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Wednesday’s “News in Review” Round-Up

Media-ocrity of the Week


Be strong, oh Gaza. Stay steadfast, oh Gaza.”—Israeli-Arab MK, Ahmed Tibi (UAL-Ta’al), after more than 250 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel last weekend, expressing solidarity with the Hamas-ruled Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu denounced Tibi’s comments as “very grave.” (Jerusalem Post, March 12.)


Weekly Quotes


Whoever intends to harm our citizens—we will strike at him.… [The] combination of three things—offensive ability, defensive ability and civic resilience—allows us to accurately and painfully strike at terrorism.”—Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, reaffirming Israel’s steadfast commitment to “strongly and decisively” defeating Palestinian terrorism. (Independent Media Review and Analysis, March 12.)


Islamic Jihad, which has fired off the majority of the scores of rockets that have hit the south in recent days, is fully supported and armed by Tehran. Islamic Jihad is a wholly owned Iranian subsidiary, so not only did the violence in the south not push Iran off the agenda, it instead thrust Iran front and centre.”—Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, condemning Iran’s material support of Gaza-based terrorists, and affirming that “The solution to the missile threat from Gaza will only come when the threat from Iran is resolved.” (AFP, March 13.)


Terrorist groups in Gaza use human shields and fire rockets from densely populated areas.”—Excerpt of an IDF Spokesman’s Office statement, confirming Gaza terrorists used local residents as cover during the latest round of violence, leading to civilian casualties in IDF strikes. (Ynet News, March 12.)


Despite the siege, the Palestinians are able to defend themselves, instil fear among millions of Israelis, disrupt their lives and send them hiding in shelters.”—Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ramadan Shallah, to a rally in Gaza City to celebrate “victory” over Israel, boasting that “One round has ended, but the war has not ended and won’t end until the liberation of Palestine and the dismantlement of the Zionist project.” (Jerusalem Post, March 13.)


Turkey will continue to stand by the Palestinians, who have been suffering injustice for years now.”—Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, describing the IDF’s operations in Gaza as a “massacre” and part of a wider campaign of “genocide” against the Palestinian people. (Jerusalem Post, March 13.)


More than 250 rockets have been fired [from Gaza into Israel] since last Friday.… Israeli civilians have less than 15 seconds to find shelter from these attacks. The lives of 1,000,000 Israeli civilians are paralyzed.… During your trip to Israel last month, you met these children and saw these areas with your own eyes. [Thereafter], you told the Security Council, ‘Rocket attacks out of Gaza against Israeli civilian areas are unacceptable and must stop immediately.’ Yet, the Security Council has uttered zero words of condemnation of these attacks. There is something wrong with this equation..…”—Excerpt of a letter written by Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, calling on the Security Council “to speak with one voice against the terrorism that continues to flow from Gaza.” No condemnation has been forthcoming. (Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website, March 13.)


At a time when a million Israeli citizens have been living in bomb shelters for four days and four nights, have not gone to school or work and anxiously await the next siren, the terrorists firing on them are getting encouragement and support not just from Iran and Hezbollah but also from the left-wing Jewish American organization J Street. The anti-Israel and anti-ethical statement of J Street should serve as a warning for Israeli politicians and left-wing activists, including members of my party, against supporting and identifying with J Street, as they have done in the past.”—Israeli MK Otniel Schneller (Kadima), sharply criticizing J Street for issuing a statement over the weekend grossly exaggerating the number of civilian casualties in Gaza. J Street has since removed reference to the alleged “dozen Palestinian civilians.” (Jerusalem Post, March 14.)


Iran is not telling us everything.… There [are] facilities which are not declared.…”—International Atomic Energy Agency chief, Yukiya Amano, in an interview with CNN, confirming that Iran has undeclared nuclear facilities, at which the IAEA believes “Iran has engaged in activities relevant to the development of nuclear explosive devices.” (Jerusalem Post, March 8.)


We are united in continuing to press the Iranian regime to come to the diplomatic forum that the P-5+1 offers.… They insist that their nuclear program is purely peaceful and if that’s the case, then openness and transparency…with the IAEA and the Security Council and the international community is essential.”—US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, reiterating the eagerness of the P-5+1—France, Germany, the UK, China, Russia, and the U.S.—to resume “serious and sincere” discussions with Iran over illicit nuclear activities. (Jerusalem Post, March 9.)


We heard two days ago that the US president said that [they] are not thinking about war with Iran. These words are good words.”—Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praising US President Barack Obama’s persistent warnings against “beating the drums of war [against Iran]”. (Jerusalem Post, March 9.)


