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“… we have seen in the last year the alternative to the Likud leadership. Unfortunately, we see that there is a lack of experience in this current government. … Take, for example, what is happening with Lebanon, the shameful [maritime border] agreement that is being negotiated. Basically, we saw that Prime Minister [Yair] Lapid is surrendering to the demands of Hezbollah. And I think [interested parties in Lebanon] take advantage of the unique position that [Lapid] is inexperienced and has no knowledge of how to handle such complicated negotiations. This applies to other aspects such as the economy and domestic security as well.” — World Likud and former Israel Defense Minister Chairman Danny Danon in an interview with the CIJR’s Charles Bybelezer.  (JNS, Oct. 18, 2022)
“I felt a blow to my jaw and I immediately grabbed my wife and child and we went inside.  It is a tough feeling. To switch in a second from a festival atmosphere to one of an attack was hard to absorb.” — Yonatan Nizri, 25, describing how the gunfire from two Palestinian terrorists narrowly missed hitting him, his wife, and his infant son while sitting in the sukkah in Beit El. There were more than a dozen other people sitting in the sukkah when several bullets punched through the flimsy walls of the temporary backyard abode where they sat during the religious festival.  He said it was “a miracle” he was not more seriously injured. (Times of Israel, Oct. 16, 2022)
“In Britain, it’s diplomatic Groundhog Day all over again. Prime Minister Liz Truss has said she wants to move the British embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. … While the main representative organisation of British Jews, the Board of Deputies, has said it hopes the embassy move will happen, the foreign policy establishment, along with the usual Israel-bashing suspects and some left-wing British Jews, have all gone into meltdown. It’s as if the whole experience of the US embassy move — the ludicrously overheated response to Trump’s plan and the actual, rather wonderful aftermath — never happened. … The real reason for the objection is the foreign policy establishment’s obsessional and misguided belief that Israel isn’t entitled to claim Jerusalem as its capital at all. — British political columnist Melanie Phillips.  (Substack, Oct. 14, 2022)
“We don’t see a[n] [Iran] deal coming together anytime soon.  The door for diplomacy will always remain open.” – WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. For over a year Washington and Tehran have been communicating terms of a potential nuclear deal through the European Union as an intermediary. Details around negotiations have not been publicly released. (Israel National News, Oct. 18, 2022)
“Kyiv is well aware that such a step would mean a guaranteed escalation to World War Three. We must remember: a nuclear conflict will affect absolutely the whole world — not only Russia and the collective West, but every country on this planet. The consequences would be disastrous for all mankind.”— TASS quoted Alexander Venediktov, the deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council, as saying. Just hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin formally proclaimed the annexation of up to 18 per cent of Ukraine on Sept. 30, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced a surprise bid for fast-track membership of NATO. (National Post, Oct. 13, 2022)
“No president has done more for Israel than I have.  Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S.. U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel — before it is too late!” – former President Donald Trump tweeted on Truth Social, the social media platform that he owns. According to a poll conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute in November 2020, 70 percent of Israeli Jews preferred Trump over Biden. During a private campaign fundraiser in November 2019, in a room packed with Orthodox Jews, Trump joked that if his presidency fails he could move to Israel and easily become the next prime minister. (WIN, Oct. 18, 2022)
“… though characteristically self-congratulatory, what he [Trump] said is accurate. During his tenure, many adoring Israelis joked about wanting to elect him to the premiership. And with good reason. … Still, his political and personal foes were furious that he dared to take credit for being the best friend that Israel ever had in the White House. What really got their bilious juices flowing was his warning that “U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel, before it is too late!” … The response has been nothing short of hysterical, and not in the funny sense.” — columnist Ruthie Blum responding to the histrionics expressed by most mainstream Jewish U.S. organizations against former President Donald Trump’s tweet on Truth Social.  (JNS, Oct. 18, 2022)
“What I’m watching is a building of a real tsunami, because it goes from coast to coast.  It goes from Maine and New Hampshire and Rhode Island, Connecticut and all the way across to Washington State, Nevada and Arizona. You just see race after race where the Republicans are gaining ground, or are actually pulling ahead and moving out.” – Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, amid new polls that appear to show the GOP regaining momentum with Election Day now just roughly three weeks away.  (Just the News, Oct. 18, 2022)
