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Tuesday, July 25th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Bob Goldberg Jewish Journal, Mar. 22, 2023 “The woke army successfully identified Israel as the leading cause of oppression worldwide and enshrined anti-Zionists as the core of CRT doctrine and activity.” To understand why undermining Israel is central to the woke agenda, read “The Woke Army: The Red-Green Alliance That is Destroying America’s Freedom,” a recently […]
John Lloyd Quillette, May 27, 2023 “New Right policies are substantially the same wherever they attract support—opposition to the EU, distrust of globalisation and corporations, dislike of mass and illegal immigration, support for families and local communities, aversion to the “woke” phenomenon and to cancel culture (at least when it is employed against the […]
Matt Johnson Quillette, July 27, 2023 “The religious impulse may be ineradicable, but that doesn’t mean the level of overall religious commitment in society is stable.” Remember “New Atheism”? In the mid-to-late aughts, public debates over religion suddenly expanded in scope and intensity. University auditoria, theaters, and even churches drew capacity crowds for public […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, July 24th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Bad Timing ‘Judicial Rift Parallels Tisha B’Av,’ Former US Amb. Friedman Warns: Lahav Harkov, Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2023 –– The heated debate over the government’s judicial reform plan parallels tragic events in the Jewish people’s past, former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman said on Sunday, pointing out that the fast of Tisha B’Av is this […]
Israel Kasnett JNS, July 17, 2023 “… the Supreme Court has invented new legal grounds to review the reasonableness of government actions and even to disqualify government appointments.” Israel’s Supreme Court is either under attack or undergoing necessary reform, depending on who you ask. While there is talk of shelving the larger judicial reform package […]
Michael Starr Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2023 “… when the reform acts as a trigger for all the other aspects of the government’s agenda, it’s difficult to address the actual reform debate.” The protests against the government’s judicial reform have been confusing from the beginning, with several complicated legal provisions at the crux of the debate. […]
Ruth Marks Eglash Jewish Insider, July 19, 2023 “With little to no constructive dialogue between supporters and opponents of the Netanyahu government’s designs for the judiciary, it’s difficult to identify any immediate path to ending this zero-sum game, which will continue to threaten Israel’s internal cohesion and cast the issue of America’s friendship for […]
Monday, July 24th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
Prof. Yoav Dotan Israel Hayom, July 9, 2023 “… the bill currently on the Knesset docket gives blanket exemption to all government decisions, even those made by a single minister. In fact, everything can be defined as a ministerial decision.” The proposed legislation to trim the scope of the reasonableness standard in court decisions could put […]
Friday, July 21st 2023 / Wednesday, November 1st 2023
SHABBAT READING To 120: Growing Old, Staying Young: Devarim 5776, 5783: The Rabbi Sacks Legacy –– On 27 March 2012, to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the Queen, an ancient ceremony took place at Buckingham Palace. A number of institutions presented Loyal Addresses to the Queen, thanking her for her service to the nation. […]
Friday, July 21st 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
David Wurmser Israel Hayom, July 19, 2023 “Given how dearly the Biden team held isolating Netanyahu and focusing blame for US-Israeli tensions solely on him, a visit by Netanyahu – connecting directly with the American people, being feted in Congress and filling the airwaves – could be disastrous for the US administration’s strategy.” US […]
Editorial Board WSJ, July 18, 2023 “Israel is the least racist state in the Middle East and a stark contrast to the Palestinian Authority.” On Friday these columns criticized President Biden for snubbing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, declining in gratuitous public fashion to invite him to the White House. On Monday the President had a change of […]
Caroline Glick JNS, July 19, 2023 “Even after Malley was forced out for unnamed security violations—and is allegedly the subject of an FBI investigation—U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stood by Malley and defended him in an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last weekend.” On the surface, Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s visit to the […]
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