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Monday, August 14th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
TOI staff Times of Israel, Aug. 11, 2023 “We will continue to enforce all of our sanctions. We will continue to push back resolutely against Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region and beyond. None of these efforts take away from that.” Israeli officials said a prisoner exchange deal announced Thursday between the US and […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, August 11th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
SHABBAT READING Of Lambs and Lambasting: The Message in Nathan’s Parable to David: Dr. Yael Landman, The, Aug. 3, 2023 — One spring, King David sends his soldiers to besiege the Ammonites, but he remains in Jerusalem (2 Sam 11:1).[1] While walking on his roof one afternoon, he spies Bathsheba bathing, and despite learning […]
Mark Hemingway The Federalist, Aug. 9, 2023 “‘Hey, why don’t you sell that old house and buy three or four huge mansions in Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii and Washington, D.C., and rake in hundreds of millions of dollars in sweetheart deals with big corporations while you’re vacationing on rich people’s yachts? He’d probably sock you […]
‘ Erik Spanberg The Christian Science Monitor, May 25, 2017 “The man who built his support on community outreach and taking back the country from well-heeled corporate interests would, Garrow writes, in the span of a few years go from boasting that 90% of his donations were for $100 or less to beaming alongside Beyoncé […]
Victoria Taft PJ Media, Aug. 10, 2023 “Throughout the years, Obama is alleged to have been a real-life Manchurian candidate, a member of the Down Low Club at Reverend Wright’s church, a cocaine lover, a purveyor of male prostitutes, a man placed in an arranged marriage by his church, and born in Kenya, among other […]
Cody Delistraty Longreads, May 9, 2017 “I believe Barack’s time in Springfield, essentially eight years as a state legislator, is phenomenally important and absolutely essential to understanding the sort of politician he became.” There are few subjects in contemporary history who deserve a 1,400-page biography, but Barack Obama’s ascendance to the presidency merits every […]
Thursday, August 10th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
HEZBOLLAH DARING STEPS Israel Security Briefing #7 July 2023: IDSF, Israel Defense & Security Forum— Israel’s Strategic Dilemma with Hezbollah | Jenin Operation Acclaimed as a Success | Internal Rift Threatens the IDF’s Readiness, Closely Monitored by Iran ________________________________________________________ Hezbollah Has Reasons for Its Current Pugnacity, Beyond Internal Israeli Fighting: Lazar Berman, Times of […]
GIS, July 17, 2023 “Hezbollah pays its fighters twice as much as the LAF; it is the incubator of a Shia counter-society, developing its own administration, banks, shops, medical units and military forces.” Lebanon has been looking for a successor to President Michel Aoun since his term expired in 2022. No fewer than 12 parliamentary sessions have been […]
Yaakov Lappin JNS, Aug. 2, 2023 “It is important to view the actions of Hezbollah in a wider, regional context, according to Shay. “Iran is at the core of [Hezbollah’s] regional activities, and these activities also involve Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza. Israel is not interested in a clash that turns regional. This […]
Tony Badran Tablet, Aug. 1, 2023 “As it turned out, the maritime deal did not, in fact, enhance Israel’s security, as U.S. negotiator Amos Hochstein and his echo chamber validators in the U.S. and Israeli press all claimed it would. In reality Israel’s security and deterrence has badly deteriorated on multiple fronts since the Biden administration came […]
Lazar Berman Times of Israel, Aug. 7, 2023 “They think that what is happening gives an indication of a kind of weakness inside Israel, and they are wrong. These demonstrations express the strength and cohesion of the Israeli state. They should know that the Jewish people have always been distinguished by their internal debates, but in the […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Citation de la semaine: «Il est clair que le Hezbollah s’est employé à bâtir un Etat dans l’Etat» Terje Roed-Larsen, mai 2008 (diplomate norvégien et architecte des accords d’Oslo) Table des Matières Les provocations du Hezbollah deviennent de plus en plus nombreuses EMANUEL FABIAN Times Of […]
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