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Thatcher Remembered for Befriending UK Jews/Israel: Ron Kampeas, Jewish Press, April 10th, 2013

Law School's Honouring Jimmy Carter – an Educational Moment: Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute, April 9, 2013

Al-Dura: A Lethal Narrative That Just Won’t Die: Elihu D. Stone, Times of Israel, March 30, 2013





The Israeli ambassador and the Minister of the Diaspora asks our help in making our National Hymn, Ha Tikva the most popular video on YouTube by April 16, 2013, the 65th anniversary of Israel ’s Independence Day. Please view the Video clip, at the website listed below, and then forward it to all your contacts. The object is to place this video among the top five clips:





"On Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Canadians stand together to remember the countless innocent people, including nearly six million Jewish men, women and children who suffered and died at the hands of the Nazis during the Holocaust. As we mark the liberation of the first Nazi concentration camp in Buchenwald, Germany, let us also pay tribute to all those brave souls who fought with the Jewish resistance during this dark period, and let us renew our own commitment to continue their fight against all forms of intolerance, discrimination and anti-Semitism,” Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in a statement marking Holocaust Remembrance Day on Sunday [Mar. 31]. (Jerusalem Post, Apr. 8, 2013)


"[T]here are still organizations, near and far, that want to annihilate us because we are Jews, through the use of terror and rockets…the experience of the past teaches us that we can not let the world stay silent or sweep reality under the rug."—Moshe Ya'alon, Israel Defense Minister, speaking at the closing ceremony of Holocaust Remembrance Day at Kibbutz Yad Mordechai in the South on Sunday [Mar. 31]. (Jerusalem Post, Apr. 8, 2013)


"The murderous hatred against the Jews that has accompanied the history of our people has not disappeared, it has just been replaced with a murderous hatred of the Jewish state. What has changed since the Holocaust is our determination and our ability to defend ourselves."—Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. (Ottawa Citizen, Apr. 9, 2013)

"While children were on their way back to school from the Passover vacation two rockets landed near Sderot. Instead of rushing to classrooms, these children and their families were forced to rush to bomb shelters. The time has come for the Security Council to begin to worry for the safety of Israeli citizens as well." —Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, in a letter to the UN Security Council calling on it to condemn rocket attacks from Gaza during Passover. (Jerusalem Post, Apr. 5, 2013)


“Twenty-eight years is more than enough.”—Natan Sharansky, Jewish Agency Chairman, on the occasion of the passing of a unanimous resolution by the Jewish Agency Board of Governors, urging US President Barack Obama to grant convicted spy Jonathan Pllard immediate clemency. (Jerusalem Report, Mar. 25, 2013)


“…The Jobar synagogue, which was the largest synagogue in Damascus, was definitely in use by the Damascus Jewish community since 1948. There were religious services there until 2001 when the last of the Jewish community was rescued. The synagogue has been destroyed. There are sixteen elderly Jewish people remaining at this time in Damascus who made the decision not to leave.”—Judy Feld Carr in Toronto, in a letter to the editor of the National Post. (National Post, Apr. 5, 2013)


"One Western Wall for one Jewish people. In this way, the Kotel will once again be a symbol of unity among the Jewish people, and not one of discord and strife.”—Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, upon the announcement of his plan to create a permanent place of egalitarian worship at the southern part of the Western Wall.

   "This re-division of the plaza does not match my worldview, as I believe that there should be one site of prayer according to the place's customs, but we can live with this solution."— Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Sites of Israel, to the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot on Wednesday [Apr. 10]. (Jerusalem Post, Apr. 10, 2013)


“I do feel as if Iran has inevitably been drawing lessons from how the world is dealing with North Korea. I would imagine the lessons they’re drawing are not the ones the Western powers would like: That you can weather sanctions, and renege on previous agreements, and ultimately if you stand fast, you’ll get what you’re looking for.”—Valerie Lincy, executive director of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, a Washington-based research and advocacy group. (New York Times, Apr. 6, 2013)


