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Wednesday, November 22nd 2023
Tom Slater Spiked, Nov. 21, 2023 “Here we see a more explicit version of the anti-Semitism which now haunts the fringes of Western left politics, where a conspiratorial conception of capitalism, combined with a monomaniacal hatred of Israel, has led to the rehabilitation of age-old anti-Semitic tropes about Jews manipulating world affairs to their benefit.” […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, November 21st 2023 / Tuesday, November 21st 2023
INCREASING TIES Public Opinion Polls Gaza Survey 7th October: Arab World for Research and Development, Nov. 14, 2023 _______________________________________________________ Do Palestinians Support Hamas? Polls Paint a Murky Picture: Mark Mellman, The Hill, Oct. 25, 2023 What Do the Palestinians Want?: Caroline B. Glick, JNS, Nov. 19, 2023 What Palestinians Really Think of Hamas: Amaney A. Jamal and Michael […]
Tuesday, November 21st 2023
Amaney A. Jamal and Michael Robbins Foreign Affairs, Oct. 25, 2023 “Overall, 73 percent of Gazans favored a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Since Hamas’ attacks on October 7 left more than 1,400 Israelis dead in a single day, Israel’s response has exacted a heavy toll on the population of Gaza. According to the Palestinian Ministry […]
Caroline B. Glick JNS, Nov. 19, 2023 “Led by the Biden administration, Western governments have uniformly insisted that Hamas does not represent the Palestinians. Most Palestinians, including those in Gaza, simply want to make peace with Israel that includes a Palestinian state, they say.” For more than a generation, the Israeli left and Western leaders […]
Mark Mellman The Hill, Oct. 25, 2023 “Given a choice among three options for “ending the occupation and building an independent state,” 21 percent prefer “negotiations,” 22 percent “peaceful popular resistance” and 52 percent select “armed conflict.” It’s frankly not the central issue, but debate has swirled around whether Gazans, and Palestinians more […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Tuesday, November 21st 2023 / Thursday, November 23rd 2023
Citation de la semaine: “La victoire revient à celui qui tient le dernier quart d’heure.” De Carl von Clausewitz / De la guerre _________________________________________________________________ Table des Matières ________________________________________________________________ Israël en guerre : Tsahal s’empare de plusieurs institutions gouvernementales du Hamas dans […]
Monday, November 20th 2023
Allen Z. Hertz Not every people has a right to full, independent statehood! The gloomy period after the “razor thin” Federalist victory in the 1995 Quebec Secession Referendum was a tough time for Canada. Although the separatists failed to win the referendum, there was international consensus that Canada’s days were probably numbered. This pessimism was […]
NO CONDEMNATION Israel Did Not Enter Gaza to Hand It Over to the Palestinian Authority, Netanyahu Says: Tovah Lazoff, Jerusalem Post, Nov. 18, 2023 — Israel has no intention of handing Gaza over to the PA once the war is over, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday night as he rebuffed US pressure to do so. WATCH: […]
Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, Oct. 21, 2023 The terror group was elected by Palestinians in Gaza precisely because it wants to destroy Israel and murder Jewish people. In his same old, same old Oval Office address on Thursday night, President Biden noted that during his just-completed trip to Israel he managed to speak […]
Gabriel Diamond The Hill, Nov. 16, 2023 “Jenin’s refugee camps now house multiple terrorist groups, including Hamas. If the Palestinian Authority cannot prevent Hamas from infiltrating its own cities in the West Bank, why would it be any different in Gaza?” The Oct. 7 terrorist massacre in southern Israel made it all too clear that Hamas must go. […]
Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, Jewish Journal, Nov. 15, 2023 Hamas’ October 7, 2023 pogrom gravely harmed the body and spirit of the people of Israel. It simultaneously severely wounded the shrinking hope for a Palestinian state. The United States’ main hope for a post-Hamas new security order is to restart the Israel-Palestinian peace program. That can’t […]
Mark Levin Blaze Media, Nov. 18, 2023 “The Obama-Biden-Blinken “realignment” is well under way, and the consequences are dire for Israel and the United States — and indeed for the entire Middle East and the world.” It is now crystal clear that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is exploiting the Iranian-backed Hamas war to destroy the […]
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