Thursday, July 18, 2024
Thursday, July 18, 2024
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Wednesday’s “News in Review” Round-Up




Weekly Quotes

“What happened today in Cairo is a tremendous blow to peace and a great victory for terrorism. Three days ago, terrorism was dealt a resounding defeat with the elimination of Osama bin Laden. Today in Cairo it had a victory when [Palestinian Authority president] Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] embraced Hamas, an organization that condemned the American action against bin Laden and praised him.”—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, denouncing Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to reconcile with the Hamas, and calling the signing of a Palestinian “unity” deal a victory for terrorism. Previously Netanyahu had urged the Palestinian Authority to choose “peace with Israel,”and to reject Hamas because the terrorist organization “aspires to destroy the State of Israel and says so openly. It fires missiles at our cities; it fires anti-tank rockets at our children(Jerusalem Post, May 4.)


Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] and the PA must understand that it is not possible to be a partner with terrorists without being a partner to terror. The international community must not legitimize the government whose face is the face of Abu Mazen, and whose arms are the arms of Hamas, who launches missiles at citizens and stains innocents with blood. The inability of the international community to make even a declarative decision at the [United Nations] Security Council condemning Syria for the violence and murder of innocent citizens by [Syrian President Bashar] Assad’s regime, raises the question in Israel of [whether] the international community can be relied upon for its balanced and honest considerations in regards to the situation between Israel and the Palestinians.”—Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, blasting the international community for its failure to sufficiently denounce the inclusion Hamas in a Palestinian unity government, and suggesting that the international community’s moral ambiguity precludes it from acting as an honest broker in Israeli-Palestinian affairs. (Jerusalem Post, April 29.)


We must open a new strategy… We are prepared to pay any price for reconciliation.… Our plan [Hamas] does not involve negotiations with Israel or recognizing it.… Our common enemy is Israel. Israel must be fought through force.… It will be impossible for an interim government to take part in the peace process with Israel.”—Hamas prime minister Khaled Mashaal, at a ceremony in Cairo, endorsing the unity deal signed between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas, and reaffirming that Hamas will never recognize Israel’s legitimacy, nor will Hamas engage in peace talks with the Jewish State. At the same event, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas opened his speech with a moment of silence for the “martyrs.” Abbas then criticized Israel for denouncing the Palestinian unity deal, saying: “Now that we announced reconciliation and everyone accepted it, they come out with a different tone and say Abu Mazen [Abbas] has to choose between the Israelis and Hamas. We said Hamas are our brothers, our family.… Hamas is part of us.”.(Jerusalem Post, May 4.)


The Palestinian Authority has chosen an alliance with violence and extremism over the democratic values that Israel represents.”—Excerpts from a statement issued by a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers, following a meeting in Tel Aviv with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, denouncing Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’ decision to form a unity government with the Hamas terrorist organization. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the powerful Republican chairwoman of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee and a staunch defender of Israel, has undertaken to halt U.S. support for the Palestinian Authority: “U.S. taxpayer funds should not and must not be used to support those who threaten US security, our interests and our vital ally, Israel,” Ros-Lehtinen said in a statement. The United States gives an average of about $400 million per year to the Palestinian Authority. (Jerusalem Post, April 28.)


The leader himself is in good health. He was not harmed.… The attack resulted in the martyrdom of brother Seif al-Arab Gadhafi, 29 years old, and three of the leader’s grandchildren. What we have now is the law of the jungle. We think now it is clear to everyone that what is happening in Libya has nothing to do with the protection of civilians.”—Libyan government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim, confirming that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi survived a NATO airstrike on one of his compounds that killed his youngest son Saif al-Arab and three of his grandchildren. In response, NATO denied targeting members of Gadhafi’s family, and released a statement saying: “NATO continued its precision strikes against regime military installations…including striking a known command and control building in the Bab al-Azizya neighborhood.… All NATO’s targets are military in nature and have been clearly linked to the Gaddafi regime’s systematic attacks on the Libyan population. We do not target individuals.”(Ynet News, May 1.)


