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Wednesday, July 17, 2024
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Wednesday’s “News in Review” Round-Up

Media-ocrities of the Week


“[US President Barack Obama] has a very close working relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu.… Our record speaks very clearly about the president’s commitment to Israel, and he, again, I think, has maintained a very close working relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu.…”—US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, in a “damage control” White House briefing after US President Obama and French President Sarkozy were overheard ridiculing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at the G20 in Cannes. (Ynet News, November 10.)

It had all my details, my identification number, my address—Ma’ale Adumim—but the State of Israel was omitted.… I knew that the French were anti-Semitic, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if they wrote ‘Ma’ale Adumim, Palestine,’ but they chose the harsh wording of ‘Occupied Palestine.’”—French citizen and current inhabitant of Ma’ale Adumim, “Eddy,” after the French consulate in Jerusalem issued him a temporary passport listing his country of residence as “Occupied Palestinian Territory.” (Ynet News, November 9.)

The following is a letter sent by Marian Pinsky, past editor of CIJR’s student-run Magazine, Dateline: Middle East, to the Concordian [a Concordia University (Montreal) publication]:

I have been following with interest your coverage of student protests regarding accessible education and the threat of tuition increases. I do take issue, however, with the photo used in the Nov 3rd article on “Student Unions Protest In Front Of The Premier’s Office And Home.” (p. 3,

I was extremely shocked and disgusted that, of all the photo-op-worthy pictures I’m sure your staff must have taken at the various events, the one you use is of students in what appears to be a ‘Heil Hitler’ salute as they ceremoniously leave a ‘coffin’ on [Quebec Premier Jean] Charest’s lawn. As I’m sure you are aware, this salute has historical context and ramifications, and paints an ugly and misrepresentative picture of what the student tuition protests are all about. I would really expect your staff to be guided by more discretion and adhere to principles of accuracy and journalistic integrity in selecting photos, rather than using pictures that are perhaps media worthy, but worthless and misrepresentative in context.

I look forward to reading future editions with pictures that are more judiciously chosen for their content, and not sensationalized appeal.”—Marian Pinsky, November 11.


Weekly Quotes


“This is appalling. Israel should be shutting off all shipments to Gaza immediately, cutting off its electricity and gas, and destroying the Hamas infrastructure until the rockets stop. Each spot from which rockets are launched should be instantly bombed to destruction, and Israel should be letting the Gazans and the world know ahead of time that this will be done automatically, by computer, with no decision-making process and no discretion involved. After two days’ notice, and after blanketing the media with the consistent and repeated message that this will definitely happen, Israel should follow through with such response and stick to it. Then the cause of any destruction in Gaza can be pinpointed directly at those who are launching the rockets.”David M. Sherman, following the publication of CIJR’s November 15 Isranet Briefing, entitled “In The Rockets’ Red Glare, Over Ashkelon: The Road To Peace Is Through Strength, & Victory,” outlining a strong policy of deterrence to protect Israel’s civilian population from indiscriminate rocket fire emanating from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. (November 16.)


“The Palestinian bid to become the 194th member state of the United Nations has come one step closer to collapse.… There has been no formal Security Council vote as of yet [and] the United Nations Security Council’s Committee on the Admission of New Members, consisting of representatives from all fifteen Security Council member states, adopted a report on November 11th indicating that they were unable to reach a consensus concerning what recommendation to make [regarding] the Palestinian application.… It appears that the Palestinians have been unable to round up the nine supporters in the Security Council that would…force the United States to use its veto to block their application from moving forward.”—Joseph Klein, in “Palestinian Statehood Bid Deadlocked,” describing the failing Palestinian bid to obtain a unilateral declaration of independence at the UN. (FrontPage, November 14.)


