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Wednesday, November 15th 2023
Yonah Jeremy Bob Jerusalem Post, Nov. 12, 2023 “… the IDF has managed to achieve a mix of new tactics, intelligence collection, speed, and distribution of intelligence, which allows air, sea, artillery, and tank forces to eliminate 150 Hamas forces in one extended battle, without a single loss, as was the case recently.” Since […]
Joe Buccino Foreign Policy, Nov. 3, 2023 “Inside the vast Hamas tunnel networks, the IDF’s Yahalom Unit, a specialized engineering force, will conduct targeted raids to gather enhanced intelligence. This intelligence will pinpoint Hamas’s leadership and command centers.” As the ground war in Gaza begins, the contours of the plan to defeat Hamas are […]
Prof. Kobi Michael Institute for Contemporary Affairs Vol. 23, No. 11, Nov. 12, 2023 “According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health reports, there are already more than 13,000 Palestinians dead. On November 5, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported 10,042 dead, and the next day, the number rose to 13,492. Did 3,000 people die in one […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Monday, November 13th 2023 / Tuesday, November 14th 2023
CALL OF OUR TIMES Full Netanyahu: Everyone in the World Is ‘Sitting on the Bleachers’: NBC News, Nov. 12, 2023 — In an interview with Meet the Press, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talks about Israel’s war with Hamas and says “It’s too early to say” who will govern Gaza after the war during an interview. Michal […]
Monday, November 13th 2023
Geoffrey P. Johnston The Whig Standard, Nov. 10, 2023 “Antisemitism is real! The threats against Canadian Jews are real! For God’s sake, take action now before someone dies.” The sound of windows being smashed by Jew-hating Nazi rioters in the Germany and Austria of 1938 is echoing in the Canada of today on the […]
Christopher F. Schuetze and Graham Bowley NY Times, Nov. 9, 2023 “When Jewish women and men are afraid to openly live their religion, their culture, their everyday lives, to exercise their fundamental right to be visible as members of our society then something is out of control.” In a moment heavy with symbolism, Germany […]
Caroline B. Glick JNS, Nov. 1, 2023 “Hamas’s boosters are not delusional. They know exactly what they are doing.” On its face, Holocaust denial makes no sense. The physical evidence of the genocide exists. The testimony of survivors and of Nazis and their collaborators exists. And they are all irrefutable. Beyond that, the Nazis were […]
Douglas Murray NY Post, Nov. 9, 2023 “Hamas didn’t allow them to live. The world must never forget this.” It is the nature of the news cycle that huge things get passed over. But what happened just over a month ago in Israel should not be passed over. The scale and catastrophe of what happened is […]
Monday, November 13th 2023 / Monday, November 13th 2023
Israel and Hamas – A Fair Fight?: Tom Copeland, Real Clear Defense, Nov. 11, 2023 Hamas – the New Uncontested Representative of the Palestinian People, Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch, Nov 12, 2023 Crossing The Lines of Integrity with a Hamas-Praising Photojournalist – Analysis: Maayan Jaffe- Hoffman A Rajapaksa Plan for the Total Destruction of Hamas: A.J. Caschetta, IPT […]
Tom Copeland Real Clear Defense, Nov. 11, 2023 “If the Palestinians as a people wish to be treated as a viable nation state, they must act like one.” I met a Hamas commander in 2010 when I visited an Israeli prison holding convicted terrorists. What he said to my group through a fellow terrorist translator captures […]
Itamar Marcus Palestinian Media Watch, Nov 12, 2023 “Tragically, Abbas and the Fatah party put themselves firmly behind Hamas and its atrocities, celebrating the massacres, and even laughing at the victims.” There are terrorists and there are terror multipliers. Hamas committed the terror atrocity when it sent more than 2,000 terrorists into Israel torturing, murdering, decapitating, raping, […]
Maayan Jaffe- Hoffman Jerusalem Post, Nov. 11, 2023 “Eslaiah posted much more than a tank on the 7th, including items that indicate that not only did he likely know about the planned massacre before it began at around 6:30 a.m., but that he supported the deaths of the innocent Israelis he watched being murdered.” CNN hired […]
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