The Islamic nation awoke to a catastrophe: the reports of the shahid (martyr) death of the sheikh, jihad fighter Osama bin Laden, in a treacherous manner, by the gangs of the heretics and those who stray. If bin Laden had indeed died as a shahid, this would not deter the resistance fighters from the path of Jihad against injustice, oppression and occupation in the world.”—Excerpts from a statement released by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Party, lamenting the killing of Osama bin Laden as a “catastrophe,” and affirming the Islamic nation’s ability to “supply an abundance of new blood into the arteries of the resistance, and restore the glory of Islam and the flag of Allah’s oneness.” Meanwhile, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyehcalled bin Laden’s death “the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior.”A poll released this week by the U.S.-based Pew Research Center showed that support for bin Laden is higher in the Palestinian territories then anywhere else in the Muslim world. (Jerusalem Post & Wall Street Journal, May 3.)


The aim of the Muslim Brotherhood was…defined [by our founder], martyr Imam Hassan al-Banna: ‘The [goal] of the Muslim Brotherhood can be summarized [as being confined to] the formation of a new generation of believers, educated in the teachings of true Islam, working to ‘baptize’ the nation with the complete Islamic ‘coloring’ in all aspects of life… For this [reason, Al-Banna says]: ‘The Muslim Brotherhood…[must] govern according to a Quranic, Islamic platform.… If the [Brotherhood] does not find [people] that are ruling from the platform [of Islam], then they will work to seize it from the hands of any government that is not ruling by the decrees of Allah.…’ Nothing is deeper in error than some people thinking that the Muslim Brotherhood at any era of their mission has been a tool for any government, implementing any aim other than their own.…”—Excerpts from a Dar al-Hayateditorial written by senior Muslim Brotherhood [MB] member Issam al-Aryan, confirming that the Brotherhood’s religious political aim is to rule over Egypt through Islam. (Pajamas Media, May 3.)


I know what was probably the first thing to go through your mind when you heard the news that Osama bin Laden had been killed: Was his dead body handled properly according to Islamic tradition? Well, on behalf of the U.S. government, I am happy to tell you that yes, it absolutely was.… We didn’t like how Osama was responsible for murdering thousands of innocent men, women, and children, but that was just one aspect of the man. Another aspect was that he was a Muslim—and that was a good part of him that we greatly respect. Because Islam is a great religion. Really great.… Still, I know some of you are concerned about…whether [bin laden was killed] in accordance with Islamic tradition. Well, don’t worry; he absolutely was.… None of the Navy SEALs in the raid were eating a pork sandwich as they did it. And none of them had on them any depictions of Muhammad (PBUH). Also, the raid was done between prayer times—not during…! We can only hope that the last thing that went through Osama’s head was the thought, ‘Wow, these Americans killing me sure are respectful of my religious views.’”—Political humoristFrank J. Fleming, mocking U.S. president Barack Obama’s repetitive references to Islam during his nationally-televised speech to inform the public of Osama bin Laden’s death. Obama made clear that “Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader,” and that bin Laden was buried—his body dumped into the sea—in accordance with Islamic law. (Pajamas Media, May 3.)

Short Takes

ISRAEL OBSERVES 2 MINUTE SILENCE TO HONOR SHOAH VICTIMS—(Jerusalem) Sirens wailed throughout Israel at 10 a.m on Monday, as people observed a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended an official ceremony at Yad Vashem, in which he affirmed that the world had not yet learned the lessons of the Holocaust, but Israel has. This year, the central theme of Holocaust Remembrance Day was Fragments of Memory: The Faces Behind the Documents, Artifacts and Photographs, a campaign launched by Yad Vashem to collect and preserve Nazi-era documents, so that future generations may learn about the genocide of the Jewish people from first-hand sources. (Jerusalem Post, May 2.)


