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L'institut Canadien de Recherches sur le Judaisme

Isranet Daily Briefing


Yaroslav Hunka - Wikipedia
Yaroslav Hunka - Wikipedia

Ukraine, U.S., Russia (And China): Antisemites, Jews, and Means-Ends Discourse in a Global, Nuclear Age Frederick Krantz, Isranet,Sept. 27, 2023
Canadian Speaker in House of Commons Quits After Honoring Ukrainian Who Fought for Nazis: Ian Austen, NY Times, Sept. 26, 2023
Rota Resigns So Trudeau Can Pretend Nazi Scandal Isn’t His Problem: Carson Jerema, National Post, Sept. 26, 2023
Parliament’s Nazi Scandal a ‘Top Headline Story’ For Russian Propaganda News Anja Karadeglija, National Post, Sept. 26, 2023

WATCH:  ‘The PM is Responsible’: Poilievre on Nazi Veteran Invite at House of Commons:  CTV News, YouTube, Sept. 25, 2023 — CPC Leader Poilievre blamed PM Trudeau for presence of a Nazi veteran in the House of Commons, saying his office was responsible.
Nazi Military Veteran Honoured in Canadian Parliament During Ukrainian President’s Visit: Matthew Horwood, Epoch Times, Sept. 24, 2023 — MPs gave a standing ovation to a former member of the Waffen SS, a Nazi division accused of war crimes during World War II, during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to Parliament in Ottawa on Sept. 22.
Here’s How a Man Who Fought tor the Nazis Got Honoured in the House of Commons  Alex Ballingall, Toronto Sun, Sept. 25, 2023 — Anthony Rota, the Speaker of The House of Commons, has been unequivocal that the blame for the spectacle of a packed Canadian Parliament applauding a man who fought for the Nazis in the Second World War should fall on him and him alone.
Poland Seeks Extradition of WWII Nazi Honored In Canada Zvika Klein, Jerusalem Post, Sept. 26, 2023 — Poland’s Education Minister, Przemysław Czarnek, has initiated efforts to extradite Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian Canadian, who was recently honored in the Canadian Parliament for his service during World War II. The controversy arose when it was revealed that Hunka had served in the Nazi SS Galizien formation during the war.

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