“I think there [were] some opportunities in the past, but unfortunately we missed these opportunities. But now, I believe there is a good opportunity. I’m afraid it will be the last opportunity.”—Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President, in an interview with the Globe and Mail. Also, speaking of his meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, Abbas said, “Your foreign minister told me that he is pro-Israel. Why not? If he is a friend to Israel, no problem. If you are a friend to Israel and a friend to us, then you can play a role.” (Globe and Mail, Apr. 8, 2013)


“There was no security outside the church for such a large funeral. There is no such thing as Egyptians in Egypt. There are only Muslims and Christians.”—Emad Thabet, a Coptic Christian who was one of many Christians caught up in clashes between Christians and Muslims at the St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo during a funeral for other Christians killed in earlier clashes with Muslims.(Globe and Mail, Apr. 8, 2013)

“It is fair to say that Iran is prepared to take very minimal steps in regards to its nuclear program. International pressure continues and will only increase if Iran is not responsive.”—a senior American official from the State Department.
   “Iran’s current position falls far short of what is needed to achieve a diplomatic breakthrough. We look to Iran to consider carefully whether it wants to continue on its current course, and face increasing pressure and isolation from the international community.”—William Hague British Foreign Secretary in a statement.
   “This failure was predictable, “Israel has already warned that the Iranians are exploiting the talks in order to play for time while making additional progress in enriching uranium for an atomic bomb. The time has come for the world to take a more assertive stand and make it unequivocally clear to the Iranians that the negotiations games have run their course.”—Yuval Steinitz, Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs, in a statement. (New York Times, Apr. 7, 2013)


“Iran is a country with a government that was elected and that sits in the United Nations.”—John Kerry, US Secretary of State, in his first days as secretary of state. (National Review, Mar. 25, 2013.

“George Galloway is a renegade British MP who has managed the startling feat of becoming the most boorish and obnoxious man in England while belonging to a political party with ‘Respect’ in its title.  In February, Galloway visited Christ Church College at the University of Oxford, at which he was supposed to debate a third-year student on the motion ‘Israel should withdraw immediately from the West Bank.’  The event didn’t last long.  A few sentences into the opening speech, it became clear to Galloway that his opponent was an Israeli. Visibly upset, he stormed out. ‘I don’t debate with Israelis. I’ve been misled,’ he shouted while throwing on his coat. This prompted disbelieving calls of ‘Racism!’ from the crowd, but Galloway would not be moved. ‘Respect’, the party claims, stands for ‘Respect, Equality, Socialism, Peace, Environmentalism, Community and Trade Unionism.’ Perhaps the couldn’t think of an acronym that included ‘Anti-Semitism’?”—from The Week in the National Review. (National Review, Mar. 25, 2013)


“It is a great shame that Cardozo Law School will be giving an award to the former U.S. president. President Carter is a person who has exploited his standing to spread lies about the State of Israel, use every possible opportunity to defame the Middle East ‘s sole democracy, and challenge the Jewish state’s right to exist. His book promoted anti-Israel propaganda and lies, and he has even met with representatives of Hamas, a terrorist group responsible for murdering Israelis and Americans.”— Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center, commenting on the decision of Yeshiva University ‘s Cardozo School of Law to give the “International Advocate for Peace” award to President Jimmy Carter. (Jewish Press, Apr. 10, 2013)

“What is disturbing is that many Arab and Islamic human rights organizations have remained silent about the crimes committed against Muslim women throughout the Arab and Muslim world. By contrast, these organizations are often quick to denounce Westerners for "insulting" Islam by depicting the Prophet Mohammed. If anyone is really insulting Islam, it is the Muslim fundamentalists and jihadis who show no respect for Muslim girls and treat them as sex slaves.”—Khaled Abu Toameh, Palestinian journalist. (Gatestone Institute, March 31, 2013)


"We will continue with the criminal lawsuits we have opened against the Israeli soldiers and commanders, and we won't accept dropping this suit if compensation is paid.  It's not possible to heal my wounds with just an apology. Unless these soldiers are punished and the blockade is lifted…, we won't accept compensation."—Musa Cogas, a participant in the flotilla to Gaza who was wounded by Israeli gunfire on board the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara. (Yahoo News, Apr. 8, 2013)


