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Monday, March 20th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Melanie Phillips Substack, Mar. 10, 2023 “… the problem is the system itself, which forces an ultimate zero-sum choice between two potential evils: overreach by judicial oligarchs or overreach by political oligarchs.” Democracy is currently being undermined in many parts of the free world. In Israel, the threat is deeper and wider than either […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, March 17th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
SHABBAT READING Colors of Holiness: Clothing the High Priest to Match the Tabernacle: Dr. Soren Lorenzen, The, Mar. 16, 2023 –YHWH gives Moses meticulous instructions to build the Tabernacle (Exod 25–31) and design clothing for Aaron and his sons—stand in figures for the high priest and regular priests—all of which feature several colors. In the […]
Matti Steinberg INSS, Feb. 22, 2023 “The strongest evidence for this is that while one generation has succeeded another, Palestinian national identity has not faltered.” The relationship between an idea and its embodiment in an institution (which later becomes the establishment) is coiled and multi-dimensional. This generalization also applies to the subject at hand – […]
Hussein Aboubakr Mansour Emet, Feb. 2, 2023 “This form of humanistic bigotry against the Palestinians came to justify their worst inclination and disregard the lives of Israeli Jews, ending up being one of the most dehumanizing positions towards Israelis and Palestinians.” The recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks, already described in the generic “cycle […]
Robert Malley Jewish Currents, Feb. 4, 2021 “Like any self-respecting Third Worldist, he had to care about Africa, Asia, and Latin America. But his first and true love was Arab, his understanding of that region was the most profound, his hopes as well as his disappointments greatest there, too.” THE ONE THING we know for […]
Oren Kessler Military History Now, Feb. 19, 2023 “The revolt to end Zionism had instead crushed the Arabs themselves, leaving them crippled in facing the Jews’ own drive for statehood a decade on. It was the closest the Palestinians would ever come to victory; they have never quite recovered.” A CERTAIN grim but familiar pattern typifies […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, March 16th 2023 / Thursday, March 16th 2023
“Israël est proche de la guerre civile”: Herzog présente un compromis pour la réforme. Citation de la semaine: Avec la mondialisation, nous sommes tous interdépendants. On disait autrefois : lorsque les États-Unis éternuent, le Mexique s’enrhume. Aujourd’hui lorsque les États-Unis éternuent, une grande partie du monde attrape la grippe, et les problèmes actuels de […]
Thursday, March 16th 2023 / Friday, December 1st 2023
Analysis: In His Parting Words, Li Keqiang Warns That’Heaven Is Watching‘: Katsuji Nakazawa, Nikkei Asia, Mar. 9, 2023 The China Speech a President Should Give: John Hillen, National Review, Feb. 16, 2023 Are We Beating China Economically?: Derek Scissors, National Review, Feb. 16, 2023 How Beijing Boxed America Out of the South China Sea: Niharika Mandhana, WSJ, Mar. 11, […]
Thursday, March 16th 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
Katsuji Nakazawa Nikkei Asia, Mar. 9, 2023 “Tian (Heaven)” is a key concept in Eastern philosophy. It exists above mere mortals, and is a place where bad deeds are frowned upon.” Shortly before China’s rubber-stamp parliament kicked off its annual session on Sunday, multiple videos of one event had gone viral. Taken with smartphones, […]
John Hillen National Review, Feb. 16, 2023 “… the best way to peacefully manage our relationship with an increasingly aggressive China is to do so from a position of renewed American strength on multiple fronts — strengths that will deter China’s militarism, deny China the economic and technological leverage over the U.S. that it intends to […]
Derek Scissors National Review, Feb. 16, 2023 “The common idea that the yuan is challenging the dollar is silly.” It’s widely accepted that the U.S. should compete economically with China, even though it sometimes still feels as if only one side is competing. What’s not settled is how to win or who is likely to do […]
Niharika Mandhana WSJ, Mar. 11, 2023 “They have such a reach now into the South China Sea with sea power and air power.” In early February, a Philippine coast guard vessel approached a small outpost in the South China Sea when it was hit by green laser beams that temporarily blinded its crew. The […]
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