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Thursday, September 28th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Sonja Anderson The Smithsonian, Aug. 24, 2023 “She could be vicious. She was like an animal, a lioness … crouching, ready to kill anyone who hurt her people, very protective. … She could be tough, very, very tough. She could wither you with just a look.” Before Golda Meir accepted the nomination for prime minister […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Wednesday, September 27th 2023 / Wednesday, November 1st 2023
Ukraine, U.S., Russia (And China): Antisemites, Jews, and Means-Ends Discourse in a Global, Nuclear Age: Frederick Krantz, Isranet,Sept. 27, 2023 Canadian Speaker in House of Commons Quits After Honoring Ukrainian Who Fought for Nazis: Ian Austen, NY Times, Sept. 26, 2023 Rota Resigns So Trudeau Can Pretend Nazi Scandal Isn’t His Problem: Carson Jerema, National Post, Sept. […]
Wednesday, September 27th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Anja Karadeglija National Post, Sept. 26, 2023 “The narrative of Canadians honouring a Nazi as a hero fits into multiple Russian regime narratives that are used to try to legitimize the horrors that Russia is committing in Ukraine.” On Tuesday, a Russian embassy account posted online that Ukraine was issuing stamps with the face […]
Carson Jerema National Post, Sept. 26, 2023 “… the Liberals, who ridiculously tried to have the honouring of the Nazi soldier stricken from Parliament’s records, can’t seem to understand why anyone cares about this, especially when, in their minds, everyone knows who the real Nazis are — the Conservatives.” Canada is being mocked […]
Ian Austen NY Times, Sept. 26, 2023 “Being trained by SS officers, you can imagine the kind of political indoctrination they got,” he said. Even if their aims were for independence, Mr. Arel said the unit “fought for and were trained by Nazis. There’s no question about it.” The speaker of Canada’s House […]
Frederick Krantz “… he’s leading a relatively poor, corruption-stained country, independent only since 1991, which is nevertheless fighting for its life, with allies who, though generous, are not giving him full support for fear of antagonizing too greatly the very state that threatens his country.” Is there any political or moral alternative to the U.S.-led […]
Tuesday, September 26th 2023 / Wednesday, November 1st 2023
LESSONS LEARNED Herzog on Yom Kippur: Being Open to Change: Isaac Herzog, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 25, 2023 — The Yom Kippur War was a watershed event in Israel’s history. A moment of profound national shock and trauma, it has left deep scars that, 50 years later, continue to punctuate the landscape of our society. The […]
Tuesday, September 26th 2023 / Thursday, November 2nd 2023
Amir Oren The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune, Dec. 2022 “The sins of the Agranat Commission became gradually evident as its bias and secrets were exposed and declassified.” As Israel heads into the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War of 1973, one issue from that momentous war is still debated in Israel. Who was to […]
Edward Kunz Origins, Sept. 25, 2023 “The Nixon administration had to justify supporting Israel in the face of a global economic downturn. The OPEC nations demanded an “evenhanded” American mediation between Israel and its neighbors to end the embargo.” On October 6, 1973, the Yom Kippur War erupted in the Middle East when Anwar Sadat’s Egypt […]
Ofer Aderet Haaretz, Sept. 21, 2023 “Because of the intelligence failure, which essentially wasn’t a system-wide lapse but an individual failure by the Military Intelligence chief, the decision-makers didn’t receive the warning they expected and the IDF didn’t prepare for war in time.” A quick glance at the output of Prof. Uri Bar-Joseph reveals that […]
Herb Keinon Jerusalem Post, Sept. 23, 2023 “This was the trauma of going from such a high after the victory of 1967, to falling so low. It was the trauma of the surprise, and feeling let down by the military, in which people placed so much faith.” Israelis love to beat their chests in self-reproach, […]
Friday, September 22nd 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
SHABBAT READING Crimson to White: Yom Kippur’s Miraculous Thread: Dr. Rabbi Joshua Kulp, The, Sept. 21, 2023 — Leviticus (ch. 16) describes a Yom Kippur ritual, known as the scapegoat, in which a goat is chosen by lottery to bear Israel’s iniquities, and is then sent into the wilderness as a way of […]
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