This is a comprehensive document that strengthens the claims by leading countries in the world and Israel that Iran is systematically developing nuclear weapons. Any responsible government in the world needs to draw the obvious conclusions from the IAEA report.… The efforts thus far did not prevent Iran from progressing towards a bomb, and it is closer to acquiring it, sooner than what people think.”—Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, following last week’s release by the International Atomic Energy Agency of a report showing that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, calling on the international community to “stop Iran’s race to arm itself,…a race that endangers the peace of the entire world.” (Independent Media Review and Analysis, November 13 & Ynet News, November 14.)


Our enemies, particularly the Zionist regime, America and its allies, should know that any kind of threat and attack will be firmly responded to.… Our nation, the Revolutionary Guards and army…will answer attacks with strong slaps and iron fists.”—Iran’s Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warning the United States and Israel not to launch any military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad later asserted that Tehran will not pull back “even a needle’s width” from its nuclear path, despite last week’s publication of an incriminating UN report on Iran’s nuclear intentions. (Reuters, November 10.)


Iran [has] developed a very sophisticated nuclear science and technological capability, which we are quite ready to share with…friendly countries in the region. Turkey is for years trying to have a nuclear power plant but no country in the West is willing to build that for them. This is [also] true for our Arab (neighbors). We are ready to cooperate with them in this regard.… This is an avenue that we are going to open.”—Senior Iranian official, Mohammad Javad Larijani, announcing Tehran’s intent to proliferate its nuclear technology throughout the Middle East. (Jerusalem Post, November 16.)


The Anti-Defamation League’s latest national poll finds broad support for military action to prevent [a] nuclear-armed Iran. Regarding Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon, Americans support Israeli military action to prevent it by 57%-31%.… Additionally, the poll finds overwhelming opposition among Americans for the creation of a Palestinian state at the United Nations.… By 52%-28%, Americans believe that direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians ‘are the only appropriate way to create a Palestinian state’ rather than going through the U.N.… By 58%-22%, Americans believe that a Palestinian state must be preceded by a Palestinian commitment to end violence and accept Israel’s legitimacy.”—Results of the Anti-Defamation League’s latest poll, describing overwhelming American support for Israeli military intervention to curb Iran’s nuclear program, as well as widespread opposition to the Palestinians’ pursuit of a unilateral declaration of independence at the UN. (Weekly Standard, November 11.)


The Knesset House Committee should disqualify the United Arab List from the Knesset immediately, in order to prevent them from causing further harm in the future. UAL’s behavior shows how they cynically, provocatively and intentionally take advantage of Israeli democracy.”—Member of Israel’s Knesset, Ronit Tirosh (Kadima), calling for a parliamentary ban on the United Arab List (UAL), after a state comptroller report revealed that the party used NIS 5,000 in government funds to give plaques to six Gaza flotilla activists. According to Tirosh, “Arab MKs used their [parliamentary] immunity to take state funds and support our enemies. Giving trophies and plaques for terrorist activity against Israel on the flotilla is a slap in the face. This shameful phenomenon must be put to an end once and forever.” (Jerusalem Post, November 3.)


This group of protesters has a poisonous message which needs to be loudly refuted. Israel is a friend and ally to the United States. It was shocking to hear the protestors chanting anti-Israel slogans in support of the terrorist-backed intifada uprising, which has created so much misery and death in Israel.”—Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, condemning a sit-in protest at Boston’s Israeli consulate following Israel’s non-violent interception of two small boats attempting to breach the Gaza blockade. Brown’s statement included a link to a YouTube video that showed about 20 demonstrators sitting in the lobby of the consulate, shouting chants including: “Hey hey, ho ho, Israeli apartheid’s got to go”; and “Occupy the consulate, not Palestine.” (Boston Globe, November 7.)


I told the French foreign minister when he visited that I can remove every restriction on entering Gaza, as long as the French send us their Foreign Legion and not just girls with olive branches. Of course, he said no.”—Israel’s Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, following French foreign minister Alain Juppe’s request that Israel ease the blockade on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. (Jerusalem Post, November 14.)


