Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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“All Israeli occupation settlements built on the land of the State of Palestine, including the formerly evacuated Homesh settlement in the north of the West Bank, are illegal.” — Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesperson for PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, in a statement responding to the relocation of the Homesh Yeshiva to a new, permanent location in the West Bank.  (Israel National News, May 30, 2023)
“Israel, at the end of the day, if needed, will defend itself by itself. We’re ready to do that. But if Israel goes along to war, this will bring the whole region into chaos.  That will impact the whole globe. Yeah, that’s not a good solution. So we’re hoping that we’ll see a change soon.” — retired Israeli Gen. Amir Avivi on the necessity of the US stepping forward to fight the emergence of a Chinese-Russian block with Iran. (Just the News, May 27, 2023)
“The lunatic is on the grass, and nothing will coax him off. Whether it was the Mueller fiasco or the report of Obama-appointed Inspector General Michael Horowitz (which ought to have vindicated Nunes, who was instead vilified even more) or even the Twitter Files revelations about Hamilton 68 and the scores of phony “Russian bot” stories, we now know nothing punctures the national madness. It’ll be the same with this report. The lunatic is on the grass, and nothing will coax him off.” – Independent journalist Matt Taibbi on special Counsel John Durham’s report. (Racket News, May 16, 2023)
“So what will the FBI not do? Forge documents? Offer in vain $1 million to a foreign national to verify just one fact in a fake, bought dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant? Disappear cell phone data under subpoena?” – Victor Davis Hanson commenting on the Durham Report.  (American Greatness, May 21, 2023)
“The last great failing of the Trump-hate perspective is that it fails to recognize how much stronger a candidate Trump now is. No seeker of that office has been more beset by such a campaign profoundly illegal harassment and obstruction, and, unlike his earlier practice, he rarely says or puts out anything his enemies can sink their teeth into–those berating CNN for giving him their shrunken audience are really not complaining about the exposure, but that he made such good use of it. If he returns as president, he will do so with the strength that adversity alone can give. His opponents are not his peers.” – Conrad Black on the fallout following former President Trump’s appearance on CNN.  (Real Clear Politics, May 18, 2023)
 “In exercising power, as the great international-relations theorist Hans Morgenthau once noted, ‘the very act of acting destroys our moral integrity. Whoever wants to retain his moral innocence must forsake action altogether.”  — Armen Sarkissian  (WSJ, May.25, 2023)
“I come to you all from the rich soil of Yemen, raised by the humble streets of Queens. . . I chose CUNY School of Law for its articulated mission [as one of the] few legal institutions… to recognize that the law is a manifestation of White supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation and around the world. . . No one person will save the world. No single movement will liberate the masses. Those who brought the ferocity of the violence, those who carry the revolution, the people, the masses, those who brought the ferocity of the violence, those who need our protection. They will carry out this revolution.” The speaker called for “liberation” in light of] the murder of Black men like Jordan Neely by a White man on the MTA [claiming it was] dignified by politicians. The speaker then called for the graduating class to dismantle capitalism. “The joy and excitement that fills the auditorium. . . may it be the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism and Zionism around the world.”During the speech, Mohammed spoke out against the perceived injustice of the “Palestinian political prisoners like HLF in U.S. prisons.”  HLF, or the Holy Land Foundation, was a Texas-based charity that “existed to support Hamas,” a designated terror group by the U.S. State Department, according to the DOJ.  The Department of Justice convicted the defendants on material support of terrorism in 2009 after it found that “HLF intentionally hid its financial support for Hamas behind the guise of charitable donations” and “provided approximately $12.4 million in support to Hamas and its goal of creating an Islamic Palestinian state by eliminating the State of Israel through violent jihad.” —  Hannah Grossman quoting CUNY Law School graduating student and future lawyer Fatima Mousa Mohammed, who was selected by the 2023 class to speak at the May 12 CUNY Law ceremony. (At first, the law school took down the speech on YouTube– but then released it following public outcry as critics derided them for silencing a pro-Palestinian voice. CUNY Law later released a statement to Fox News Digital, which said. “[S]tudent speakers. . . offered congratulatory remarks and their own individual perspectives on advocating for social justice. As with all such commencement remarks, they reflect the voices of those individuals.”—Ed.)  (Fox News, May 29, 2023)
[Despite] the Great Dilution, before what were once called virtues became values, and the entire Western patrimony became patriarchal propaganda] many of the young remain educable, with the will to learn from their betters in the past, and their intelligence is just as strong as that of any previous generation, which is why they should still be served as thinking people with real futures, not as drones ripe for brainwashing.” — Tracy Lee Simmons in her review of John H. Garvey, The Virtues (Catholic University of America Press).  (National Review, May 11, 2023)
“[China’s People Liberation Army] continues to strengthen military training and preparations and will resolutely smash any form of Taiwanese independence secession along with attempts by outside interference, and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. . . Seeking’ independence by relying on the United States [and] military might [are a] dead end.” — Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesperson Col. Tan Kefei.  (Washington Times, May 16, 2023)
I’m saying that you’re saying that we’re running someone who is—and I am being blunt, okay, I know that—but someone who is, on some days and at some times, basically a simpleton—
UNIDENTIFIED VOICE #1: Who are you talking about?
