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Friday, December 1st 2023
Charlie Summers Times of Israel, Nov. 30, 2023 “As Nixon’s right-hand man, Kissinger often bore the brunt of the president’s antisemitic remarks. The president would publicly embarrass Kissinger by referring to him as his “Jew boy,” including during a meeting with Egyptian foreign minister Ismail Fahmi.” Henry Kissinger, the controversial diplomat responsible for some of the United States’ […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Thursday, November 30th 2023 / Thursday, November 30th 2023
THAT IS ANTISEMITISM! Majority Leader Schumer Delivers Major Address on Antisemitism on the Senate Floor: Senate Democrats, Nov. 29, 2023 — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today delivered a major address on antisemitism on the Senate floor. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks as prepared for delivery, which can also be viewed here: ______________________________________________________ What Were the Hamas […]
Thursday, November 30th 2023
Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness, Nov. 27, 2023 “For all the boasts about loving death, it was Hamas who cowardly murdered the unarmed, scampered back to the safety of their tunnels, and used their own kindred Gazans to shield them from death—delivered to them by supposed nerds who love life too much.” We know […]
William McGurn WSJ, Nov. 27, 2023 “… If colleges abandon their final cause, which is truth, their formal cause, which is civil discourse, soon breaks down into bullying, canceling, and extortion.” As Israel began exchanging Palestinian prisoners for Israeli moms and children, Harvard was dealing with its own ultimatum. A week ago pro-Palestinian students gave university […]
Barton Swain WSJ, Nov. 24, 2023 “Is it too simplistic to say that political leaders who don’t acknowledge any authority from above are likelier to impose their will by force? If we’re nothing more than globs of cells hurtling through a chaotic universe, why not coerce people into doing what you want them to do?” […]
Gerard Level The Washington Times, Nov. 23, 2023 “Jews are the only group in Western societies who, in spite of recurrent oppression and discrimination, are seemingly deprived of the right to be viewed as victims, even when they very clearly have incurred all of the indignities and suffering that should be more than adequate for being […]
Wednesday, November 29th 2023
Here’s How Asia Is Responding to the Israel-Hamas War: Lauren Dagan Amoss, Algemeiner, Nov. 27, 2023 How the Israel-Hamas War is Testing China’s Diplomatic Ambitions in the Middle East: Camille Lons, European Council on Foreign Relations, Nov. 3, 2023 Why China Has Not Condemned the Hamas Attack on Israel: Eisa Moradi Afrapoli and Majid Dashtgard, Stimson, Nov. 14, 2023 India’s […]
Lauren Dagan Amoss Algemeiner, Nov. 27, 2023 “Until October 11, Japan did not address Hamas actions at all and did not explicitly acknowledge Israel’s right to self-defense. Only in the past two weeks has there been a noticeable shift in this approach: Japan expressed a willingness to convey messages to Iran to prevent escalation […]
Camille Lons European Council on Foreign Relations, Nov. 3, 2023 “The current global polarisation around the Israel-Palestine issue plays into Chinese and Russian narratives of a division between the West and the global south. Engaging with China on the current crisis would help defuse this false dichotomy on which Beijing is capitalising.” The […]
Eisa Moradi Afrapoli and Majid Dashtgard Stimson, Nov. 14, 2023 “China lacks a historic role in the creation of Israel and possesses neither a powerful domestic political lobby in support of the Jewish state nor a military or security commitment to ensure Israel’s survival.” The Middle East and the world at large were shocked by […]
Kiran Sharma Nikkei Asia, Nov. 4, 2023 “While New Delhi maintains ties with the Palestinian Authority, he said its policy was becoming “more publicly balanced, and even somewhat supportive of Israel on the issue of terrorism, where there are converging concerns.”” India’s response to the war in the Middle East is proving contentious at […]
Tuesday, November 28th 2023 / Tuesday, November 28th 2023
WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE? ‘Zero Tolerance for Antisemitism’: Tens of Thousands March Against Hate in London: Agencies, Times of Israel, Nov. 26, 2023 — Tens of thousands of demonstrators, some waving Israeli and British flags, marched against antisemitism through central London on Sunday. Time to Take a Stand Against the New Jew Hatred: Tom Slater, Spiked, Nov. […]
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