“[The November 6] Islamic holiday…offer[ed] the Muslim Brotherhood a golden opportunity. For the first time, Egypt’s Islamist powerhouse is able to campaign openly under a new party banner [Freedom and Justice Party—Ed.], and it is using its long-standing charity networks to gain an edge over more liberal and secular candidates ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled to begin in two weeks. Across the country, the movement’s political and charitable machine [sold] discounted meat and vegetables to families who otherwise couldn’t afford the traditional rituals for Eid al-Adha, or Feast of Sacrifice. Critics call it vote buying, but the Brotherhood says social services are its historic conduit to the people.… The Brotherhood’s…campaign posters read ‘Together we’ll fight inflation.…’”—Leila Fadel, in “Muslim Brotherhood Sells Cheap Food Ahead Of Holiday And Egypt Parliament Vote,” describing the Muslim Brotherhood’s campaign strategy ahead of Egypt’s upcoming election. (Washington Post, November 5.)


Although the leaders of Iran regard Israel as a Satan to be destroyed by nuclear weapons, Israeli medicine is regarded as excellent by some Iranian doctors, including one who consulted a senior physician at Kaplan Medical Center and prevented complications that would have risked a pregnant woman’s life. Dr. Adi Weissbuch of the unit for at-risk pregnancies at the Rehovot hospital was recently contacted with urgency via e-mail by a female doctor who identified herself as “NN” from an Iranian-university hospital. She had read a comprehensive article published in an international medical journal in which Weissbuch wrote about a rare genetic complication of pregnancy and supplied his e-mail address at the bottom. Consultation was urgent, the Iranian doctor wrote, because according to Islamic law, abortion is forbidden after the 18th week of pregnancy, and her patient was already in her 16th week.… Weissbuch wrote back that on the basis of the data, there was very little chance that the woman would have a healthy baby and that delivering the baby would endanger her life.… After receiving the information, the Iranian doctor advised the woman to undergo an abortion immediately, and she did so.…”—Judy Siegel-Itzkovich, in “Iranian Woman’s Life Saved Via E-Mail Advice From Israel”, describing the saving of a pregnant Iranian woman’s life by an Israeli doctor. When asked about the Iranian regime’s genocidal anti-Israel rhetoric, Dr. Weissbuch asserted, “We are morally bound to give proper treatment and advice to whoever needs it.” (Jerusalem Post, November 7.)


Short Takes


FACING BUDGET CRUNCH, UNESCO SUSPENDS ALL SPENDING—(Jerusalem) UNESCO has announced a suspension of all spending programs until the end of the year, after the US halted payments to the cultural body for granting full membership to “Palestine.” “This deficit corresponds to the sum due from the United States for the year 2011,” UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said, adding “We will therefore have to take radical measures…[and] suspend the entirety of [UNESCO] undertakings.” The transfer of US funds to the organization was automatically frozen in accordance with a US law that bans funding to any UN body that recognizes a Palestinian state outside the context of a peace deal. Israel has also frozen its $2 million annual contribution to the organization. (Jerusalem Post, November 10.)


ABBAS TO CALL FOR FORMATION OF PALESTINIAN UNITY GOV’T—(Jerusalem) According to Palestinian Authority officials, President Mahmoud Abbas will this week formally call for the formation of a Palestinian unity government, thereby implementing a reconciliation agreement between his Fatah faction and rival Hamas. Azzam al-Ahmed, a senior Fatah official in the West Bank, revealed that Abbas’ decision was taken following a series of secret meetings in Cairo with Musa Abu Marzouk, deputy head of Hamas’ “political bureau.” Al-Ahmed also confirmed that both Abbas and exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal will shortly convene a summit, at which time Abbas is expected to propose to Mashaal holding new elections at the beginning of next year. (Jerusalem Post, November 15.)


