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Tuesday, October 24th 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
Yaroslav Trafimov WSJ, Oct. 22, 2023 “The military paradox here is that, the faster Israel is forced to operate, the more it would have to use to brute force, increasing the civilian toll and the damage to Gaza’s infrastructure.” As Israel plans a ground operation in Gaza, aiming to eradicate Hamas, recent history elsewhere […]
J.E. Dyer The Optimistic Conservative, Oct. 17, 2023 “Ominously, for reportedly the first time in history, Iran raised a “black flag” over the iconic Imam Reza shrine on Tuesday, a move with potentially apocalyptic overtones given the significance of Imam Reza, or the “8th Imam,” to Shia Islam.” The signals being sent with President […]
David Schencker Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Oct. 23, 2023 “Iran appears for the time being to be inclined to preserve Hezbollah—its most important deterrent asset against a potential Israeli strike on the theocracy’s nuclear programme—rather than degrade its capabilities in the service of Hamas.” October 23 marks the 40th anniversary of Lebanese […]
John Spencer Modern War Institute, Oct. 11, 2023 “… urban warfare presents challenges that extend well beyond the tactical level. On top of these are several that will challenge Israel’s efforts at the operational and even strategic level.” Shortly after a Hamas assault that produced the deadliest day Israel has suffered in decades, Israel declared […]
David Kilcullen Foreign Affairs, Oct. 23, 2023 “Urban combat is slow, grinding, destructive, and horrendously costly in human life.” Although the details are still difficult to predict, it seems very likely that Israel will mount a land invasion of the Gaza Strip in the near future. If and when that happens, the campaign will […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, October 23rd 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
ENOUGH BLAME TO GO AROUND Canada Faults Hamas for Gaza Hospital Blast, But Trudeau and Joly Remain Oddly Quiet: Michael Higgins, National Post, Oct. 22, 2023 — Is it expecting too much to hope that our prime minister and foreign affairs minister will act in a fair, principled and impartial manner? The answer, unfortunately, appears […]
Theodore Dalrymple City Journal, Oct. 12, 2023 “… the barbarians are within the gates.” The sight of thousands of young people in London celebrating the massacres that Hamas committed in Israel unsurprisingly made many people’s blood run cold. The demonstrators rejoiced not despite the brutality of what was done but because of it. What […]
Monday, October 23rd 2023 / Wednesday, November 1st 2023
Jordan Peterson The Telegraph, Oct. 16, 2023 “This warped psychological perspective has an appeal to groups larger than just the core individuals, and in various surreal guises. How else are you to explain the staggeringly incomprehensible spectacle of, for example, ‘Queers for Palestine’ – perhaps the most egregious example of the union of the desire by ‘progressives’ […]
Simon Cottee UnHerd, Oct. 18, 2023 “… these Hamas murderers can and did think. And they had no doubt spent a lot of time wolfishly fantasising about how they would inflict maximum degradation on Jews. And they would have been able to entertain these demonic thoughts because they were raised in a culture that is […]
Boaz Munro Tablet, Oct. 19, 2023 “And I fell apart. For a few days, I felt like the country was sliding inexorably toward the unthinkable fate of 1940s Germany. After all, I thought, if people will shrug off beatings and swastikas, they’ll shrug off stabbings and shootings. And then they’ll shrug off pogroms—at least if […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Sunday, October 22nd 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
Citation de la semaine: « J’ai toujours condamné la terreur. Je dois condamner aussi le terrorisme qui s’exerce aveuglément dans les rues d’Alger. En ce moment, on lance des bombes dans les tramways d’Alger. Ma mère peut se trouver dans un de ces tramways. Si c’est cela la justice, je préfère ma mère». Albert Camus, […]
Friday, October 20th 2023 / Tuesday, October 31st 2023
SHABBAT READING Hero or Zero?: NOACH • 5767, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — Noah is one of the most tantalising figures in the Torah, and nowhere is this more evident than in the first and last glimpses we catch of him in the sedra that bears his name. The opening is full of expectation: […]
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