“They have taken steps to try to prevent any sense of triumphalism. It has not come from the government. In fact, there has been limited response by the government itself and I think it’s important for everybody to take note of that.”—US Secretary of State John Kerry at a press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, following Israel’s apology to Turkey for operational errors during the flotilla to Gaza.
   “What country is he talking about? I’m afraid the State Department did not show the secretary of state the press reports from Turkey following the apology.” — an Israeli official who said, in response to Kerry’s remarks, that those reports were full of interviews and statements by both Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, [Foreign Minister Ahmet] Davutoglu and other government ministers gloating over the apology. (Jerusalem Post, Apr. 8, 2013)


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U.S. INTELLIGENCE: SYRIA’S ASSAD USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS (Washington) Intelligence officials in the West have concluded that forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad used chemical weapons in their war against rebels. The information relates to two incidents in the Damascus area on March 19. However, various intelligence agencies, first and foremost the Americans, have not concluded whether the material used was a toxic chemical or a material that paralyzes only and does not kill. A senior security official in Israel told Ha’aretz that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime is still cautious about resorting to chemical weapons although it is using every other means at its disposal, “from fuel-air bombs to Scud missiles,” which have been fired at areas under rebel control. “From Assad’s point of view, this is a war of life and death,” the senior official said. (Ha’aretz, Apr.  9, 2013)




AL QAEDA DECLARES STAKE IN SYRIAN REBELLION(Beirut) Al Qaeda's branch in Iraq said it has merged with a Syrian rebel extremist faction. The declaration reflects cross-border coordination between al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria's Jabhat al Nusra, or the al Nusra Front, a force with growing battlefield clout that has been a target of U.S. efforts to isolate rebel extremists in Syria. The two groups are already closely linked; when the U.S. designated the Syrian group as a terrorist organization in December, it described al Nusra as an alias for the Iraqi group. On Wednesday, al Nusra's leader appeared to distance himself slightly from the announcement, saying al Nusra's leadership hadn't been consulted on the move, but swore his group's allegiance to the broader al Qaeda organization and its leader Mr. Zawahiri. (Wall Street Journal, Apr. 10, 2013)


ANTI-SEMITISM WORLDWIDE UP BY 30 PERCENT IN 2012(Tel Aviv) A new report published Sunday, the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel, noted a 30% increase in anti-Semitic violence and vandalism worldwide in 2012. The report, by Tel Aviv University's Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, said the past year had seen "an alarming rise in the number of terrorist attacks and attempted attacks against Jewish targets, and an escalation in violent incidents against Jews worldwide." 686 anti-Semitic incidents took place in 2012, compared with 526 in 2011. There were 273 cases involving physical assaults against Jews, 50 involving firearms. 190 synagogues, Jewish monuments and tombstones were vandalized in 2012, as were 200 buildings in Jewish communities worldwide. France experienced the highest rise in anti-Semitic incidents. Neo-Nazi parties have become legal and hold seats in parliament in Hungary, Ukraine and Greece. (Israel Hayom, April 7, 2013 )

ARGENTINIAN JEWISH GROUPS FILE PETITION AGAINST IRAN PACT(Buenos Aires) Jewish organizations in Argentina petitioned the country's federal court to order the government to stop its joint probe with Iran of the 1994 terrorist attack on the Buenos Aires JCC. The Buenos Aires center AMIA and the national Jewish political umbrella group DAIA filed a joint petition on April 4 with the Federal Administrative Court, arguing that Argentina's Congress acted unconstitutionally in voting for the memorandum of understanding launching the probe. Argentina had signed the pact with Iran in January. Miguel Bronfman, the lawyer representing the institutions, told JTA that two additional motions seeking an injunction were filed to stop the government from further advancing its cooperation with Iran. Also on April 4, DAIA President Julio Schlosser urged state prosecutor Alberto Nisman to release a report that Schlosser said “contains irrefutable evidence against Iran.” (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, April 7, 2013)