FAYYAD TO QUIT TO FACILITATE PALESTINIAN UNITY DEAL—(Jerusalem) Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has signaled his intention to step down, in order to facilitate the actualization of a Hamas-Fatah unity agreement. According to reports, the departure of the US-educated former World Bank economist, would constitute a concession by PA President Mahmoud Abbas to his Islamist rival Hamas, which has conditioned reconciliation on “Abbas abandon[ing] his commitment to Fayyad”. Fayyad, appointed by Abbas in 2007, is largely credited with revitalizing the Palestinian economy; however, Hamas has accused him of colluding with Israel to blockade the Gaza Strip, and never recognized him. (Reuters, November 14.)


BLOODY DAY PROMPTS SLAMMING OF ASSAD—(Jerusalem) The Arab League has met with opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad, after government forces killed 69 protestors in the bloodiest day yet in the regime’s brutal eight-month crackdown. The rising violence also prompted calls for tougher measures against Damascus, with US, UN, Turkish and Saudi officials chiding the Syrian regime for openly flouting international norms. The Arab League, which voted to suspend Syria’s membership as of Wednesday, asked opposition groups to draw up their plans for a transition of power, as a prelude to an planned meeting on Syria’s future. The League has stopped short of calling for Assad’s departure or proposing any Libya-style foreign military intervention in Syria. (Jerusalem Post, November 16.)


EGYPTIANS BRISTLE AT MILITARY’S PLAN—(Cairo) A broad cross-section of Egyptian political parties have lodged strong objections to attempts by the country’s ruling military council to expand its authority over the process of drafting the country’s first post-revolutionary constitution. The complaints came after Deputy Prime Minister Ali al-Selmi asked some 500 politicians from among Egypt’s newly emerging parties to sign a proposed set of constitutional “guidelines” that Egypt’s interim military leadership would like to see included in the founding document. The proposed guidelines would grant the interim military leadership veto power over drafts of the constitution and the right to dismiss and reappoint the constituent assembly that will be charged with drafting the document. Also included are clauses keeping the military’s budget secret and giving the military’s senior leadership sole authority over the budget’s details. (Wall Street Journal, November 3.)


IRAQ FACTIONS SPAR OVER SECURITY FORCE—(Baghdad) A struggle between Iraq’s political factions is sowing divisions in the country’s security forces just weeks before the last U.S. troops depart. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a member of the majority Shiite sect, has in recent weeks accelerated measures to purge the Iraqi forces of anyone who served in the intelligence and security services of the former Sunni-led regime of Saddam Hussein. Dozens of Sunni officers have been expelled, some accused of serving in Hussein’s “repressive apparatuses” and others simply being called on for “early retirement.” At the same time, Maliki is delaying appointments to top posts that oversee the security forces, citing fears of a coup attempt. With the U.S. departure imminent, the internal division in the security services will make it harder for Iraq’s army and police to keep the peace and defend the country’s borders against a growing Iranian threat. (Wall Street Journal, November 7.)


ISLAMIC EDUCATOR IN CANADA IN HOT WATER OVER SLURS—(New York) Jewish groups have joined Christian and gay advocacy groups in condemning an Islamic teacher in Canada for making anti-Jewish and anti-gay statements. According to the Canadian Jewish News, Abdullah Hakim Quick said that Islam’s “third-holiest shrine [should be purified] from the filth of Christians and Jews,” and in a lecture said homosexuality should be punishable by death. Quick, an American who converted to Islam and received his doctorate in history from the University of Toronto, is teaching an 18-week history seminar at the school on the Islamic prophet Muhammad. (JTA, November 2.)


TUNISIA ISSUES WARRANT FOR ARAFAT’S WIDOW—(Jerusalem) Tunisian Justice Ministry spokesman Kadhem Zine al Abidine has confirmed that a warrant has been issued for Suha Arafat, widow of late PLO chairman Yasser Arafat. According to officials, the 48-year old Arafat, who had her Tunisian citizenship stripped in 2007, is wanted for questioning over a corruption scandal. The allegations go back to a 2006 business deal, involving former Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, his family and other high government officials,over the establishment of The International School of Carthagein Tunis. (Jerusalem Post & Wall Street Journal, October 31.)


