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Monday, May 15th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Jonathan Turley The Hill, May 13, 2023 “The coverage this week has all the markings of a state media. The consistent spin. The almost universal lack of details. The absurd distinctions.” This week, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) tried to do the impossible. After he and his colleagues presented a labyrinth of LLC shell companies and […]
Francis Menton Manhattan Contrarian, May 12, 2023 “For those who think that the Times may be ready to give up on Biden and throw him under the bus, I don’t think they’re there yet. They are in full Praetorian Guard mode.” On Wednesday Congressman James Comer and some colleagues held their long-promised press conference […]
Matt Lewis Daily Beast, May 12, 2023 “…why would Biden family members seemingly go to such great lengths to create shell companies to confuse anyone attempting to trace the money?” While everyone was focused on the E. Jean Carroll verdict, George Santos’ indictment, and CNN’s town hall with Donald Trump this week, allegations that the Biden family profited from […]
James Bovard NY Post, May 10, 2023 “How did Biden get away with being so squirrely for so long? US money-laundering regulations are practically designed to shroud crimes by American politicians.” I know Romanian corruption. When I was exiting the country in 1987 after investigating its collapsing economy, I made sure to bribe every guard who […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, May 12th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
SHABBAT READING Family Feeling: Behar, Bechukotai, 5776, 5783: Covenant & Conversation, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — I argued in my Covenant and Conversation for parshat Kedoshim that Judaism is more than an ethnicity. It is a call to holiness. In one sense, however, there is an important ethnic dimension to Judaism. Have Religious Israeli Jews Given Up on Israel’s Secular Society? – […]
Ori Weisberg Unpacked, Apr. 25, 2023 “Everyone leaves his father’s home, everyone nearly sacrifices his child, deep within is a little Sodom that he wishes to erase already, and angels will rescue him.” Calling Israel a “Jewish State,” with nearly 75% of its population being Jewish, might suggest Israelis share a great deal in […]
Jeffrey Sacks Mosaic Magazine, Dec. 10, 2018 “[T]hough geographically the two cities [of Jaffa and Jerusalem] were only several hours apart by train, the journey between them was one between two worlds.” In 2006, a distinguished American Jewish essayist took the occasion of his 50th high-school reunion to reflect in Commentary on the decisions made a half-century […]
Friday, May 12th 2023 / Friday, May 12th 2023
David P. Goldman Tablet, May 10, 2023 “Let me offer an outrageous claim as a starting point for this discussion: Torah more than Greek hochma is the source of modern science.” Liel Leibovitz depicts poignantly the conflict between secular and religious Israelis, concluding that “soft appeals to brotherhood and shared destiny aren’t likely to resolve it.” I stand with […]
Moshe Taragin Jerusalem Post, Apr. 28, 2023 “Sadly, we are rapidly losing our common narrative.” Israeli society is currently entangled in a complex web of controversial issues. The core debate surrounds the future of Israeli democracy, judicial reform, and the issue of political checks and balances. This purely legal issue, however, has unleashed a racial […]
Thursday, May 11th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Operation Shield and Arrow May Test Iran’s ‘Unity of Front’ Plan – Analysis: Seth J. Frantzman, Jerusalem Post, May 9, 2023 Israel’s Deepening Iran Dilemma: Ilan Berman, Washington Times, May 5, 2023 Tehran ‘Already Violating’ Missile Embargo Set to Expire in October: Yaakov Lappin, JNS, May 2, 2023 China and Russia Encourage Iran to Go Nuclear: Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh, WSJ, […]
Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh WSJ, May 8, 2023 “Russia, China and Iran all want to diminish American power. They recognize that they need to help each other militarily and economically to achieve common goals.” Iran has secured great-power patronage for the first time in four decades. Tehran now possess advanced centrifuges, a growing stockpile of […]
Yaakov Lappin JNS, May 2, 2023 “… there is no political way to extend the embargo in the Security Council. Russia certainly will not support that, and neither will China. Hence, the struggle moves from the political-international frameworks to a broad political campaign in which Israel and the U.S. will have to activate a carrot-and-stick […]
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