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Monday, December 4th 2023
Liel Leibovitz Tablet, Nov. 14, 2023 “They cheer for #MrFAFO not despite the fact that he’s so obviously faking it but precisely because of it. His performances promise liberation from the annoyances of a fact-based reality whose contradictions are inherently troubling.” There he is, a victim of an Israeli air raid, writhing in pain in a […]
Nicole Lampert Unherd, Dec. 2, 2023 “Salman has dedicated much of his life to pushing for the controversial “right of return” of Palestinians to the land which is now Israel. He has called Israelis “ghetto-dwellers in Europe who came to take our land”, described the founding of the state of Israel as “exactly like Nazi Germany occupying […]
Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, December 1st 2023 / Saturday, December 2nd 2023
SHABBAT READING Collective Responsibility: VAYISHLACH • 5771, 5784, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy — By any standards it was a shocking episode. Jacob had settled on the outskirts of the town of Shechem, ruled by Hamor. Dina, Jacob’s daughter, goes out to see the town. Shechem, Hamor’s son, sees her, abducts and rapes her, and then falls in […]
Communiqués Isranet Daily Briefing
Friday, December 1st 2023 / Sunday, December 3rd 2023
Citation de la semaine: Je pense fermement que la prise de conscience d’une situation réelle est le premier pas vers la libération. Albert Memmi Artiste, écrivain, Essayiste, Romancier (1920 – 2020) _________________________________________________________________ Table des Matières _________________________________________________________________ Attentat à Jérusalem: quatre morts et cinq blessés i24NEWS, […]
Nial Ferguson WSJ, Nov. 29, 2023 “Kissinger’s real contribution was as a strategist and negotiator. Asked in 1976 to assess his own statesmanship, he replied: “I have tried—with what success historians will have to judge—to have an overriding concept.” He combined grand strategy with indefatigable “shuttle diplomacy” and an ability to read his foreign counterparts.” […]
Robert D. Kaplan Unherd, Nov. 30, 2023 “Kissinger continues to be hated because of Vietnam. But as strange as it may seem, Kissinger and Nixon, in withdrawing from Vietnam in the bloody manner that they did, demonstrated real character: they believed that they were serving the national interest and proving their toughness to China and the Soviet […]
Editorial The New York Sun, Nov. 30, 2023 “Kissinger was stung by the disclosure of that tape. The point he wanted to make was that only hours, as we remember it, before that conversation, Nixon and Kissinger had decided to rush arms and matériel to Israel and save the Jewish state (the moment is captured […]
Friday, December 1st 2023
Charlie Summers Times of Israel, Nov. 30, 2023 “As Nixon’s right-hand man, Kissinger often bore the brunt of the president’s antisemitic remarks. The president would publicly embarrass Kissinger by referring to him as his “Jew boy,” including during a meeting with Egyptian foreign minister Ismail Fahmi.” Henry Kissinger, the controversial diplomat responsible for some of the United States’ […]
Thursday, November 30th 2023 / Thursday, November 30th 2023
THAT IS ANTISEMITISM! Majority Leader Schumer Delivers Major Address on Antisemitism on the Senate Floor: Senate Democrats, Nov. 29, 2023 — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today delivered a major address on antisemitism on the Senate floor. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks as prepared for delivery, which can also be viewed here: ______________________________________________________ What Were the Hamas […]
Thursday, November 30th 2023
Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness, Nov. 27, 2023 “For all the boasts about loving death, it was Hamas who cowardly murdered the unarmed, scampered back to the safety of their tunnels, and used their own kindred Gazans to shield them from death—delivered to them by supposed nerds who love life too much.” We know […]
William McGurn WSJ, Nov. 27, 2023 “… If colleges abandon their final cause, which is truth, their formal cause, which is civil discourse, soon breaks down into bullying, canceling, and extortion.” As Israel began exchanging Palestinian prisoners for Israeli moms and children, Harvard was dealing with its own ultimatum. A week ago pro-Palestinian students gave university […]
Barton Swain WSJ, Nov. 24, 2023 “Is it too simplistic to say that political leaders who don’t acknowledge any authority from above are likelier to impose their will by force? If we’re nothing more than globs of cells hurtling through a chaotic universe, why not coerce people into doing what you want them to do?” […]
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