PALESTINIAN STUDENT ARRESTED OVER JERUSALEM STABBING—(Jerusalem) Abed al-Rahman, a 20-year-old Palestinian from Beit Iksa, has been arrested for stabbing Israeli teenager Yehuda Ne’emad in Jerusalem’s Ramot neighborhood two weeks ago. According to Israeli officials, the suspect has admitted to perpetrating the terrorist act, and eyewitnesses have confirmed that al-Rahman perpetrated the attack without any provocation. A local resident said that many Palestinians from Beit Iksa frequent the Ramot neighborhood and “often taunt [residents] and the young women who pass by.” Ne’emad, who was rushed to the hospital in serious condition, is now stable after undergoing successful surgery. (Ynet News, November 6.)


KATSAV RAPE CONVICTION UPHELD BY ISRAEL’S SUPREME COURT—(Jerusalem) Israel’s Supreme Court has upheld the Tel Aviv District Court’s decision to convict former Israeli President Moshe Katsav on two counts of rape and other sexual offenses, along with its sentence of seven years in prison. Katsav, 65, has been given one month to put his affairs in order and is set to enter prison on Dec. 7. Katsav immigrated to Israel from Iran in 1951 and was elected president by the Knesset in 2000. He is the first Israeli president ever sentenced to prison. (JTA, November 10.)


NEWSPAPER FIREBOMBED AFTER MUHAMMAD SATIRE—(Toronto) The offices of a French satirical newspaper that published a special Arab Spring edition with the Prophet Muhammad on the cover as “guest editor” have been destroyed in a suspected firebomb attack. The attack came after the weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo was renamed Charia (Sharia) Hebdo for the occasion and featured a front-page cartoon of the Prophet saying, “100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter!” The newspaper’s website also appeared to have been hacked, with its home page replaced with a photo of the Grand Mosque in Mecca and a message reading “No god but Allah.” Islam prohibits any depiction of the Prophet’s face. (National Post, November 3.)


FILM EQUATES ABORTION TO THE HOLOCAUST—(New York) The Anti-Defamation League has condemned a film that compares abortion to the Holocaust, calling the movie “cynical and perverse” and “one of the most offensive and outrageous abuses of the memory of the Holocaust we have seen in years.” The film, “180,” which shows graphic images of dead bodies piled up at concentration camps and Jews being shot in mass graves, states that American support for abortion is tantamount to Hitler’s sanctioning of the Holocaust. The film was produced by the Living Waters organization. (JTA, November 10.)


STAR TREK’S ‘NAZI EPISODE’ AIRED IN GERMANY—(Jerusalem) An episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek, portraying characters dressed as Nazis, has aired for the first time ever on German public television. The episode was made in 1968, but due to its content, which is riddled with Nazi insignia, slogans and ideology, it was deemed inappropriate for public viewing. In the “Patterns of Force” episode, the “Enterprise” crew visit planet Ekos which is dominated by a regime modeled on the German Nazi Party. The Ekosians, who are at war with neighboring planet Zeon—whose name triggered comparisons to Zion—are obsessed with “a final solution” involving the extinction of all Zeons. (Jerusalem Post, November 7.)


ANCIENT RITUAL BATH FOUND NEAR BEIT SHEMESH—(Jerusalem) Israeli archaeologists have uncovered an ancient ritual bath near Beit Shemesh, which experts say was used during the Second Temple period approximately 2000 years ago. Pablo Betzer, the Judea district inspector for the Israel Antiquities Authority, also confirmed the discovery of underground tunnels that are believed to have been used during the Bar-Kochba revolt of 132–136 CE. (Jerusalem Post, November 2.)

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