THOUSANDS TAKE PART IN MARCH OF THE LIVING AT AUSCHWITZ—(Jerusalem) Tens of thousands of people have taken part in the March of the Living, the annual rally held at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland honoring the six millions Jews murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Participants included Israeli President Shimon Peres, former Israeli Chief Rabbi Meir Lau, and Conference of Presidents head Malcolm Hoenlein. According to Dr. Shmuel Rosenman, who heads the March of the Living, the organization’s “goal is [to] remind Jews and non-Jews of what the Holocaust has done to the Jewish people and the entire world.” (Jerusalem Post, May 2.)


ABBAS, MASHAAL FIGHT OVER “UNITY” SPEECH—(Jerusalem) According to reports, the ceremony marking Hamas and Fatah’s reconciliation was delayed nearly two hours, due to an argument between Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas prime minister Khaled Mashaal. Arab MKs who attended the event in Cairo have confirmed that Abbas refused to allow Mashaal to sit next to him on stage. Furthermore, Abbas and Mashaal purportedly disagreed over who would give the main speech, and whether Abbas would be introduced as president of the Palestinian people or as Chairman of the Fatah Party. Hamas and Fatah have officially formed a “unity” government. (Ynet News, May 4.)


ISRAEL SUSPENDS TAX TRANSFER TO PA—(Jerusalem) Israel has suspended the transfer of tax revenue to the Palestinian Authority in response to the unity deal signed with Hamas. According to sources, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz has cancelled the latest routine handover of some NIS 300 million (approx. $88 million) in customs funds and other levies collected on behalf of the Palestinians, as stipulated in the Oslo Accords. A Treasury spokeswoman refused to confirm other reports suggesting Israeli officials would also cancel talks with Abbas aimed at updating the tax transfer mechanism between Israel and the PA, which provides it with $1 billion to $1.4 billion annually—two-thirds of its budget.(Ynet News, May 1.)


U.S. AND PAKISTAN TRY TO EASE TENSIONS—(Abbottabad, Pakistan) The Obama administration is in “damage control” mode, two days after Navy commandos killed Osama bin Laden on Pakistani soil. Facing mounting domestic backlash, the White House has reaffirmed its partnership with Pakistan, after it was discovered that Pakistani intelligence officials were not warned in advance about the U.S. military operation. Pakistan, meanwhile, hardened its position against the U.S. raid; expressing “concerns and reservations” about Washington’s decision, and stressing that “this event of unauthorized unilateral action cannot be taken as a rule.” Washington’s official embrace of Islamabad comes as leading U.S. Congressional lawmakers will review, and potentially suspend, $1.5 billion in annual assistance to Pakistan. That could happen, they say, if Pakistan’s government fails to explain how bin Laden managed to live unmolested, apparently for years, just 40 miles from Pakistan’s capital. (Wall Street Journal, May 4.)


MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD LEADER TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT—(Cairo) Supporters of Abdul Moneim Aboul Fotouh, a leading Muslim Brotherhood figure, and member of the Brotherhood Shura Council, have started a campaign to support his candidacy for the presidency of Egypt. According to a leaflet prepared by his followers, Aboul Fotouh will run for president “for the sake of our country, our people, and the young men and women who have sacrificed their children and their mothers’ happiness.” Until now, the Brotherhood repeatedly denied it would field a presidential candidate in Egypt’s upcoming election. (Independent Media Review and Analysis, April 30.)


EGYPTIAN BLOGGER IMPRISONED FOR ‘ZIONIST’ VIEWS—(Jerusalem) Egypt’s ruling military council has sentenced a well-known, pro-Israel blogger to three years in prison. Maikel Nabil Sanad was given a show trial without his lawyers present and convicted of “insulting the military establishment” and “spreading false information.” On February 4, Sanad posted a video clip to his blog pleading with Israelis to support the movement to oust Mubarak: “I’m calling for solidarity from my Israeli friends with the Egyptian revolution.…” Sanad’s supporters say his pro-Israel sentiments made him an easy target for the military. (Jerusalem Post, April 22.)