“… a range of recent polling suggests that by seeking to prosecute, silence and stigmatize their political opponents as anti-democratic “extremists,” Biden and other Democrats are arousing fears among voters that it is they themselves who are acting in heavy-handed ways alien to the American democratic tradition. … in a new poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group for the Association of Mature American Citizens … 51%, said they “believe the Biden administration has crossed an important ethical line in pursuing political opponents.” Even more staggering, 74% of Hispanic voters answered “Yes” when asked if the administration has gone too far.” – political columnist Aaron Kliegman.  (Just the News, Oct. 16, 2022)
“In [2021] we had 1.7 million illegal immigrants enter the country illegally, a record. Immigration and Customs Enforcement removed about 59,000. . .of which almost a half that number were removed in the last three months of the Trump administration.  This year we should expect over 2.3 million illegal entries. . . That will be almost 4 million illegal crossings in Mr. Biden’s first two years, and removals are still dismal. That is not because ICE doesn’t want to do their job, but because the Biden administration, including Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, will not let them do it.” – former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  (Washington Times, Oct. 13, 2022)
“The truth is, that far from being ‘strong as hell’, the US economy is in a very precarious place and could easily tip into recession. . . As the [NY] Post revealed in a devastating investigation into 401(k) retirement accounts, the average American has lost $34, the past year, or 25% of their savings. That’s the cold, hard, brutal truth about the impact of Bidenflation. So put your halo away, Mr. President. . . .” – British journalist Piers Morgan(Sky News, Oct. 18, 2022)
“My regret is that editor’s note. My mistake there was trying to mollify people.”  — ex-editorial page editor James Bennet in an interview with former New York Times columnist Ben Smith’s new publication Semafor.  He spoke out about the controversy that led to his leaving the Times, saying he was treated like an “incompetent fascist” by his colleagues for having published an op-ed by Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.). He then accused publisher A. G. Sulzberger of having blown “the opportunity to make clear that the New York Times doesn’t exist just to tell progressives how progressives should view reality. That was a huge mistake and a missed opportunity for him to show real strength. … They want to have the applause and the welcome of the left.  And now there’s the problem on top of that that they’ve signed up so many new subscribers in the last few years and the expectation of those subscribers is that the Times will be Mother Jones on steroids.”  (National Review, Oct. 18, 2022)


POLLS SHOW ISRAELI ELECTION IN DEAD HEAT AS FAR-RIGHT EATS INTO NETANYAHU VOTE (Jerusalem) — Two weeks before Israelis head to vote for the fifth time in less than four years, opinion polls released predict that the right-wing bloc led by former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu would garner 59-60 seats in the Knesset – just shy of a majority. According to Channel 12 News, if the elections were held today, Likud would receive enough votes for 30 Knesset seats and Yesh Atid would hold 25 seats. Additionally, Religious Zionism would receive 14 seats and the new National Unity Party 12 seats. The ultra-Orthodox Shas party would enter the new Knesset with eight seats, Labor and Meretz would each receive five, the largely Arab Hadash-Ta’al slate and the United Arab List will each receive four seats. (Haaretz, Oct. 18, 2022)
UKRAINE TO FORMALLY ASK ISRAEL FOR AIR DEFENSE SYSTEMS (Kyiv) — Ukraine will formally ask Israel to supply it with air defense systems as Kyiv’s top diplomat called on his government to cut ties with Iran over its supply of weapons to Russia. The request will be made to Jerusalem amid ongoing Russian aerial bombardments in Ukraine and revelations that Tehran is providing Moscow with suicide drones and other arms. (JNS, Oct. 18, 2022)
ISRAELI ARMS SHIPMENTS TO UKRAINE WILL ‘DESTROY’ TIES WITH RUSSIA, WARNS FORMER RUSSIAN PRESIDENT (Moscow) — Dmitry Medvedev, who served as president of Russia from 2008 to 2012, and Prime Minister from 2012 to 2020, took to Telegram a day after Israeli Diaspora Minister Nachman Shai called for military aid to Kyiv.  He warned against any Israeli weapon sales to Ukraine, saying any transfer of military equipment would “destroy” relations between Jerusalem and Moscow. Medvedev then went on to compare weapons sales to Ukraine with support for World War II-era Ukrainian nationalists who collaborated with the Nazis. (WIN, Oct. 18, 2022)
AUSTRALIA REVERSES DECISION TO RECOGNISE WEST JERUSALEM AS ISRAELI CAPITAL (Canberra) — Australia has reversed a decision made four years ago to recognise West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Foreign Minister Penny Wong said the 2018 move had undermined peace and “put Australia out of step with the majority of the international community”. She stressed that Australia remained a “steadfast friend” to Israel. Its embassy will stay in Tel Aviv. Israel’s government called the U-turn short-sighted and deeply disappointing, and summoned the Australian ambassador. (BBC, Oct. 18, 2022)
PA STEPS UP PRESSURE ON GUNMEN TO AVOID IDF OPERATION IN NABLUS(Ramallah) — The Palestinian Authority is making a big effort to prevent a major IDF operation against gunmen belonging to the Lions’ Den militia in Nablus.  A Palestinian official, who asked not to be identified, said that the PA has informed Israel and other parties that it has stepped up pressure on the gunmen to lay down their weapons and hand themselves over to the Palestinian security forces. The official expressed fear that an IDF operation against the Lions’ Den gunmen would cause further deterioration of the situation not only in Nablus, but in other parts of the West Bank. (Jerusalem Post, Oct. 15, 2022)