UC RIVERSIDE STUDENT LEADERS REVOKE ISRAEL DIVESTMENT POLICY(Riverside, CA) University of California Riverside's student government has reversed itself and revoked a prior resolution that urged the UC system to divest from companies that have contracts with Israel's military. Student leaders moved to drop the divestment policy after approving it just a month ago because they came to see how it made Jewish students feel "marginalized," according to Armando Saldana, the Associated Students' executive vice president. The vote Wednesday was 10 in favor of dropping the divestment issue and two opposed. Last month, it was 11 in favor of divestment and five opposed. (Los Angeles Times, Apr. 4, 2013)


FOUR MAJOR AMERICAN JEWISH GROUPS REBUKE CARDOZO OVER CARTER AWARD(New York) On April 10, a journal from Yeshiva University’s Cardozo School of law will be honoring former President Jimmy Carter for his “human rights record.”  Four of the largest American Jewish organizations have weighed in, all expressing their disgust over the decision of a Jewish-affiliated school to give kavod (honor) to someone like Jimmy Carter. The Zionist Organization of America described Carter as having a “repellent, decades-long record as an Israel-basher and promoter of Israel’s most vicious enemies, including Hamas.” The National Council of Young Israel’s president, Farley Weiss, wrote, “Mr. Carter’s well-known animus and bias towards the State of Israel has earned him widespread condemnation from Jews and non-Jews alike, and he certainly does not deserve to have any honor bestowed upon him by an entity that has ties to the Jewish community and the Jewish State.” The Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League each publicly criticized Yeshiva University’s law school for choosing to honor and TO provide a platform to someone with such a well-documented anti-Israel history. (Jewish Press, April 10th, 2013)

GERMAN HOLOCAUST ARCHIVE SEEKS NEW LEASE ON LIFE(Bad Arolsen, Germany) Bad Arolsen contains 30 million documents on survivors of Nazi camps, Gestapo prisons, forced laborers and displaced persons. It rivals Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust center and the Washington Holocaust Memorial Museum in historical value. However, many people are not even aware it exists. Last year just 2,097 people visited Bad Arolsen compared with the 900,000 who went to Yad Vashem. Rebecca Boehling, a 57-year old historian who arrived from the United States in January, wants to change that. "We're sitting on a treasure trove of documents. We want people to know what we have. Our material can change our perspective on big topics related to the war and the Holocaust." The 25 kilometers of yellowing papers include typed lists of Jews, homosexuals and other persecuted groups, files on children born in the Nazi Lebensborn program to breed a master race, and registers of arrivals and departures from concentration camps. (Jerusalem Post, Apr. 3, 2013)

JEWS STILL PLANNING TO SUE JIMMY CARTER OVER ANTI-ISRAEL BOOK(New York)  Asserting that no individual has done more than former President Jimmy Carter to defame Israel and to challenge its right to exist, a group of readers filed a class action suit against Carter and the Simon & Schuster publishing company, back in February, 2011, alleging that Carter’s book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” contains numerous false and knowingly misleading statements intended to promote the author’s agenda of anti-Israel propaganda and to deceive the reading public instead of presenting accurate information as advertised. The five plaintiffs named in the lawsuit are seeking at least $5 million in compensation. (Jewish Press, April 10th, 2013)

JIHADIS' EXPLOITATION OF MUSLIM GIRLS(Tunis) What are the Muslim jihadis in Syria doing when they are not fighting against Bashar Assad's army? According to reports in a number of Arab media outlets, the jihadis are importing Muslim girls to satisfy their sexual needs. The sexual exploitation of girls was revealed after several Tunisian families reported that their teenage daughters had gone missing in recent months. It later transpired that the girls had been dispatched to serve to Syria on "jihad marriages." In other words, the girls had been sent to Syria to satisfy the sexual needs of the anti-Assad jihadis. The jihadis, some of whom are affiliated with Al-Qaeda, are probably not getting enough weapons from Arabs and Westerners to fight against Assad's forces. But what is evident is that they are in the meantime getting enough young girls supplied to satisfy their sexual needs. (Gatestone Institute, March 31, 2013)