EGYPT TO PERMANENTLY OPEN RAFAH BORDER CROSSING—(Jerusalem) Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Elaraby has confirmed that the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza will open on a permanent basis within seven to ten days, in order to alleviate the “suffering of the Palestinain people.” The opening of the crossing will allow greater freedom of movement for people on both sides of the border, as well as the flow of goods in and out of Gaza. Israel fears the border opening will facilitate the smuggling of weaponry into Hamas-ruled Gaza. (Haaretz, April 28.)


AHMADINEJAD ABSENCE SPARKS RUMOURS OF POLITICAL CRISIS—(Tehran) Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been absent from the public light since April 22, fuelling talks of a political crisis in Iran. The hardline president has not been seen since his attempt to get Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi to resign was overruled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Such absence is unprecedented for Ahmadinejad, who is omnipresent in the media and is known for his near-daily public appearances and speeches. (Independent Media Review and Analysis, April 28.)

BAHRAIN EXPELS IRANIAN DIPLOMAT AS TIES WORSEN—(Jerusalem) Bahrain has declared Hujatullah Rahmani, the second secretary at the Iranian Embassy in Manama, persona non grata, and ordered the diplomat to leave the island kingdom. Ties between the two nations have worsened since Bahrain’s king declared martial law last month and allowed Saudi troops to enter the country to help contain a Shiite uprising. Opposition leaders in Bahrain have denied Iran’s role in a wave of demonstrations and sit-ins by Bahrain’s Shiite majority demanding greater political freedoms and equal rights. Bahrain’s foreign minister has confirmed that the Saudi-led force will stay indefinitely to counter perceived threats from Iran. (Independent Media Review and Analysis, April 27.)


LIBYA ARMS CIVILIANS TO FIGHT INSURGENCY—(Tarhouna, Libya) According to reports, Libyan authorities are instructing civilian volunteers, some as young as 11, in the use of automatic rifles to combat the insurgency against Col. Moammar Gadhafi. Col. Gadhafi’s government has previously been accused of distributing weapons to civilians, including children; school officials are said to be providing military training to high school students. (Wall Street Journal, April 27.)


BRITAIN REVOKES WEDDING INVITE FOR SYRIA ENVOY—(London) Britain has revoked a royal wedding invitation to the Syrian ambassador because of the violent attacks on protesters being perpetrated by the Syrian government’s security forces. More than 500 people have been killed thus far in Syria in the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad’s authoritarian regime. The Syrian Embassy in London did not immediately comment. (Wall Street Journal, April 28.)


UK GOVERNMENT FUNDING ANTI-ISRAEL NGOS—(Jerusalem) According to a study conducted by NGO Monitor, the British government funds a large number of anti-Israel, non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The study found that many recipients of British funding pursue an intensely partisan and divisive agenda, employing the rhetoric of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “war crimes” in their reports. Pro-Palestinian NGOs funded by the UK were also found to be directly involved in the boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) denounced the findings. (NGO Monitor, April 22.)


SAN FRANCISCO SET TO BAN INFANT CIRCUMCISION—(New York) A ballot initiative is underway in San Francisco, which will ask voters to prohibit the practice of circumcision. The proposed new law would make it a misdemeanor to circumcise a person before they are 18-years-old. “We don’t come at this from a religious angle,” said Lloyd Schofield, who is spearheading the initiative. “We feel this is a very harmful thing. Parents are guardians. They are not owners of children. It’s a felony to tattoo a child.” The effort is being taken seriously in light of last year’s bizarre ban in San Francisco of toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals. (NewsRealBlog, April 27.)


ISRAELIS ‘THRIVING’—(Washington) According to Gallup’s 2010 global wellbeing survey, 63% of Israelis are “thriving”—the highest score in the Middle East and 7th in the world. Gallup classifies respondents’ wellbeing as “thriving,” “struggling,” or “suffering,” according to how they rate their current and future lives on a ladder scale with steps numbered from 0 to 10. People are considered thriving if they rate their current lives a 7 or higher and their lives in five years an 8 or higher. Gallup found that amedian of 21% across 124 countries were “thriving” last year, ranging from a high of 72% in Denmark to a low of 1% in Chad. (Gallup, April 27.)

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