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Monday, November 13th 2023
A.J. Caschetta IPT News, Nov. 10, 2023 “the Rajapaksas understood how the LTTE used ceasefires in the past to resupply and plan future attacks, so they were having none of it.” There are many parallels between Sri Lanka’s decades-long fight against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelan (LTTE), more commonly known as the “Tamil […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Sunday, November 12th 2023 / Sunday, November 26th 2023
Table des Matières ____________________________________________________Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahou s’adresse aux citoyens d’Israël 8 novembre 2023Hagay Sobol. Le Hamas contre Israël, ou la volonté d’effacer définitivement la mémoire d’Auschwitz 8 novembre 2023 Tribune Juive Jean-Yves Camus : “Nazifier les juifs, c’est vouloir en faire le mal absolu”, 03/11/2023 Yves Mamou. Comment les Palestiniens ont kidnappé la Shoah Yves […]
Friday, November 10th 2023
Walter Russell Mead WSJ, Nov. 6, 2023 “Tehran hoped to disrupt the emerging anti-Iran bloc in the Middle East. The idea was that Hamas’s dramatic attacks would electrify public opinion in the region against Israel, the U.S. and the Arab rulers willing to work with them.” Most news and commentary describes the war in Gaza as […]
David Schenker Washington Institute, Oct. 23, 2023 “If the Israeli operations go well, Iran could seek to broaden the conflict. If they go badly, it may look to exploit perceived weakness. It is also possible that the leaders in Tehran choose instead to limit the conflict, preserving their proxies’ capabilities to deter Israel from attacking […]
Eldad Shavit and Sima Shine INSS Insight, No. 1776, Nov. 1, 2023 “Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi confirmed that the United States had relayed messages to Tehran and said in response that it had “received a tangible answer on the ground” and that the US “is asking us not to move while it provides broad support to […]
Noah Rothman National Review, Nov. 9, 2023 “An Israeli campaign that successfully defangs the Iran-backed Hamas would be a dramatic event likely sufficient to compel Tehran to rethink its region-wide campaign of violence.” On Wednesday night, two American F-15 fighter jets executed a strike on targets inside Syria that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said had been used by […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, November 9th 2023 / Thursday, November 9th 2023
Pro-ceasefire Liberal MPs see Trudeau’s Call For ‘Humanitarian Pauses’ As First Step To Ending Israel-Hamas Hostilities: Catherine Lévesque, National Post, Oct. 25, 2023 — Some Liberal MPs who have been calling on their government to support an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war said Wednesday that they see the “humanitarian pauses” supported by Prime Minister Justin […]
Thursday, November 9th 2023 / Wednesday, November 8th 2023
Pierre Poillievre, Leader of the Opposition, Oct. 16, 2023 “Hamas not only seeks the maximum suffering of the Israeli people; it seeks the maximum suffering of Palestinians as well. Hamas has controlled Gaza ever since Israel departed from the Gaza strip, roughly a decade and a half ago, and it has worked diligently to […]
Avi Benlolo National Post, Nov. 3, 2023 “Where are the pro-Palestinian demonstrations demanding that Hamas return the 242 Israelis and foreigners held in medieval-like conditions in Gaza? Where are the candlelight vigils and the calls to stop bombing Israeli cities and towns with crude rockets aimed at civilian populations? Where are the so-called international human rights […]
Barbara Kay National Post, Nov. 5, 2023 “As for Lyons’s curious public reticence, she may be operating under a superannuated anti-antisemitism paradigm of genteel back-channel diplomacy. This is the one where Jews (or in Lyons’s case a non-Jew who understands the way things work in Jewish communities) avoid combating antisemitism in ways that are too […]
David Bezmozgis The Globe and Mail, Nov. 3, 2023 “In the weeks since Hamas massacred some 1,400 Israelis and abducted more than 200 others into Gaza, Jews around the world, including in Canada and the United States, have come to the shocking realization that a significant number of their fellow citizens are indifferent to their pain, openly celebrate […]
Wednesday, November 8th 2023
INCREASING TIES Berkeley Law Dean ‘Stunned’ by Students Radicalized at Schools Like Berkeley: John Seller, Epoch Times, Nov. 3, 2023 — What did he expect? Erwin Chemerinsky helped radicalize three generations of law school students. Now he’s shocked! Shocked! They’re holding far-left, antisemitic protests around the country. Open Letter to the Edinburgh University Students’ Association: […]
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