HITLER-LOVING PALESTINIAN JOURNALIST HANDED PRESTIGIOUS AWARD, INVITED ON REUTERS PANEL (Ramallah) — Shatha Hammad has repeatedly joked about Adolf Hitler, lavished praise on Palestinian terrorists who have murdered innocent Jews, and denied that Israel has any right to exist. Despite this profoundly disturbing social media history, Hammad was recently handed a prestigious journalism award and cash prize by the Kurt Schork Memorial Fund (KSMF), which is supported by the charitable arm of global wire service Reuters. (WIN, Oct. 17, 2022)
MALAYSIAN POLICE ARREST ALLEGED MOSSAD RING AFTER HAMAS ‘ASSET’ KIDNAPPED (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) — Malaysian police say they rescued a Palestinian man captured by a group of locals who had been engaged by the Mossad. A group of men, the alleged kidnappers, shackled and in single file, were paraded before the cameras as authorities brought them to the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate’s Court on Oct. 14. They stand accused of kidnapping a Palestinian on behalf of the Mossad because the latter believes him to be an asset of Hamas’ “armed wing,” the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. (JNS, Oct. 18, 2022)
ARGENTINA ASKS QATAR TO ARREST HIGH-RANKING IRANIAN OFFICIAL(Buenos Aires). Special prosecutors petitioned Argentina’s foreign ministry, requesting that all applicable diplomatic levers be employed against Mohsen Rezai, Iran’s vice president for economic affairs.  They cited an outstanding Interpol red notice and newspaper clippings revealing his visit to Qatar. Rezai is wanted by Argentine prosecutors for alleged involvement in planning the July 18, 1994, terrorist attack on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association, which killed 85 people and injured 330.The ministry authorized the special prosecutor’s request after confirming Rezai’s presence in the Gulf country. (JNS, Oct. 18, 2022)
JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER IN PARIS THREATENED WITH BEHEADING(Paris) — French police are investigating a blood-curdling antisemitic death threat mailed to a history teacher at a public school in the suburbs of Paris. The unnamed teacher, who is in his 30s, is now living with police protection at his home in Evry, a satellite town of 50,000 people on the southern border of the French capital. (WIN, Oct. 16, 2022)
RUSSIA LAUNCHES ‘KAMIKAZE’ DRONE ATTACK ON KYIV, KILLING 4 AND HITTING CIVILIAN INFRASTRUCTURE (Kyiv) —  Ukrainian officials said at least four people were killed when Russia launched a barrage of Iranian-made “kamikaze” drone attacks in Kyiv on Monday, setting off warning sirens across the capital. The Ukrainian Air Force destroyed 37 Iranian-made kamikaze drones and three cruise missiles in the south and east of the country. Ukraine Interior Minister Denys Monastyrskyi said that security forces were able to shoot down 36 of 42 drones that Russia launched, around 30 of the drones targeted Kyiv.  (CNN, Oct. 17, 2022)
EU THREATENS ANNIHILATION OF RUSSIAN ARMY IF PUTIN USES NUCLEAR BOMB (Brussels) — The European Union’s foreign affairs chief warned Russia that any use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine would result in the complete destruction of the Russian army. EU High Representative Josep Borrell spoke at a diplomatic academy in Brussels, pushing back on recent comments made by Russian President Vladimir Putin hinting at the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons in the ongoing war with Ukraine. (WIN, Oct. 14, 2022)
IRAN: PROTESTERS REMOVE HEAD OF STATUE OF LATE LEADER AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI (Tehran) — Iranian protesters decapitated a statue of former Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini in northeastern Iran, as widespread anti-government demonstrations continue following the death in custody of Mahsa Amini.  The unidentified protesters were then filmed running away while cheers and shouts were heard among the crowd. (The New Arab, Oct. 15, 2022)
MAIN TRUMP-RUSSIA DOSSIER SOURCE ACQUITTED OF LYING TO FBI(Washington) — Igor Danchenko, a primary contributor to the Trump-Russia dossier, has been acquitted of lying to the FBI regarding his sources for some claims in the document. After nearly ten hours of deliberation, the jury declared the source, an analyst who compiled the bulk of the dossier drafted by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele and which alleged collusion between former president Trump’s 2016 campaign and Moscow, not guilty on all charges. Special counsel John Durham originally charged the Russian national with five counts of lying to the intelligence agency but one was tossed out Friday. (National Review, Oct. 18, 2022)


WATCH: Netanyahu Reacts to Kanye West’s Antisemitic ‘Stupidities’:  WIN, Oct. 18, 2022 — Appearing on Bill Maher’s show Real Time, Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu shared his thoughts on the controversy over Kanye West’s antisemitic statements.
Moral of the Durham Trials: Jurors Won’t Convict Sources if the FBI Wanted their Bait:  John Solomon, Just the News, Oct. 18, 2022 — Special Counsel John Durham made a calculated decision to transform his only criminal trials — of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann and Steele dossier source Igor Danchenko — into forums for telling the story of the FBI’s pursuit of the unsubstantiated Russia collusion narrative.

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