UNIDENTIFIED VOICE #.2: I’m talking about the president of the United States. Who are you talking about?
UNIDENTIFIED VOICE #1: I’m talking about the vice-president of the United States. . . . Rob Long. (National Review, May 11, 2023)
“Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LBGTQ+ Individuals. Before travelling to Florida please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of and challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color.” — Rich Lowry.  (NY Post, May 25, 2023)
“Just 33% of Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of the economy; 31% approve of his gun policy and stand on immigration (with only 50% of Democrats approving). Overall, a low 40% approve of how Mr. Biden is doing his job, a figure which hasn’t changed markedly over the last 18 months.” — Amer Madhani and Emily Swanson.  (The Hill, May 25, 2023)
“Shopping is a Crime of Poverty, and thus not to be prosecuted. . . fare-beating [is] a proper form of social protest [so] more than one-third of the MTAs bus riders simply stroll past the Metrocard pedestal—and drivers who object get punched. . . But just as with illegal weed stores locally and border collapse nationally, the lack of even a pretense of enforcement leads directly to socially demoralizing chaos and—eventually—unliveable cities.” — Bob McManus. (NY Post, May 18, 2023)
“Border agents apprehended 1,671,266 illegal aliens during former President Donald Trump’s final 27 months in power. In Mr. Biden’s first 27 months, they encountered a breathtaking 5,249, 144 illegals—up a skin-crawling 214%. In fiscal 2020. . .69,000 Illegal migrants were detected on the “border” but got away into America’s interior. In fiscal 2022 (all Mr. Biden’s watch), “gotaways” hit 599,000—up a mind-blowing 768% versus fiscal 2020. . . Terror-list designees arrested at the “border” have exploded from three in fiscal 2020 with Mr. Trump fully in control, to 15 in fiscal 2021, 98 in fiscal 2022, and 85 through April—just halfway through fiscal 2023. . .. At this pace, Mr. Biden’s deliberate policy will vacuum 9.3 million illegal aliens into America before his current term ends.” –  Deroy Murdock.  (Washington Times, May 22, 2023)

              SHORT TAKES

TERRORIST MURDERS ISRAELI FATHER OF 2 IN SAMARIA IN DRIVE-BY SHOOTING (Hermesh) — A Palestinian terrorist shot and critically wounded an Israeli civilian near the Jewish community of Hermesh in northwestern Samaria. Meir Tamari, 32, sustained a bullet wound to the upper body and was treated at the scene before being evacuated by helicopter to hospital, Magen David Adom medics said. (WIN, May 30, 2023)
HERZOG LANDS IN AZERBAIJAN AMID UNPRECEDENTED SECURITY, IRAN ON TOP OF AGENDA (Baku) — President Isaac Herzog and his wife Michal landed in Baku, Azerbaijan, for an official two-day visit with Iran at the top of his agenda. “A friendly, close, important country, a key country. We have to remember that beyond the trade relations, and beyond the historical ties, including the historical Jewish community, Azerbaijan is a neighbor of Iran. Iran is an unstable factor in the region that constantly pursues actions against the State of Israel and against the developing alliance of peace and security in the region, and I will certainly discuss this,” he said. (WIN, May 30, 2023)
NAVAL VERSION OF ISRAEL’S IRON DOME MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM SUCCESSFULLY TESTED (Jerusalem) — The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO), under the Israeli Ministry of Defense’s Directorate of Defense Research and Development, along with the Israeli Navy and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems completed a series of multi-system and multi-tier tests using the naval version of the Iron Dome system, known as “C-Dome.” (WIN, May 30, 2023)
UN ACCUSES ISRAEL OF RECRUITING PALESTINIAN CHILD SOLDIERS(Brussels) — A draft of the UN’s Children and Armed Conflict report for 2023 accuses Israel of recruiting three Palestinian minors as human shields and combatants. A draft of the report on incidents in 2022 includes the new accusation, which the Israeli Embassy to the UN called “strange” in its official rebuttal. A final draft is expected to be published in late June or early July. “These claims are not supported by any evidence that could be examined by the Israeli authorities,” the Israeli Embassy wrote. “According to our findings, this lack of evidence is due to the fact that no such cases took place in 2022 and that the claims are false. Israel expects to see these baseless claims removed from the final report.” (Jerusalem Post, May 29, 2023)
MOSSAD AGENT KILLED IN CAPSIZED BOAT IN ITALY, SURVIVING AGENTS SPIRITED BACK TO ISRAEL ON EMERGENCY FLIGHT (Italy) — The Israeli victim of a fatal boat accident in northern Italy was a Mossad agent, Italian media revealed.. According to the Italian newspaper ‘La Repubblica,’ the deceased man was a former Mossad official, but his name was withheld due to Israeli sensitivities. According to the publication, the ill-fated boat carried a total of 23 individuals at the time that it capsized. Among them were 19 Italian and 10 Israeli intelligence officers, both active and retired. (WIN, May 30, 2023)