The only time they backed away was in 2003. So the paradox is that if they actually believe that they are going to face the military option, then you probably will not need the military option.”—Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, advocating that a credible military threat is the only way to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Netanyahu highlighted the fact that the only time Iran’s nuclear progress slowed was in 2003, when the US went to war in Iraq and Iran feared a similar reprisal. (Jerusalem Post, March 8.)


More than 500 children have been killed. Some children have been killed or wounded by snipers and other state forces, including those 10-years-old or younger. Others have been arrested, tortured and sexually abused in detention.… Syrian villages, towns and cities are facing devastation, and Syria’s rich cultural heritage is imperiled. How many dead and wounded…must be carried out of Syria before we recognize that the situation in that country is an affront to the very purposes for which UNESCO was founded?”—U.S. Permanent Representative to UNESCO, David Killion, condemning the UN cultural agency’s decision to not expel Syria from its human rights committee. Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, called the move “immoral, indefensible and an insult to Syria’s victims.” (National Post, March 8.)


Russia enjoys good and strong military technical cooperation with Syria, and we see no reason today to reconsider it.”—Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov, confirming Russia will abide by existing contracts to deliver weapons to Syria despite calls from the West to stop arming President Bashar Assad’s regime. (Huffington Post, March 13.)


This week is nothing more than an unbalanced attempt to paint Israel and her supporters as racist. I call on all Canadians to reject anti-Semitism and all forms of racism, discrimination and intolerance.”—Canada’s Immigration Minister, Jason Kenney, strongly denouncing Israel Apartheid Week, and accusing its organizers of using “the cover of academic freedom to demonize and delegitimize the state of Israel.” (Montreal Gazette, March 8.)


I cried my heart out when he kept asking me if I had heard from anyone in the Prime Minister’s Office. I got all choked up and couldn’t answer. He said he thought this time it would be different.”—Esther Pollard, wife of imprisoned Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard, conveying her husband’s “hurt” over Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s inability to secure his release during last week’s meeting in Washington with US President Barack Obama. Jonathan has served more than 26 years for passing classified information to an ally during peace time, an offense that historically has garnered an average sentence of 2-4 years. (Jerusalem Post, March 8.)


The increased momentum of tourism to Israel…[comes] in spite of regional turmoil and the ongoing economic crisis in Europe.”—Israel’s Tourism Minister, Stas Misezhnikov, announcing February 2012 broke previous Israeli tourism records. 232,000 visitors arrived in Israel, of whom 200,000 were tourists, both all-time monthly highs. (Independent Media Review and Analysis, March 12.)


Short Takes


CEASE FIRE WITH GAZA TERRORISTS TAKES HOLD—(Tel Aviv) An informal cease fire between Israel and Palestinian terrorist factions reportedly mediated by Egypt has taken effect, ending the worst spate of attacks in more than three years. “There is an understanding,” Israel’s Homeland Defense Minister Matan Vilna’i said in an interview with Army Radio. “At the moment the direction is toward calm and it appears, unless there are last minute developments, that this round is now behind us.” (Wall Street Journal & Jerusalem Post, March 13.)


AZERBAIJAN ARRESTS 22 OVER TERROR PLOT AGAINST ISRAEL, US—(Jerusalem) Officials in Azerbaijan have arrested 22 people suspected of plotting terror attacks on the Israeli and US embassies in the capital Baku. “Twenty-two citizens of Azerbaijan were arrested by the national security ministry for cooperating with [Iran],” the Azeri National Security Ministry said, blaming the plots on the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The arrests mark the second time this year Azerbaijan has foiled an Iranian-sponsored terrorist plot, the first being in February. The news comes after Iranian-sponsored terror plots against Israeli interests in New Dehli, Tbilisi, and Bangkok were uncovered last month. (Jerusalem Post, March 14.)


MOSSAD WARNS TURKS OF IRANIAN PLAN TO HIT ISRAELIS—(Jerusalem) According to the Turkish daily Hurriyet, the Mossad has warned Turkey that Israel’s diplomatic missions in the country are in danger of Iranian “bomb attacks.” The report claims that Israeli intelligence officials sent a letter to their Turkish counterparts warning of a plot by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force to attack Israeli targets, and alleging that four armed suspects have already entered Turkey from Iran. Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau has issued a travel advisory cautioning Israelis against going to Turkey. (Jerusalem Post, March 8 & 13.)


US OFFERS ISRAEL WEAPONRY IN EXCHANGE FOR POSTPONING ATTACK ON IRAN—(Jerusalem) According to an anonymous Israeli official, “a request was made” during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington last week that the US provide Israel with “bunker-buster” bombs and refueling planes to improve its ability to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. In response, US President Barak Obama, who is up for re-election in November, allegedly told Netanyahu that Washington would supply the military equipment in return for assurances Israel would not attack Iran until 2013. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney denied the claims, saying “no such agreement [was] proposed or reached.” (Independent Media Review and Analysis, March 8.)


