra, who is played by […]
John J. Miller National Review, Mar. 30, 2023 “Fascism was a European nationalist mass movement of the early 20th century that wanted to overthrow the liberal system. It cannot be revived in the terms of the cultural, social, and political structures of modern Western countries. … The basic rule of thumb is that the more […]
Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness, May 7, 2023 “Yesterday’s French revolutionary became today’s counterrevolutionary—and tomorrow’s decapitated.” The decade-long French Revolution that broke out in 1789 soon devolved into far more than removing the monarchy, as it became antithetical to the earlier American precedent. American notions of liberty and freedom were seen as far too […]
Monday, May 8th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Tucker Carlson’s Fall Isn’t as Good for the Jews as the ADL Thinks: Jonathan S. Tobin, JNS, Apr. 28, 2023 Who Helped Overturn the “Pentagon Papers Principle”? The Washington Post and New York Times: Matt Taibbi, Racket News, May 6, 2023 There’s a Reason the Public Doesn’t Trust the Press: Becket Adams, National Review, May 7, 2023 Scourge or Success: How the Media […]
Matt Taibbi Racket News, May 6, 2023 “The concept theoretically represented a major shift, asking reporters to move from focusing on the what of news to why? and who from?” Last December, Michael Shellenberger reported in a #TwitterFiles thread that the Aspen Institute hosted a “Hack-and-Dump Working Group” exercise in the summer of 2020 titled, “Burisma Leak,” which predicted with uncanny […]
Becket Adams National Review, May 7, 2023 “Fellow journalists, including the Daily Beast’s Justin Baragona and former Washington Post opinion columnist Radley Balko, were quick to amplify Allyn’s false claim, racking up hundreds of combined likes and retweets.” On the last Saturday in April, before a rapt crowd of cheering journalists and B-list celebrities, President Biden declared the American press […]
Chaim Lax Algemeiner, May 3, 2023 “The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, and the European Union’s messages all celebrated the decades-long relationships they share with the Jewish state, with the US noting that it was the first country to recognize Israel, and Australia taking pride in the fact that it was one of the […]
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