GROUNDBREAKING ISRAELI CANCER TREATMENT HAS 90% SUCCESS RATE(Jerusalem) — Hadassah-University Medical Center in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem has announced an “unprecedented achievement” in the treatment of multiple myeloma cancer – the second-most common hematological disease. It accounts for one-tenth of all blood cancers and 1% of all types of malignancies. The innovative treatment against the disease, which has long been considered incurable, was developed after a series of experiments carried out in the hospital’s bone-marrow transplant and immunotherapy department in recent years. (Jerusalem Post, May 30, 2023)
200,000 GATHER AS SENIOR ULTRA-ORTHODOX RABBI EDELSTEIN LAID TO REST (Bnei Brak) — About 200,000 people gathered for the funeral service for Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, one of the most senior ultra-Orthodox rabbis in Israel and the spiritual leader of the Degel HaTorah Knesset faction, who died on Tuesday morning at the age of 100. Edelstein succeeded Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky as the haredi faction’s spiritual leader after the latter’s death in March 2022. The rabbi also served as rosh yeshiva of the massive Ponovezh yeshiva in Bnei Brak, one of the leading Litvish yeshivot in Israel. (Jerusalem Post, May 30, 2023)
TREE OF LIFE SHOOTER FACING DEATH PENALTY IN PITTSBURGH FEDERAL TRIAL (Pittsburg) — The man accused of killing 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue five years ago in the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history could face the death penalty if found guilty in a federal trial that opened on Tuesday. Robert Bowers, 50, is on trial on dozens of federal charges, including 11 counts of hate crimes resulting in death, over the mass shooting that unfolded at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018. He has pleaded not guilty. (Jerusalem Post, May 30, 2023)
‘IRREVERSIBLE IMPACT’: OVER 100 ORGANIZATIONS URGE UNIVERSITIES TO REJECT ACADEMIC ASSOCIATION BDS RESOLUTION (Arlington) — Over 100 Jewish and non-Jewish organizations issued a fervent letter urging university leaders to reject a boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) resolution being proposed by the American Anthropological Association (AAA). The measure, which accuses Israel of being an apartheid regime and committing crimes against humanity, will be considered via electronic ballot from June 15-30, according to the website of Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions (AnthroBoycott). Passing the resolution would make AAA the first major academic professional association to endorse the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement since the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) did in 2022. (Algemeiner, May 30, 2023)
HOLOCAUST DRAMA ‘THE ZONE OF INTEREST’ WINS SECOND PLACE PRIZE AT CANNES FILM FESTIVAL (Cannes) — The Zone of Interest, by British Jewish director Jonathan Glazer about the family of an SS officer who was the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, won the second place award, called the Grand Prix, at the 76th Cannes Film Festival. The movie, filmed in Poland and Germany, follows the story of real-life Nazi SS officer Rudolf Höss and his wife, Hedwig, as they build a family life for themselves in a lavish two-story villa and garden right next to the camp. (Algemeiner, May 30, 2023)
ONE THIRD OF CANADIANS FINE WITH PRESCRIBING ASSISTED SUICIDE FOR HOMELESSNESS (Ottawa) — One third of Canadians are apparently fine with prescribing assisting suicide for no other reason than the fact that the patient is poor or homeless. The results were contained in a recent Research Co. poll probing just how comfortable Canadians were with the current state of the country’s MAID (medical assistance in dying) regime. Starting in March 2021, Canada became one of only a handful of countries to legalize assisted suicide even in instances where a patient does not have a terminal illness. Ever since, a Canadian can be approved for MAID simply for having a “grievous and irremediable medical condition.” Research Co. found that 73 per cent of poll respondents favoured the current regime, and only 16 per cent opposed it. Pollsters also found not-insignificant numbers of Canadians who favoured assisted suicide in cases where no medical condition of any kind was present. (National Post, May 16, 2023)
RUSSIA FIGHTS ALLEGED INCURSION FROM UKRAINE FOR SECOND DAY, REPORTS MORE DRONE ATTACKS (Moscow) — Russian troops and security forces fought for a second day Tuesday against an alleged cross-border raid that Moscow blamed on Ukrainian military saboteurs but which Kyiv portrayed as an uprising against the Kremlin by Russian partisans. Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of the Belgorod region on the Ukraine border, said forces continued to sweep the rural area around the town of Graivoron, where the alleged drone attack on Monday took place. Twelve civilians were wounded in the attack and an older woman died during the evacuation.  (Washington Times, May 23, 2023)


WATCH: Courageous Man Stands Up To Roger Water’s Antisemitism!: United With Israel, May 30, 2023 — One of the world’s most infamous Israel-haters, Roger Waters is known for his insane anti-Israel diatribes and blatant antisemitism which he regularly promotes.

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