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Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, August 25th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
SHABBAT READING The Limits of Love: Family Edition, KI TEITSE • 5783: The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — This week’s parsha contains the law that if a man has two wives, each giving him a son, and he loves one more than the other, he is not allowed to choose which son to give the double inheritance of the […]
Daniel Goldman Jerusalem Post, Aug. 20, 2023 “In a recent survey of religious Zionist and traditional Israelis, a majority agreed that the government is actually alienating the population from its Jewish identity. While we can’t easily associate a specific policy decision or legislative proposal that has triggered this response, we do know from previous polls […]
John Podhoretz Commentary Magazine, April 2023 “This government came to power through the same process as every other government in Israel’s history. Had the situation been reversed—had rightists taken to the streets against a legitimately elected left-of-center government—everyone from Haaretz’s anti-Zionists to Danny Gordis would have been awash in outrage at the attempt to interfere with proper democratic processes.” […]
Antonio García Martínez Tablet, Aug. 23, 2023 “If we lose, then all of Israel will be like Jerusalem.” I’m jet lagged and jostled, in the back of a Maserati SUV driven maniacally by a guy named “Shay” on Israel’s Highway 1 between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Next to me, also crammed between shrink-wrapped cases […]
Rafi Demogge Mosaic Magazine, Aug. 3, 2023 “Most importantly for the question presently at issue: Jews are extremely politically polarized along self-ascribed secular vs. non-secular identities.” In my essay “The Looming War over Israel’s War of Return,” I predicted that Israel’s immigration regime would become increasingly controversial and politicized. I based this forecast on […]
Thursday, August 24th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Islamist Antisemitism in the United States: Yehudit Barsky and Ehud Rosen, INSS, Apr. 18, 2023 A Decade After Egypt’s June 30th Revolution, the Ripple Effects Still Felt Across the Middle East: Hany Ghoraba, IPT News, July 3, 2023 Naser Khader on Making Sense of Koran Burnings in Sweden and Denmark: Marilyn Stern, Middle East Forum, […]
A Hany Ghoraba IPT News, July 3, 2023 “Ultimately, [the] MB fell because it was weak and because it got too greedy too quickly without accounting for the overall situation inside the country.” Islamists’ rapid rise to power in the Middle East following the Arab Spring revolutions came to a halt following a popular revolution that swept Egypt […]
Marilyn Stern Middle East Forum, Aug. 11, 2023 (includes webinar) The Koran burnings provided a pretext for the president of NATO member Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to block Sweden’s application for membership. Naser Khader, a Middle East Forum writing fellow, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, and former member of the Dutch Parliament, spoke to […]
Yehudit Barsky and Ehud Rosen INSS, Apr. 18, 2023 “While CAIR condemned antisemitism in general following the 2021 Los Angeles restaurant attack days later a CAIR official again attempted to delegitimize the ADL—the organization that monitors antisemitism and is part of the mainstream Jewish community—claiming it has been “falsely characterizing legitimate criticism of Israel as […]
Mohshin Habib Gatestone Institute, Aug. 22, 3023 “‘When he went closer to read it, he was shocked to see a photograph of him and his younger brother Umair, alias Raja, pasted on top of the page.” The utmost violence, it seems, against the Christians in Pakistan has taken a permanent form. According to the Pakistani daily […]
Wednesday, August 23rd 2023
WEEKLY QUOTES “It is important to understand the significant change that is taking place on the ground – it is related to Iranian funding, and to the proliferation of weapons under the Iranian directive. Iran seeks every means to harm the citizens of Israel.” — Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in the wake of the attack that […]
Tuesday, August 22nd 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Fitch Affirms Israel at ‘A+’; Outlook Stable: Fitch Ratings, Aug. 14, 2023 — Rating Strengths and Weaknesses: Israel’s ‘A+’ rating balances a diversified, resilient and high value-added economy and strong external finances against a relatively high government debt/GDP ratio, ongoing security risks and a record of unstable governments that has hindered policymaking. ________________________________________________________ Fitch Makes […]
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