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Thursday, August 17th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
J.E. Dyer The Optimistic Conservative, Aug. 15, 2023 “It’s not even about whether there are jobs. It’s not about chinning up and learning to code.” I imagine readers all know who Oliver Anthony is. A Virginia factory worker, farmer, and bluegrass singer whose song “Rich Men North of Richmond” has gone pandemic in the infosphere […]
Jennifer Graham Deseret News, Aug. 15, 2023 “You don’t have to be a fan of the movie or the song to be disappointed by this turn of events. And to be clear — there’s no proof that any of these accusations are true.” At first glance, “Rich Men North of Richmond” and “The Blind […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, August 16th 2023 / Wednesday, August 16th 2023
WEEKLY QUOTES “Do not make a mistake. We do not want a war. But we are prepared to protect our civilians, our soldiers and our sovereignty.” — Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said in a video statement to The […]
Tuesday, August 15th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
WEAPONIZATION AGAINST JEWS The DEI Threat to Jewish Students – Opinion: Adam Milstein, Jerusalem Post, May 8, 2023 — Today in America, institutions, from universities to governmental agencies and to corporate workplaces, continue to embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and associated ideologies closely linked to critical race theory (CRT). Why DEI Programs Can’t […]
Cary Nelson Jewish Journal, Aug. 8, 2023 “When you also add “slavery, patriarchy, colonialism, orientalism, homophobia, ableism, capitalism” to the mix, as Larson does, declaring all these as things your course will righteously oppose, you turn critical and political theory into hogwash.” Jasbir Puar, the well-known Rutgers University Professor of Women’s Studies, has a […]
Tammi Rossman-Benjamin Sapir Journal, Volume Ten Summer 2023 “As a practical matter, DEI programs limit their “equity” and “inclusion” efforts to certain identity groups, which rarely include Jews.” For more than a decade, Jewish students on American campuses have been targets of abusive conduct because of their support, or perceived support, for Israel. The […]
Seth Mandel Commentary Magazine, June 2023 “At George Washington University, anti-Semitic harassment is apparently now part of required course-work.” By every metric, American Jewish campus life is a shadow of what it once was. The City University of New York is losing the last two Jewish members of its 80-member senior leadership team—in the […]
Jerrod Tanny Jewish Journal, Aug. 9, 2023 “They want Zionist Jews to know their message is being received by anti-Zionist activists, politicians and the larger academic community: Israel is not kosher, there are good Jews and bad Jews, and we, the bad Jews, are tainted by the stain of Jewish supremacy; we are no better […]
Monday, August 14th 2023 / Friday, November 3rd 2023
What’s Behind the Tentative US-Iran Agreement Involving Prisoners and Frozen Funds: Jon Gambrell and Matthew Lee, AP,Aug. 12, 2023 Prisoner Deal Could Smooth Effort to Contain Iran’s Nuclear Program: Michael Crowley, Ronen Bergman and Farnaz Fassihi, NY Times, Aug. 10, 2023 US-Iran Prisoner Swap Said to Be Part of Larger Deal That Addresses Nuclear Program: […]
Jon Gambrell and Matthew Lee AP, Aug. 12, 2023 “Former Vice President Mike Pence and the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Jim Risch, as well as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have all compared the money transfer to paying a ransom and said the Biden administration is encouraging Iran to […]
Laurence Norman WSJ, Aug. 11, 2023 “…even if it does stop accumulating 60% material, Tehran has enough of the material for at least two nuclear bombs. U.S. officials said this year Iran could field a nuclear weapon within several months.” Iran has significantly slowed the pace at which it is accumulating near-weapons-grade enriched uranium […]
Michael Crowley, Ronen Bergman and Farnaz Fassihi NY Times, Aug. 10, 2023 “The Islamic Republic’s enmity toward the United States is central to its identity as a revolutionary power. It needs America as an adversary for its own internal legitimacy. It is willing to cut tactical deals on hostages and nukes when it behooves them […]
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