POLL: MOST AMERICANS SUPPORT US STRIKE ON IRAN—(Washington) According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, 56% of Americans would support US military action against Iran based on evidence that Tehran is building nuclear weapons. The study likewise found that 62 percent of Americans would back Israel taking military action against Iran for the same reasons. (Reuters, March 14.)


NUCLEAR AGENCY FEARS TEHRAN IS ‘CLEANSING’ SITE—(Washington) Satellite imagery taken of Iran’s Parchin military site has raised concerns that Tehran is “cleansing” the facility in anticipation of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection. The IAEA believes Iran has conducted explosive tests related to the development of nuclear weapons at Parchin, and twice last month had its request to visit the complex rejected. However, following last week’s decision by world powers to resume nuclear negotiations with Tehran, senior Iranian officials reportedly advised the IAEA that monitors would be allowed to tour the facility. Iran appears to be sanitizing the site ahead of the visit. (Wall Street Journal, March 7 & Reuters, March 13.)


ASSAD FIRMLY IN CONTROL, U.S. INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS SAY—(Washington) One year into Syria’s uprising, senior U.S. intelligence officials believe President Bashar Assad is firmly in control and increasingly willing to use force to suppress protests throughout the country. The officials confirmed that Assad’s inner circle is united and “remaining steadfast,” despite efforts by the Obama administration and its allies to use sanctions and create a wave of defections to undermine Assad. The officials also said that Assad remains “very much in charge” and that the Syrian “leadership is going to fight very hard.” The comments were the most detailed to date by U.S. analysts on the status of the uprising, which began last March. (Washington Post, March 9.)


EGYPT’S PARLIAMENT RECOGNIZES ISRAEL AS ‘ENEMY’—(Cairo) Egypt’s Islamist-dominated parliament has unanimously voted to expel Israel’s ambassador in Cairo and halt gas exports to the Jewish state. The vote was taken by a show of hands on a report by the chamber’s Arab affairs committee describing Israel as Egypt’s “number one enemy.” “Revolutionary Egypt will never be a friend, partner or ally of the Zionist entity [Israel]…and the Egyptian government is hereby called upon to review all its relations and accords with that enemy,” the document said. The vote is largely symbolic, as ultimate authority in Egypt remains, until this summer’s presidential election, with the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. (Associated Press, March 12.)


ABBAS TO DELIVER ‘MOTHER OF ALL LETTERS’ TO ISRAEL—(Jerusalem) According to Azzam al-Ahmed, a member of Fatah’s central committee, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is set to deliver the “mother of all letters” to Israel this week outlining the Palestinians’ conditions for resuming the peace process. Ahmed said the “political letter” will hold Israel responsible for the failure of the peace process because of its insistence on building in the settlements and refusal to recognize the pre-1967 lines as the basis for negotiations. The letter will also, reportedly, contain threats to dismantle the PA and end the peace process. (Jerusalem Post, March 9.)


PAKISTAN CHARGES BIN LADEN’S WIVES—(Islamabad) According to Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Pakistan has charged Osama bin Laden’s three widows with illegally entering and living in the country. The three women have been in Pakistani detention since last May, when U.S. commandos raided the Abbottabad complex where bin Laden, his wives, and several of their children were staying. Malik said the three women had been charged in court, but provided no additional details. Pakistani legal expert Hashmat Habib said the maximum punishment the women could receive was five years in jail. (Wall Street Journal, March 8.)


FRENCH PM ATTACKS RITUAL KILLING OF ANIMALS—(Paris) France’s prime minister, François Fillon, has urged Jews and Muslims to consider scrapping their respective kosher and halal slaughter laws, calling the practices “ancestral traditions.” The Prime Minister made the suggestion after French President Nicholas Sarkozy last weekend called for butchers to clearly label meat slaughtered according to religious laws. “I am astonished,” said Richard Prasquier, head of the CRIF umbrella group of French Jewish organizations. “The government has no place giving advice about religious traditions.” The attack on ritual slaughter is being viewed as part of an effort by Sarkozy and his allies to woo far-right voters ahead of France’s election in April. (Reuters, March 6.)


OIL, GAS DISCOVERED OFF TEL AVIV COASTLINE—(Jerusalem) Modiin Energy and Adira Energy Corporation have announced an oil and natural gas discovery at their offshore Gabriella and Yitzhak Licenses, 24 km northwest of Tel Aviv. Based on a 3D seismic survey, the fields together contain an estimated 232.2 million barrels of oil and 1.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. According to company officers, the discovery is “significant” and good news “for the Israeli economy, which is trying to diversify its energy sources.” Drilling at the fields should begin by the end of the year; it will take an additional five years before production commences. (Globes, March 13.)

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