JASON KENNEY SEEKS CITIZENSHIP PROBE OF PRIME SUSPECT IN PALESTINIAN EMBEZZLEMENT CASE(Vancouver) Federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says he’s ordered his department to review how a prime suspect in the alleged embezzlement of millions of dollars from the Palestinian Authority acquired Canadian citizenship. Muhammad Rashid was a former senior aide to Yasser Arafat, founding president of the Palestinian Authority, who was also head of the authority’s public investment company. The minister told reporters that he has raised the case with his department to see whether Mr. Rashid’s citizenship was properly obtained. “I don’t know whether there was any fraud in this instance, but we are looking into it,” he said. Mr. Kenney said there were some issues to be dealt with in proceeding with the review. “We’re having, quite frankly, difficulty getting the correct name and identity of this person. Suffice to say, we take fraud in our citizenship program very seriously.” (The Globe and Mail, Apr. 2, 2013)

IRAN LAUNCHES TWO URANIUM FACILITIES WHILE TALKING WITH WEST(Tehran) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated two uranium processing facilities on Tuesday at the same time as Western diplomats are trying to jawbone him into surrendering work on uranium enrichment. Marking “National Day of Nuclear Technology,” Ahmadinejad, via video, launched the production plants in the central province of Yazd. Two days earlier, European Union Policy Chief Catherine Ashton admitted that Iran and the six world powers “remain far apart” in negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program. Western diplomats stubbornly insist it is worthwhile to continue talks with Iran, with one diplomat, speaking anonymously, going so far as to state, “There is enough substance for these negotiations to continue.” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in Israel on Sunday, said negotiations cannot continue forever, but, as usual, no deadline was stated. nor is it clear what the United States would do if a deadline were not met. (Jewish Press, April 9th, 2013)

In preparing to build a new highway near Jerusalem's Kiryat Menachem neighbourhood, archaeologists have discovered an ancient treasure. An archaeological excavation conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority near a highway construction site in the Kiryat Menachem neighbourhood of Jerusalem, unearthed a rare ritual bath (mikve), dating back to the late Second Temple period. “We started [the excavation] one week before Passover and ended the day after the holiday,” said Benyamin Storchan, director of the excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority. Storchan added that while numerous ritual baths have been excavated in Jerusalem in recent years, the water-supply system his team uncovered is “unique and unusual.” (Jerusalem Post, Apr.10, 2013)


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Thatcher Remembered for Befriending UK Jews/Israel: Ron Kampeas, Jewish Press, April 10th, 2013—History will remember former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher for relentlessly facing down communism and helping to turn back more than three decades of socialist advance in her country. But it was Thatcher’s embrace of British Jews and insistent promotion of Jews in her Conservative Party that inspired an outpouring of tributes from Jewish and Israeli leaders following her death Monday at 87.


Cardozo Law School's Honoring of Jimmy Carter Provides an Educational Moment: Alan M. Dershowitz, Gatestone Institute, April 9, 2013—The ill-advised decision by a student-run journal of conflict resolution at the Cardozo Law School to honor Jimmy Carter provides a long overdue opportunity to set the record straight with regard to Carter's dishonorable history with regard to conflicts. Carter causes conflicts by encouraging terrorism, supporting some of the most tyrannical regimes in the world, and interfering with American foreign policy.


Al-Dura: A Lethal Narrative That Just Won’t Die: Elihu D. Stone, Times of Israel, March 30, 2013—The French Court of Appeals this week will render its decision in a case pitting state-owned France 2 television and one of its senior news producers, Charles Enderlin, against media critic Philippe Karsenty whom they seek to convict of criminal defamation. The legal action



Ber Lazarus
, Publications Editor
 Canadian Institute for Jewish Research
/L'institut Canadien de recherches sur le Judaïsme  Tel: (514) 486-5544 Fax: (514) 486-82843



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